C&C Red Alert 2 Rise of the East (Mod) Superweapons Showcase

1 year ago

Disclaimer: This video is meant to showcase some of the mods video game superweapons. Like the "T" faction from CS:GO, the C&C Generals GLA factions showcased are for entertainment purposes, it isn't meant to promote "disturbing" real-world groups. The following is recommended for those 13+ due to the presence of blood

Rise of the East is a mod for Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge that remakes the game to make it more like C&C Generals, adding Asian and GLA Factions. Each faction in this mod is made up of 3 subfactions, Asia consists of the China, North Korea, and Vietnam factions and the GLA has the Cobra, Scarab, and Scorpion cells. Each of the subfactions has unique units, generals powers, upgrades, and sometimes can even get different superweapons, Ukraine can replace it's Iron Curtain with the Iron Nova. Japan has the Lightning Storm instead of the Particle Cannon, and some generals powers are destructive enough to get it on this showcase video. Iraq can get the Rad Missile, the US has the A10 Airstrike and the MOAB, and the Asia Factions have the Artillery Strike.

The list of Rise of the East faction Superweapons in alphabetical particular order of the attack name, where the superweapons are showcased and timestamped. The Superweapon buildings will have the prep animations play first before the clip of the weapons firing are shown.

0:00: A10 Airstrike
0:27: Anthrax bomb
1:13: Artillery Barrage
1:47: Bomb Truck
1:59: Carpet Bomb
2:23: Chronosphere
2:54: Cryo Strike
3:21: Demolition Truck
3:30: Dirty SCUD Storm
4:18: ECM Jammer
4:42: EMP Truck
4:53: EM Pulse Bomb
5:22: Genetic Mutator
5:56: Ice Rink
6:18: Iron Curtain
6:48: Iron Nova
7:08: Lightning Storm
7:50: MOAB
8:26: Neutron Missile
9:10: Nuclear Missile
9:48: Particle Cannon
10:28: Psychic Dominator
11:01: Rad Missile
11:31: SCUD Storm
12:14: Sneak Attack Tunnel

The mod can be found on ModDB, look it up. The old C&C games as part of the Ultimate Collection can be found on the Official EA App (Same App also has the Sims 4 and it's many DLC).

If you like video game mod gameplay, check out my YouTube Channel and Facebook page.

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