Why I Won't Buy a Steam Deck, Analogue Pocket, or G Cloud

1 year ago

In this episode, we discuss Why I Won't Be Buying a Steam Deck, Analogue Pocket, or G Cloud, but they still might be right for you.

One of the most frequent questions that I get here on the channel is regarding when am I going to review a Steam Deck, Analogue Pocket, and now the G Cloud. These are all terrific handheld systems and are capable of great gaming experiences. However, at least for me, I have no interest in them. Why, might you ask?

First and foremost let me say this about all three devices: they're really cool pieces of technology and hardware, but none of them are for me. I am simply not the intended consumer for any of these systems. I've never been invested in the Steam ecosystem; it would be like me, an Android user, buying an iPhone. I have all these apps all these other things that I've already either purchased or invested in other ecosystems, the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation Plus, even Xbox Game Pass.

As someone who's never been invested in the Steam platform, also play games on the PC. For me, playing games involves a console of some type. I haven't actively played PC games probably since the early 2000s. NASCAR & Indycar Racing from Sierra and Papyrus, and before that the X-Wing and Tie Fighter games. My computer is for work. I create graphic designs on my computer, make my 3D Printer Models, I edit videos on it. I don't use it for gaming at all, even though I now have a Republic of Gamers laptop. I don't want to bog down my storage on my PC with other games that I download; I don't even use Game Pass for PC on it!

When it comes to the Analogue Pocket one thing as you get older is playing in this form factor hurts my hands. I know, okay Boomer, but seriously after a while playing on this form factor, my hands tend to get fatigued pretty quickly. Well, I kind of have arthritis now in my hands a little bit so me holding my hand for a long period of time in handheld mode on a Game Boy just not something comfortable for me to play. I know, there's a dock for it, but I also have the Super Game Boy and the Game Boy Player for my Gamecube. As such I don't have the desire to play those games in handheld mode or docked to a TV

With both the G Cloud & Steam Deck I could play in handheld mode which I think would be similar to playing on the Nintendo Switch. To be honest, I do not like playing the Switch in handheld mode unless I'm using the Fixture Gaming S1 or S2 which are a lot more comfortable.

I am also a fan of physical media, I don't want to just be reliant on digital downloads as every single download store is going to eventually shut down. When those stores go dark, you're screwed if you ever want to re-download your content. I want to be able to grab my game, put it in the system and just play. There are a lot of ways I can go ahead and I can already play the great titles that I would want to play on these other systems, and I don't need to do it on these systems.

As I mentioned I have so many ways already to play these games that quite honestly, unless there's another generation of hardware coming, I'm not looking to get a whole lot of new hardware any time soon. We'll still test out clone systems, those are something this channel has been built upon. Also, clone systems don't cost the three to five hundred dollars like these systems do. I need to be smart with where I'm investing my money in this channel to grow now and into the future. If it's not something which, after the camera shuts off, that I'm going to use I'm just not gonna buy it. It is just not something that is worthwhile for me. I realize this is a very rambly sort of video and I apologize for that but I've been asked recently why I haven't reviewed these systems. People have asked if these reviews coming, and I hate to break it to you, no, they're not they're not coming. If that's what you're waiting for I apologize but I kind of hope you understand where I'm coming from on this.

#SteamDeck #AnaloguePocket #gcloud

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