Man charged for defilement and murder of 4-year-old girl

2 years ago

A man who was arrested in connection with the murder of a 4 year old girl was this morning charged with defilement and murder of the girl. The accused, John Mwazo who appeared before high court judge Martin Muya was charged that on 30th December 2012 in Kizingo estate defiled and murdered the 4 year old girl. He was not required to plead to the charges since the prosecution is waiting for a medical report to confirm whether he was fit to stand trial. State counsel Lucas Tanui successfully applied for the matter to be mentioned on January 9th 2013. The judge ordered the accused to be remanded at central police station and that he should be taken to hospital for treatment. Mwazo who was heavily bandaged suffered injuries when a mob descended on him following the rape incident.

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