Thailand & Pattaya News, from Fabulous 103fm (27 June 2022)

1 year ago

Despite the lifting of legal requirements to wear masks everywhere in public throughout Thailand, any survey shows that most Thais and indeed many non-Thais continue, happily, to wear them. With a considerable number of businesses, down to convenience stores, still requiring customers to wear them, as they legally can, it's likely that the voluntary wearing will continue for some while. Covid-19, of course, now almost ignored, is still a highly transmittable disease although recent variants are only similar to flu in their symptoms. In all Thai schools, wearing a mask is a requirement for pupils, except during sport. Travellers arriving here though are finding the arrivals process almost as it was prior to covid AND with airports far from running at max, it's a good time to travel without queues.

A Thai man who used his work and home computers to lure teenagers into online friendships, persuading them to shed their clothes and even create videos, has been released by a criminal court on just 50K baht bail pending a full trial. Police, who opposed bail, stated that the Pathum thani man was a danger to the public AND that 20 school children have already made police reports on his activities that saw one young girl commit suicide as a result of his demands and threats of publicing her photos on social media.

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