Understanding the Godhead: Principle 4 (English Version)

1 year ago

Today our focus will be the Fourth Principle (God in Christ) in Understanding the Godhead. This lesson will gather together biblical principles to reveal the true nature of God and contrast it with the orthodox, philosophical Trinity. The culmination of this series of Understanding the Godhead will open your eyes to the wayward teaching of Christian philosophers over the past millennium. Millions of unsuspecting people have entrusted their salvation and eternal soul to these false teachers without realizing the true nature and origin of these so-called orthodox teachings.

Although this video culminates the goal of revealing all four principles in Understanding the Godhead, it is not the end of our studies. The supplemental videos coming will cover such subjects as Elohim and what this title means, the Pre-existent Christ, the baptism of Jesus Christ, Genesis 1:26, and many other areas used by philosophers to prop up their views on God. You won't want to miss these lessons.

I highly recommend you watch the previous lessons prior to viewing this one as it sets the groundwork for the things covered in today's study.



00:00 Prologue
00:43 Thematic Declaration
01:27 Opening Credits
02:01 Series Recap
03:48 Premise Review
04:54 Principle 4 Start
06:31 Philosophical Smoke Screens
07:19 Philosophy Exposed!
08:25 The Godhead in Simple Terms
09:13 Some Common Mistakes
09:53 The Son's Inheritance
11:44 His NAME
13:13 Purpose of His coming
15:14 Lies in the Creed!
15:38 Revelation of the NAME
17:43 Is 'Jehovah' God's Name?
18:24 Importance of the Name of Jesus
21:23 The Father's Name
23:26 Not Just a Man
24:18 His Dual Nature
28:31 How is He Speaking?
28:49 Contrasting Comparisons
29:57 Trinitarian Teachers Stop Short
31:34 How Can He Be BOTH?
35:13 Principle 4 Summary
36:11 Principle 4 Defined
36:33 Addressing False Accusations
38:21 Co-equality?
40:28 Is Jesus Fully God?
43:47 Essential Importance
48:38 Conclusion
51:10 An Appeal to the Listener
53:33 Short Jump into History
53:56 Revealing Orthodox Philosophies
56:01 Just Accept It
56:59 Outro
57:56 End Credits

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