German Shepherds play tug-of-war with a frisbee

1 year ago

These three German Shepherd pups despite looking very similar, all have very unique personalities. The oldest, Farrah on the left, is two years old and comes from a show line. She acts the bit and is a beautiful dog, very loving and always happy to see anyone. The pup in the middle is 18 months and her genetic line is in protection. Zaria is fierce in protection, very nimble and loves to jump. Dedicated to her owners but very stand offish to most other people. The youngest, Kefa at 8 months, is crazy about chasing a frisbee and has the nose to sniff out and find it no matter where it lands.
One thing all three of these sisters have in common is their competitiveness in going after the same toy, which in this case was a frisbee. Despite the fact that there are several available, it never fails for them to want the same one!
The cost of replacing toys for Shepherds is high. The owner wishes it were possible to find a indestructible frisbee!

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