666 - The Number of a Man and the Number of the Beast - in the light of the New Revelation

2 years ago

Probably the only known interpretation of the spiritual meaning of the number 666 as given in the New Revelation through Jakob Lorber and Gottfried Mayerhofer, received by inner Word from the Lord Jesus Christ between 1840 and 1877 (Ref. Gifts of Heaven - May 7, 1841 message)... Also a reference to the probable meaning (in view of the New Revelation) of the '144,000 chosen ones that will join the Lord on His Second Coming, referred in Revelation 14

Note: The New Revelation contains all that can be found in the Gospels (in The Great Gospel of John - 7000 pages, The Lord's Sermons, Explanation of the Scriptures, The Childhood of Jesus, Gifts of Heaven,The three days in the Temple and other) and much more, giving a strong confirmation of the entire Bible, adding to that a great amount of clarifications, explanations and developments. A gradual revelation of the mysteries of the prophetic language used in the Old Testament and in the Revelation of John is also provided, thus showing an extraordinary moral, intellectual and spiritual consistency to the Scriptures and answering to many of the key claims that have been used during the last couple of centuries against the veracity and validity of the Bible as a holy, divinely inspired book.

General references:
# NEW REVELATION WEBSITE www.the-new-revelation.weebly.com
# Books of the New Revelation: https://archive.org/details/BeyondTheThreshold
# FB Page: Messengers of the New Revelation https://www.facebook.com/NewRevelationofJesus/?ref=bookmarks
# Thematic Brochures and Studies on The New Revelation: https://archive.org/details/TheLordAsAPoorManHG2/mode/2up
# WHAT CAN BE FOUND IN THE NEW REVELATION https://ia801900.us.archive.org/8/items/TheLordAsAPoorManHG2/WhatCanBeFoundInTheNewRevelation.pdf

- Concerning some of the discussed topics:
[1] REVELATIONS CONCERNING THE EVENTS PRECEDING THE SECOND COMING OF THE LORD, THE SECOND COMING AND THE MILLENIUM (excerpts) https://ia801900.us.archive.org/8/items/TheLordAsAPoorManHG2/NrStudy-SecondComingRelatedEvents.pdf
[2] The Prophet J. Lorber Predicts Coming Catastrophies and the True Christianity http://j-lorber.de/kee/0-eggen.htm

[3] A PROOF THAT THE NEW REVELATION COMES FROM GOD ACCORDING TO THE CHRISTIAN SCRIPTURES https://ia801900.us.archive.org/8/items/TheLordAsAPoorManHG2/A_proof_that_the_NR_comes_from_God.pdfhttps://ia801900.us.archive.org/8/items/TheLordAsAPoorManHG2/A_proof_that_the_NR_comes_from_God.pdfhttps://ia801900.us.archive.org/8/items/TheLordAsAPoorManHG2/A_proof_that_the_NR_comes_from_God.pdf

[4] THE STRONG CONNECTION BETWEEN THE BIBLE AND THE NEW REVELATION https://ia801900.us.archive.org/8/items/TheLordAsAPoorManHG2/BibleNrStudy-AboutThe2WitnessesOfRevelationfinal-converted.pdf

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