The Most Ambitious Deathbattle Ever (Maybe)! Sauron VS The Lich King Analysis | LOTR VS WOW.

1 year ago

LET GO, BABY! I am excited. There are a lot of characters that Deathbattle has brought back into the pop culture spotlight or has introduced to people who would have never known about them otherwise. However, never before have they attempted to take on a task as massive as bringing in a character from Lord of the Rings or World of Warcraft. Despite having massive fanbases and telling stories that sprawl over decades, they are not quite as popular in the VS community as you might expect, and for a good reason. These two franchises are absolutely massive, nearly impossible to accurately represent them and their power. Of any character that has ever been in Deathbattle, these two are the ones that need to be done right, simply because of what they stand for.

The respect that I have for Deathbattle for even attempting a massive feat like this has grown a lot and will grow even more if they do it right. However, even then there are a lot of things that need to be addressed and information given. What is the minimum time they must have spent researching? What can does Sauron do? What does the ring do? How high can Sauron scale? How risky is this? Unfortunately I don't know much about the Lich King so I will not talk much about him as I do not want to misrepresent him. So, with that said, lets get into this.

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