Glory Shift!

1 year ago

In July of 202, the Lord stopped me in my tracks and gave me this prophetic word. I have studied and prayer over it and now He is allowing me to release it in a teaching format.

Glory Shift, July 31, 2020
The church age is ending. God originally tasked the church to establish His Kingdom in the earth and it has failed. The modern day church has become an anemic, powerless gathering place, like a country club. The focus has become more about building the individual agendas, not establishing kingdom on earth. God is burning up what we know, so He can guide us into His plan.
The warfare is great because the enemy sees God moving. Satan has so much power today because the church has not established the Power Centers necessary to hold back the darkness.
The angel armies are moving, but we must DECREE, DECLARE, & DISCLOSE, the truth of God and His Word. This gives the angels their marching order. Without the voice of God’s people, the angels are unable to fight effectively. Just as an army without the necessary reconnaissance that gives them direction and strategy.
Those currently ‘outside’ of the local church, who are Kingdom people, often kick against the confines of the modern church. There is still a place for the church structure, however the focus must not be on ‘come join us,’ but it must be on ‘GO!’
It’s time to GO!

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