Bittersweet Is A Drink of Death

1 year ago


Bittersweet is a drink of death,
when glass is brimming o’er with woes of life.
Dregs of disappointment float and settle to the bottom,
and when one stirs elixir with a spoon full of hope,
great is a demon’s joy when settled not is misery.

Dreams of life are tossed to and fro.
As one battles dark horrors of the night,
tormented spirit turns down covers of security
to see reality for what it really might be;
not roses, and tranquility, but thorns of misfortune.

An open grave awaits poor soul.
Priest readies to administer last rites.
Freedom beckons from the other side to grant sweet release.
Just before the toast is made and life’s glass is emptied,
the question one deliberates is what lies beyond death’s door.
Sheila Bowyer Kline
"Death may be the greatest of human blessings." - Socrates

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