Using Markovnikov's Rule to Predict the Product of the Acid Catalyzed Addition of Water to an Alkene

2 years ago

In this video I will discuss the mechanism and Markovnikov Addition of water to an alkene. This mechanism and video will illustrate Markovnikov's rule. In the first step of this mechanism the alkene acting as a base will hydronium and protonate it forming a carbocation. In the case of an asymmetrical alkene the carbocation could form on the most of the least substituted carbon. From our knowledge of carbocation stability we already know that the carbocation will form on the most substituted carbon. At the point water will attack the carbocation forming the protonated alcohol. Water will then deprotonate the alcohol reforming hydronium and creating the alcohol. This mechanism is acid catalyzed.

Failing organic chemistry? You do not have to fail Organic Chemistry!

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