Main Intro - Transparency to Create Trust

2 years ago

Protesting, legal action, and sharing videos are NOT a solution - they are actions until they work. Protesting isn't working as people expected, legal action is taking too long and neither of the two has stopped the train! We need real solutions that provide outcomes and do not rely on world leaders to change what they are doing to 'the people'!

I'm not seeing anyone provide real solutions that are working fast enough to make the difference required, so I have created solutions that are positive for everyone, sto gain the support of everyone and they have one common theme - gaining transparency, so everyone can trust 'the truth', no matter what the truth is.

1. We need solutions that benefit everyone, so everyone wants to listen, so everyone hears why we might actually need solutions. Only then will everyone actually want a solution! And we need EVERYONE to want a solution because that is true people.

We need everyone to know there is a problem, that a solution is needed, and to do that we need to ensure all evidence is trustworthy, so people can trust who is telling the truth.

Trusting the truth is key!

Trusting the truth can be achieved using unparalleled transparency.

Transparency is the solution!

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