The crucial aspect of boundaries and boundary settings

2 years ago

What are boundaries? What are their roles? How can we perceive where they start and where our needs begin? What is at stake when boundaries are being intruded on? How do others react to boundary setting? Are you being asked to be in your sacrifice programming or your people-pleasing alters?

The system generally discourage your boundary settings, if you are real and spirited as it's a very efficient way to break contracts and agreements in your 3D daytime realities. The MK Ultra projects have a huge impact on how we are able to set boundaries in our realities. We generally have made a great deal of progress from our earlier years. Low self-esteem, also engineered by the projects, is encouraged by repetitive boundary crossing. Handlers tend to make you feel guilt for setting boundaries. It's part of the engineering. Gangstalking is an excellent training ground to practice different kinds of boundary settings. The mind wiping drugs also are there to discourage us remembering why it is so important to practice good boundary setting in our lives.

Developing strong, fierce, tenacious and firm boundaries is crucial in this game. It's important to trust oneself even when we can not entirely explain straight ahead why we need to set a boundary.

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