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![Memesplanation Shorts - FOSS Fun Wednesday 17](
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Tech Tips Tuesday 31: It is Kinda Al-LURE-ing to Learn Linux Dir Structure, and more.
![We The Free News](
We The Free News
What is LURE?
Linux Directory Structure 101
Free Your Internet
No More Linux Support for 486 Machines
5.19 Kernel is EOL Now
TTT 31.1: What’s LURE, Anyway?
LURE stands for Linux User REpository, which is an expansion, of sorts, of the AUR, or Arch User Repository. The AUR allows Arch users to install just about anything from any other distro in their Arch-based distro. It builds packages from source, then uses pacman to install them.
LURE will hopefully fill in those gaps for the rest of Linux, when it is ready. It uses a series of scripts like PKGBUILD to build native packages from source, it is written in GO, so has no subsequent dependencies after install. It will work with your distro’s package manager to install native packages, after they are built for you. It is in early alpha testing phases, so it is buggy and lacking features, but if you know GO and are inspired by this, you can contribute.
#TTT #Linux #Linuxtips #LURE #coolstuff #TechFreedom
As I covered in some of my recent devotions, all we have to do is wait. God has all of this present garbage in hand. If we are patient and restrain our power, keep our strength in check, rather than seeking vengeance for the wrongs and injustices we have suffered through, we will inherit the earth. We will also have peace and joy in the midst of it, because our locus is centered in the future, where we know that God will have finished dealing with our enemies for us.
#TTT #memesplanation #Bible #psalm37 #encouragement #patience #meekness #TechFreedom
TTT 31.2: Linux Directory Structure 101
/ is the primary system partition, under which everything else falls, from /root, to /home, to /dev, and all the rest.
/root is the system home directory (what sudo accesses)
/home is where all of your personal files live, along with personal configs, like theming and other things that pertain to your user experience
/etc are system config files, for all services, apps, and scripts on the system, from package managers, to any number of other things.
/boot hosts the bootloader, whether grub, or something else, compressed kernel images live here
/opt is where all of your non-native apps live (skype, zoom, Discord, etc, that you installed from outside of your distro’s official repos
/dev is where you see abstracted interfaces for plugged in devices, whether storage or human interface devices (mice, keyboards, etc)
/var is for system-generated variable files (logs, caches, and the like)
/bin is where user binaries live, including basic commands like mv, cat, mkdir, cd, and the like that all users can access
/sbin is where system binaries are, things that need a sudo or doas in front of them in order to run
/usr hosts system-wide libraries, user binaries, docs, programs, and system utilities
/proc is where active process info lives
/mnt is where you mount storage devices *flash drives, external storage, and optical storage drives
/sys is the virtual file system to provide an interface to the kernel itself
/media is removable devices
/run temp filesystem that onlyexists while a system is running, similar to /sys
/tmp temp files (lock files and the like live here)
/lost+found recovery space for broken files that broke due to an unexpected shut-down, for instance
/lib hosts system libraries linked to the binaries in /bin
/srv is where service data lives, whether server-specific or service-related files
That was allot of tech mumbo-jumbo at once, but hopefully that was at least somewhat helpful for you to understand what lives where in Linux, not that you’re likely to need to go spelunking through the filesystem very often, but this was something of a mystery for me until about a year ago, honestly.
#TTT #Linux #Linuxtips #underthehood #TechFreedom
Free Your Internet
One-stop shop for getting you and your business transitioned off of Big Tech online platforms and tools, so that you have control of your data once again. I will also help you to find better alternatives.
#TechFreedom #internetfreedom #nogoogle #nometa #noyahoo #nomicrosoft
TTT 31-3: Torvalds Believes it is Time To Abandon i486 Architecture in the Linux Kernel
Surprised it was still present at all? I kind of was. The last 486 chips to be made rolled off of the the line in 2007, and apparently it has been causing bugs and the like ever since, because while the rest of modern PC hardware has moved on from later x86-32 to x64, Linux has maintained support for that 16-bit ancient hardware that was first released 33 years ago. Until now. No more, according to Torvalds.
#TTT #Linux #kernelnews #rip486 #nevermore #TechFreedom #nothalloween
TTT 31.4: 5.19 Kernel Officially EOL
Not much to say here. If you were running a 5.19 variant, it was a short support cycle, which is normal, about 3 months from initial release to end-of-life. It brought us some good things, and manifested a quickly smashed bug that *could* destroy some laptop screens. Many distros ship the 5.19 by deafault now, so be sure to upgrade to 6.0 or downgrade to the 5.15 LTS to make sure that your system is as safe as it can be. This is not Windows or MacOS that will force an upgrade on you, but heed the developers, here, people.
#TTT #bonus #kernel #Linux #nomore519 #TechFreedom
10 Things My Wife Thinks You Should Know about Tech Freedom.
#TechFreedom #wifeysauce #getfree #explainer
Memesplanation - Monday 11/7/22
![Spirituality and Tech](
Spirituality and Tech
Be reminded, God has your back. He will strengthen you if you lean on Him. He is your protector, if you will trust Him. He is Good. He is faithful. Choose to trust Him today. Straight up. Test Him. Prove Him.
#distromonday #Truth #trustGod #Isaiah #restinHim #memesplanation #TechFreedom
Memesplanation Short - 11/14/22
![Spirituality and Tech](
Spirituality and Tech
Ephesians 3:20-21... How able is God? However big your imagination of His power and glory may be, He is immeasurably more able than that. Give Him the glory for how He is going to change our situation. As always, though, if He leads you to do something, just do it. What can you do to shift things for people, one thing at a time? How can you be a blessing?
#distromonday #memesplananation #God #Heisable #anything #ephesians3 #Bible #TechFreedom
Memesplanation Shorts - 11/15/22
![Spirituality and Tech](
Spirituality and Tech
As we begin our move toward Christmas, remember that this is still true of the Lord. He will never break the brokenhearted, He will gently protect the ones who admit to being at their rope’s end, and He will come through for you. Truth. This passage is from Isaiah 42, and is about the Messiah, or the Servant of the Lord, whose commission it is to set the world to rights. Jesus is still about that work for and in us and the world. Find comfort in that Truth, today.
Memesplanation Shorts - 11/16/22
![Spirituality and Tech](
Spirituality and Tech
How can we be “fully alive”? There is a bit more to this quote than is shown here... The rest goes something like, “And man is only fully alive when he beholds God.” Or something like that. How do we behold God? Partially in nature, partially in Scripture, partially in one another, and partially in prayer. Which of these things ring the most true in your life?
Memesplanation Shorts - 11/17/22
![Spirituality and Tech](
Spirituality and Tech
Another quote from St. Ireneus, this time breaking down what the incarnation was. Life in Christ is a process of being transformed from glory to glory, according to Paul, but to what end? Ireneus suggests here that the ultimate end is communion with God, as Jesus prayed for us in John 17. God has been on a restoration project from the moment Adam and Eve ate that fruit. The ultimate end of that project is that all His image-bearers would be able to unite in Him, both individually and corporately, that is the image of the marriage feast of the Lamb in Revelation.
Memesplanation Shorts - 11/18/22
![Spirituality and Tech](
Spirituality and Tech
Pertinent words from CS Lewis today, what do you sense that this season in your life or our country’s life do you think might be preparing you or us for? I have always sensed this truth in my life, though to be honest, I am unsure how all of the pieces fit together right now. I still believe it, though. He is too good to waste things in our lives, even when we blow them up ourselves.
Memesplanation Shorts - 11/19/22
![Spirituality and Tech](
Spirituality and Tech
I was talking about humility recently, and this fits the bill as a succinct summation of it, however, I would add that it is the ability to think of oneself less because one is more concerned with God’s thoughts about you and the rest of the world, vs your own thoughts and opinions. We get to that place when we trust that He truly has us, so we don’t have to scramble to defend ourselves or anything like that, because our Father has us taken care of.
Memesplanation Short 1
![Spirituality and Tech](
Spirituality and Tech
Great reminder. The best is yet to come. We move from glory, to greater glory. C.S. Lewis knew this to be true. This is an echo of Paul, from the New Testament. Take heart. Have hope for the future, believe and work towards those things that you want to see. Remember the good and the bad from the past, so that you do not become captivated by nostalgia. Nostalgia colors everything with a rosier hue than it really had.
#distromonday #cslewis #glorytoglory #holdon #kccm #Bible #memesplanation #TechFreedom
Memesplanation Short 2
![Spirituality and Tech](
Spirituality and Tech
Empathy and understanding lead to ceasing hostilities under natural circumstances. This does not work, however, with those who have given themselves entirely to evil in one way or the other. That sets us at diametric odds with [them] and their desires. There cannot be peace with that which is behind and undergirds [them]. On the other hand, if they repent, then this can be applicable to those relationships, as well. When, as Longfellow observes, we see their pain and suffering, we find ways to forgive them and move past that former opposition.
#TTT #longfellow #quotes #memesplanation #forgiveness #empathy #understanding #TechFreedom
Memesplanation Short 3
![Spirituality and Tech](
Spirituality and Tech
What is love? (tell me you didn’t have Night at the Roxbury pop into your head, with Farrell and Carvey rocking out to the song on the way to the club) CS Lewis rightly observes that love is not a feeling, but a consistent desire to see the best possible things happen for the one whom you love. That feeling can, and often does, stem from consistent actions toward the end of achieving the highest possible good for another. But that feeling is not love. I love you all. That is why I try to help you get free from Big Tech. Today also happens to mark our first anniversary. One year ago, I started this channel with a simple message and the hope that I could help the world to break away from Big Tech.
#FFW #love #whatislove #cslewis #memesplanation #TechFreedom #anniversary #oneyear
Memesplanation Shorts: Thanksgiving
![Spirituality and Tech](
Spirituality and Tech
Why can’t we adopt this attitude every day? How much would that change your life if you looked for things to be grateful for everything rather than shredding it or whining if it isn’t “just so”, or as my son would say, “Certain”. Shift your perception, starting today, and choose to be grateful for even those difficult family members and situations we all face. Be thankful for the fact that they are alive, and that you are alive. Recognize the miracles entailed in that.
#definitionsthursday #ThanksgivingDay #thankfulness #gratitude #grateful #perspective #shift #memesplanation #TechFreedom
Memesplanation Short 4
![Spirituality and Tech](
Spirituality and Tech
May think that he was one of the worst presidents, though his spot at #1 seems to be solidly eclipsed by not-abidin. Either way, I think that this quote is a good one. If you are a Christian, and I expect that most of you are, this also applies for us, as he was a Baptist pastor, for whatever that was worth. Let us each do what we can to make a difference, today. However small or insignificant that may seem in the moment. It could change someone’s life even if it feels like nothing to you.
#freeyourpcfriday #carter #meh #bethechange #changealife #memesplanation #TechFreedom
Memesplanation Short 5
![Spirituality and Tech](
Spirituality and Tech
What have you overcome? What hardships and struggles have brought you to the person you are today? Own that history. Do NOT hide from it. Your wounds and scars give you authority because you walked THROUGH those things and have proof for it. This is not an invitation to the victim Olympics, mind you. This is an invitation to openness about those things which have formed you, rather than hiding from them.
#freedomsaturday #noshame #confidence #openness #honesty #overcome #overcomer #memesplanation #TechFreedom
Memesplanation Short 6
![Spirituality and Tech](
Spirituality and Tech
In writing a paper last week, I was confronted with the reality that often, the Church idolizes relevance more than it actually serves God. It is a problem when we place anything above God, but when the culture is as corrupt as it is now, it is exceedingly troubling. We are meant to be salt and light, but when we rubber stamp all of the sins that we are meant to stand against, and refuse to correct people in love, then how can we call ourselves the Body of Christ? If we seek to serve culture more than God by chasing after relevance more than after His heart, then how can we claim to be His, rather than friends with the world?
#distromonday #stathanasius #relevance #servegod #churchfathers #memesplanation #TechFreedom
Memesplanation Short 7
![Spirituality and Tech](
Spirituality and Tech
Thankfulness leads to humility. When we thank God for everything, whether breaths, accomplishments, or material goods, we recognize that we are not the source of our lives. This diffuses that rather nasty human trait of pride. When we recognize that all we are and all we have did not originate in or with us, but is a gift from God, then how can we be anything but humble? This is not a humility of “woe is me, I’m a worm”, but a mindset, rather, of “I am blessed and God is the source of those blessings, so I get to steward them.” There is a confidence that comes there that is not related to pride, but of knowing one’s right place, as I talked about last week.
#TTT #saints #quotes #memesplanation #thankfulness #humility #TechFreedom
Memesplanation Short 8
![Spirituality and Tech](
Spirituality and Tech
Here is a controversy that is still raging in theological circles... The nature of free will. Does it exist? Augustine knew that it does exist. I agree with that, as I sense that it is a part of the image of God, it is where our personal sovereignty resides. I’m not going to go deeper into that today, but if it exists, and can be corrupted, then we need to be aware of that. It cannot truly be said to be free, if it cannot be influenced in one way or the other, whether for good or evil.
#FFW #memesplanation #quotes #churchfathers #patristics #freewill #good #evil #augustine #TechFreedom
Memesplanation Short 9
![Spirituality and Tech](
Spirituality and Tech
This sounds like an echo of Jesus talking about hypocrisy, in Matthew 7. I think that this should be pretty self-explanatory, but then common sense is lacking these days... Do not use this as a justification for sin. Just because someone who has struggled with a particular thing in the past is confronting you in love doesn’t give you the right to beat them over the head with this line of thinking. It is not an instant acquittal card. Even if they are being a hypocrite, it is incumbent on you to receive that critique gracefully, discern it, then take it to the Lord if the conviction sticks. If you are the corrector who is still in the same pattern, maybe don’t say anything to the other person, unless you are actively trying to break the pattern.
#definitionsthursday #stathanasius #patristics #hypocrisy #judgment #memesplanation #TechFreedom
Memesplanation Short 10
![Spirituality and Tech](
Spirituality and Tech
How many of us would gladly shred a brother or sister just to get the focus off of ourselves? What if we all chose to believe that we are all members of the same body? What does that mean? That means that if one member of the Body hurts, we are all to hurt, or if one is rejoicing, then all rejoice with them. The problem is that we have allowed the structure of the Church, denominational lines, and the like, to obscure this reality. We are all members of One Body. Let that sink in. I am convicted by this, as I have certainly been known to grab a proverbial sniper rifle to take shots at various other alleged believers over the years. It is easy to do it. Almost in passing, at times... It gets eyes and ears to perk up and pay attention because the human condition is skewed towards negative rather than positive things.
#freeyourpcfriday #clementofrome #patristics #nomoresniping #onebody #memesplanation #TechFreedom
Memesplanation Short 11
![Spirituality and Tech](
Spirituality and Tech
Wow. So much for the vaunted Mr. Jefferson, not to mention Marcion before him. If we edit the Bible to fit ourselves, then how can we say that we believe the Bible? How can we call ourselves Christians, if whenever we find something that makes us uncomfortable in the text, we simply ignore or edit or interpret it into meaning something entirely different from what it is meant to, in context?
#freedomsaturday #Bible #solascriptura #staugustine #questions #belief #memesplanation #TechFreedom
Memesplanation Short 12
![Spirituality and Tech](
Spirituality and Tech
Know thyself. Know your strengths, but do not shy away from your weaknesses. Isaac the Syrian tells us that knowing our weakness is the genesis of all goodness. Consciousness of our weaknesses helps us to keep perspective and humility when walking in this world. That is a seed of goodness, it can also lead to growth, if we address those things in us that would otherwise be negatives.
#distromonday #stisaac #weakness #goodness #churchfathers #memesplanation #TechFreedom
FOSS Fun Wednesday 21: Heroic-ally, WINE 7.22 and NVIDIA Driver All Out Now
![We The Free News](
We The Free News
FFW 21.1- Team Behind Heroic Launcher Releases Major, New Version
What is the Heroic Games Launcher? A tool designed to make managing your non-Steam games (eg: from Epic game store or Good Old Games) easier, it is cross-platform and sometimes works better to launch Windows games on Linux than Proton. What’s new?
Download Manager
New Themes
Custom User Theme Support
How Long To Beat data
Support For Other App Launchers and Games
Also added fixes and tweaks in these areas:
Detect if a game is available or not (and mention if it is a supported game).
Legendary v0.20.30.
Settings re-organized.
Redesigned login screen.
Improvements to Cloud Saves.
Various bug fixes.
Good stuff, Heroic Launcher team! Any of you guys use it?
#FFW #heroic #newrelease #updates #gamesfordays #news #TechFreedom
When was the last time any of us (myself included) really took the time to make the Word a part of our life through memorization and meditation? I don’t remember the last time I really sat down and intentionally committed Scripture to memory. Do not hear this as condemnation from me. Even if I were in the habit of simply learning passages or chapters, I would not lord it over you. That would miss the point in many passages, wouldn’t it? Let’s have a chat with the Holy Spirit and ask Him what you should do about the situation. St. Chrysostom would strongly encourage you to memorize the Word as much as you can, but heed the Spirit in this, not a long dead human.
#FFW #memesplanation #quotes #churchfathers #patristics #Bible #memorization #read #chrysostom #TechFreedom
FFW 21.2: WINE 7.22 Out Now
Tasty, this is their big, yearly release. WINE is a Windows compatibility layer which enables Linux and MacOS users to run some Windows programs and games, it is the backbone of Steam’s Proton, and makes life far more pleasant for Linux users in general.
What’s new in this release?
32-on-64 chunks for both Vulkan and OpenGL. (will eventually mean that we’ll be able to run old, 32-bit programs and games without the i-386 libraries installed on our systems)
OpenLDAP library bundled and built as PE.
Support for the RAW print processor in WinPrint.
More progress on the long types print format conversion.
Various bug fixes.
Good stuff. I am excited about the 32-on-64 work, as that will make it that much more painless to run legacy apps and games on Linux.
#FFW #WINE #proton #linuxgaming #TechFreedom
Freed Computer
#freedcomputer #linux #nospying #safe #TechFreedom
FFW 21.3: NVIDIA Releases Latest Driver 525.60.11
What’s new?
Dynamic Boost now available for AMD CPUs
Support for the EGL_MESA_platform_surfaceless extension
Performance improvements for PRIME render-offloaded apps
Support for OTA Proton Updates (still not on by default, though)
Support for Quadro Sync, Stereo, rotation in X11, and YUV 4:2:0 on the NVIDIA Turing GPU architecture
Many bugs were squashed, including one in Spiderman – Remastered...
Sounds like good stuff. Makes me wish I had something newer, though I think in large part, I’d rather go all Team Red with a Radeon card for my next build, coupled with an AMD processor. The only thing that makes me question that logic is a question of how close the AMD video encode/decode logic/chips stack up with current-gen NVENC. I don’t know when I might have time or other resources to make those upgrades mean something for me though.
#FFW #Linux #NVIDIA #drivers #gfx #gaming #TechFreedom
Memesplanation Short 12
![Spirituality and Tech](
Spirituality and Tech
Thankfulness leads to humility. When we thank God for everything, whether breaths, accomplishments, or material goods, we recognize that we are not the source of our lives. This diffuses that rather nasty human trait of pride. When we recognize that all we are and all we have did not originate in or with us, but is a gift from God, then how can we be anything but humble? This is not a humility of “woe is me, I’m a worm”, but a mindset, rather, of “I am blessed and God is the source of those blessings, so I get to steward them.” There is a confidence that comes there that is not related to pride, but of knowing one’s right place, as I talked about last week.
#TTT #saints #quotes #memesplanation #thankfulness #humility #TechFreedom
Memesplanation Short 13
![Spirituality and Tech](
Spirituality and Tech
When was the last time any of us (myself included) really took the time to make the Word a part of our life through memorization and meditation? I don’t remember the last time I really sat down and intentionally committed Scripture to memory. Do not hear this as condemnation from me. Even if I were in the habit of simply learning passages or chapters, I would not lord it over you. That would miss the point in many passages, wouldn’t it? Let’s have a chat with the Holy Spirit and ask Him what you should do about the situation. St. Chrysostom would strongly encourage you to memorize the Word as much as you can, but heed the Spirit in this, not a long dead human.
#FFW #memesplanation #quotes #churchfathers #patristics #Bible #memorization #read #chrysostom #TechFreedom
Memesplanation Short 14
![Spirituality and Tech](
Spirituality and Tech
Remember, we live in an upside down Kingdom. Choose the counter-intuitive option to love those who hate you. You do not have an excuse to hate someone back just because they hate you. After all, the Lord told us that we should expect to be hated. If we truly represent Him, our existence will rankle demons and engender hatred from those who are controlled by them. Genuine love for others will piss demons off, as love is antithetical to their existence.
#definitionsthursday #lovenothate #patristics #love #hate #noexcuses #chrysostom #memesplanation #TechFreedom
Memesplanation Short 15
![Spirituality and Tech](
Spirituality and Tech
Don’t be religious in your prayers. Simplicity is king. If your heart is full, pour it out, but most of your prayers should be simple so that your pride does not enter in to the situation and muck things up. Lord have mercy. God help. Thank you, Jesus. Trust our Father enough to pray simply. He knows what we need, He is good and will give us what we need.
#freeyourpcfriday #stmacarius #patristics #minimalism #shortandsweet #onebody #memesplanation #TechFreedom
Memesplanation Short 16
![Spirituality and Tech](
Spirituality and Tech
Pride is the #1 sin. Pride created the Fall in the Garden and sent Lucifer over the edge into rebellion to start this whole thing off. The Cross is humility. Jesus submitted His will to that of the Father. He didn’t want to do it in His flesh, but He humbled Himself, even to the point of taking on our sin and being temporarily separated from the Father and the Holy Spirit. What is the thing that you are being called to that requires humility today?
#freedomsaturday #pride #humility #sin #Jesus #staugustine #memesplanation #TechFreedom
Memesplanation Short 17
![Spirituality and Tech](
Spirituality and Tech
What is prayer? Is it some mysterious, religious thing? Well, yes, and no. It is intended to be an intimate conversation between you and the Lord. Not something to tick the boxes for human beings so that you seem holy or something. It is not a religious thing, it is a conversation with your Father, your Abba. A conversation with your Lord and friend. Don’t simply report things (He already knows them anyway), but invite Him into them. Give Him permission to be present in your every moment. Prayer is meant to be an unending dialogue with God, where we share our hearts with Him, and listen to His heart for us and His world.
#distromonday #stjohnchrysostom #intimacy #prayer #churchfathers #memesplanation #TechFreedom
Memesplanation Short 18
![Spirituality and Tech](
Spirituality and Tech
What did Jesus have to give us? Divinity, union with God, righteousness, love, wisdom, and so much more.
What did we have that he took from us? Well, our pride, our brokenness, our sin, our wounds.
Does this sound like a fair trade to you? It sure doesn’t to me. I don’t know about you, but my stuff feels pretty heavy, yet He took it and gave me an infinitely better deal, and did the same for all who would come unto Him. Have you let your stuff go and received wholeness, a pathway to union with God, love, righteousness, and al the rest that I didn’t mention this morning?
#TTT #saints #quotes #memesplanation #stcyril #divination #greatexchange #salvation #sanctification #TechFreedom
Memesplanation Short 18
![Spirituality and Tech](
Spirituality and Tech
What is the hope Polycarp is talking about here? What is our faith based upon? Let me give you a little context for this quote... Polycarp was alive from the mid 1st Century AD- the mid 2nd Century AD. The Church was under heavy persecution, such that I doubt that many American Christians would have stood up under. He was martyred in 155. What hope did he have in that context? None but Jesus. He knew the Lord (perhaps not in the natural, as he was born about 30 years after Jesus ascended into heaven). Jesus’ promises to us kept him and the early believers he served moving forward, even in the face of Empire telling them that they could not believe as they did. They were subversives, they confessed a Lord other than Caesar. That was worthy of death, as it was tantamount to treason against the Empire. Is there anything we deal with daily that could be comparable? Perhaps noticing the synagogue of Satan manipulating everything to their own benefit? Perhaps boldly stating that there is no such thing as a trans person? That a trans person is really still their biological gender, no matter how much they try to change that? Fill in the blank, here, think up a sacred cow and slaughter it, and watch what happens.
#FFW #memesplanation #quotes #churchfathers #patristics #Bible #hope #faith #polycarp #TechFreedom
Memesplanation Short 19
![Spirituality and Tech](
Spirituality and Tech
Hard, yet gentle words from Isaac the Syrian today. Does love preclude anger? Can they coexist? Can love for another, when defined as “a genuine desire to see the best possible things happen for that other”, not be a source of anger? Perhaps not anger at or towards the beloved, but perhaps a righteous anger towards some other thing which is negatively affecting the beloved in some way? Humility would be a way that that could be realized, I suppose. Even in humility, correction is possible, and is far more easy to swallow than correction from a place of pride. What do you guys think?
#definitionsthursday #patristics #love #isaacthesyrian #memesplanation #TechFreedom
Memesplanation Short 20
![Spirituality and Tech](
Spirituality and Tech
Ouch. What does this mean for us today? Let us run away from the crowd, chasing after the world’s approval and return to the Pure Word of God. I am not talking about any particular translation, as all have their strengths and weaknesses, but I am talking about taking the Bible at face value. If the Bible says that something is immoral, then we need to treat it as such. Let the Bible and the Holy Spirit determine right and wrong, not our twisted generation. We are to be lights in this dark world, not members of the darkness ourselves. How can salt that has lost its saltiness be useful, after all? How can a light that has gone out be beneficial without new fire being applied to it? My heart breaks for the Church in America. She is fractured, broken, and sick, and hardly recognizes these facts. She is like those foolish virgins who failed to buy oil and were locked out of the wedding. She is a modern Laodicea, lukewarm, and ready to be spat out of Jesus’ mouth. I hate that I have to give messages like this, I don’t want to do it. However, I don’t see many others who are doing it, and it needs to be done. If this word applies to you, discern how you can be renewed and restored to white hot fire for the Lord.
#freeyourpcfriday #polycarp #patristics #hardstuff #heartbroken #revivalisneeded #memesplanation #TechFreedom
Memesplanation Short 21
![Spirituality and Tech](
Spirituality and Tech
Prayer that is not immediately answered does not necessarily mean that it is a “no”, it could be a “wait”. Why is that? God is wiser than we are, and we must remember that. Humility would tell us that we need to accept God’s greater wisdom, and simply continue praying to attain a deeper intimacy with Him. Breathe and believe. Be patient and rest in Him.
#freedomsaturday #pride #humility #prayer #answers #isaacthesyrian #memesplanation #TechFreedom
Distro Monday 38 - KaOS 12.22, Linux 6.1, and More
![We The Free News](
We The Free News
Distro Monday 38: New Kernels, KaOS, and A Different RHEL for CERN
KaOS 22.12 Update Released
Linux 6.1 Kernel Is Out Now
Freedom Consultation
AlmaLinux Will Now Be the Backbone of BigSci
#distromonday #Linux #KaOS #linux61 #almalinux #cern #TechFreedom
DM 38.1 – KaOS 22.12 Update, So What?
What is KaOS? KaOS is an independent distro that focuses on the latest and greatest packages from the KDE team, so if you want the latest bells and whistles (and bugs), you can do that here more easily than in most other distros. They are currently Linux based, but state on their website that they may develop an IllumOS fork or simply switch at some point. I had never heard of IllumOS before, so I looked it up. IllumOS is another Unix based OS option which is even more niche than Linux or BSD. What is new with this update for KaOS, though?
Linux 6.0
KDE Frameworks 5.101
Plasma 5.26.4
KDE Gear 22.12
And a bunch more under the hood...
#distromonday #KaOS #indie #KDE #updates #Linux #TechFreedom
Relating to Christmas... We all tend to get caught up in the blind rush to decorate, prepare, and buy gifts, etc. Slow down. Quiet yourself, and choose to remember WHY we celebrate this season. THE gift, Jesus, the Son of God, came to earth as a poor baby. He came, obeying the Father fully, to show us how to truly be human and to bring us back into right relationship and communion with God. That is why we celebrate. It isn’t about the lights, presents, meals, songs, or any of the other commercial stuff. It is about God providing a way for us to be in communion with Him again. End of story. Choose to embrace that more than the mad rush, today.
#distromonday #christmas #quiet #expectancy #anonymous #memesplanation #TechFreedom
DM 38.2 – Linux Kernel 6.1 LTS Out Now!
What’s new, here?
· Initial support for Intel Meteor Lake CPUs, RDNA 3 GPUs, and better support for AMD CPUs, to make them more efficient
· Some Rust code in the kernel, and support for more in the future, as there seems to be a move away from C++ for security and efficiency reasons
· Better ARM SoC support
· Improvements for Storage
§ Async buffered writes, make for almost 2x faster throughput
o EXT4
§ Performance optimizations, bug fixes
§ FSCache-based shared domain sharing
· Support for Microsoft Surface Pro 9 and Surface Laptop 5.
· Enablement of AMD Zen 4 LbrExtV2.
· AMD CPU Cache-To-Cache & Memory Reporting Capabilities.
· Introduction of AMD IOMMU v2.
· Preparations for Wi-Fi 802. 11be/Wi-Fi 7.
All in all, good stuff here, guys and gals. This is an LTS kernel, which means it will receive support for at least 2 years.
#distromonday #linux61 #ltskernel #rust #goodstuff #TechFreedom
Freedom Consultation
Ever wondered how to get free from Big Tech? This Free consultation will leave you with at least pointers to the tools and services you’ll need to do just that. This is a FREE 90 minute call with me, where I will demo some varieties of Linux for you, some replacement apps, talk about degoogled phones, and give you links to how to start the process of taking control of your digital life online as well.
#distromonday #TechFreedom #consultation #free
DM 38.3 – Big Science Picks AlmaLinux
CERN and FERMILAB were using CentOS until it exited the space, and decided to stick with a RHEL-based Linux distro. The competition was between Alma and Rocky, which are very similar, but Alma won out, and once the current support cycle runs out in 2024, they will migrate over to Alma from CentOS and Scientific Linux. This strikes me as a huge shot in the arm for the AlmaLinux team, so good on them for beating out the competition on this major awareness booster.
I personally have some mixed mixed feelings about this, as I have no real love for CERN and the LHC. Whether accurate or not, I currently hold that they are trying to open a portal to hell or some such thing, I mean, what is that statue of Vishnu about at CERN?
#distromonday #almalinux #cern #lhc #science #Linux #TechFreedom
Tech Freedom Intro: What to expect from my channels and website.
#intro #TechFreedom #telegram #truthsocial #publicsq #gab
Tech Freedom Intro: What to expect from my channels and website.
#intro #TechFreedom #telegram #truthsocial #publicsq #gab #parallelEconomy #parallelSociety #shopongab #growwithgab #smallbusiness #gabsmallbusiness
Memesplanation Short 22
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Spirituality and Tech
Relating to Christmas... We all tend to get caught up in the blind rush to decorate, prepare, and buy gifts, etc. Slow down. Quiet yourself, and choose to remember WHY we celebrate this season. THE gift, Jesus, the Son of God, came to earth as a poor baby. He came, obeying the Father fully, to show us how to truly be human and to bring us back into right relationship and communion with God. That is why we celebrate. It isn’t about the lights, presents, meals, songs, or any of the other commercial stuff. It is about God providing a way for us to be in communion with Him again. End of story. Choose to embrace that more than the mad rush, today.
#distromonday #christmas #quiet #expectancy #anonymous #memesplanation #TechFreedom
Memesplanation Short: Christmas Eve
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Spirituality and Tech
THE Reason for the season... It is easy to get lost in the noise of commercialism and the imagined “needs” and the hustle and bustle. Stop for a moment this Christmas Eve. Breathe. Remember Jesus the light, Jesus the joy, and Jesus the hope, now. Shut out the noise, and focus, even as you are preparing for gatherings, wrapping gifts (if you can afford them) and the rest of the stuff we are told we must do in this time of year. Reach for the quiet truth at the heart of this holiday. Put the King where He belongs, front and center. Make Him the Light. Make Him your joy. Place your hope in Him to make things better in your life and our world.
#freedomsaturday #christmas #christmaseve #slowdown #prayer #memesplanation #TechFreedom
Memesplanation Short 29
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Humility. Learn all you can, but stay in a place of learning, not in a place of being the guru or the authority. When we get puffed up with knowledge, we lose sight of what really matters, and start to destroy ourselves and others. That is what I think St Anthony is saying here, that if we allow ourselves to become inflated through learning, we lose the love that really matters, and all our efforts will have been in vain in the end, because, in the words of Paul, we become clanging cymbals and banging gongs if we lack love. Keep your love alive, stay focused on that, not on the things you are learning just for the sake of learning things.
Why are you learning?
To lord over someone who has less
knowledge, or to learn how you can love them better?
Memesplanation Short 26
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Spirituality and Tech
Happy New Year, everyone! May 2023 be one of the best in your life.
Seek the Lord earnestly and you will find Him. Believe that He has the best for you this year, start to break old, bad habits that in the small picture landed you where you were the night before last. Most of all, know that you are not alone in the need to change. Don’t call it a “resolution”, call it a dedication to change your life. Repent of the crappy thinking and bad habits that led you to the point of self-disgust at the end of last year, take proactive steps to improve your situation, whatever that looks like, whether reducing alcohol intake, moving more, eating more healthily, or working on healthier relationships this year, just do it and be intentional. Those little steps, taken daily, and those choices to seek the Lord in those moments when you would have turned to something less worthy, will lead to you being in a better place by the end of this year. If all of us commit to healthier actions and attitudes, it will have a bang-on effect and begin to change the world.
#distromonday #newyears #blessings #pray #goodchoices #memesplanation #TechFreedom
Memesplanation Short 26
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Spirituality and Tech
Back to the early Church Fathers... This quote from Polycarp seems poignant to me, now. As believers, we need to be this strong in our convictions, that even if (and I do see the potential for this sort of scenario happening here in America, if things do not change quickly in terms of the direction this nation is taking) this happens to us, we will stand strong in our belief in Jesus as our Lord and Savior. The enemy is turning up the heat, or trying to, on anyone who stands up against the corruption in our society, from the alphabet soup of sexual perversion, to divorce, to abuse, to human trafficking, and all of the other things that the Church has been mute about in large part for the last 50 years. This is whether it is due to the 501C.3 and Johnson
Amendment or due to complicity in these heinous crimes which are being revealed to us right now.
Memesplanation Short 27
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Spirituality and Tech
St Ambrose spitting some truth here about the conscience.
Have you recently done something you knew was wrong,
or failed to do something that you knew you needed to get
done? How did that feel? Were you ashamed? Have you
tried to punish yourself in any way? Our conscience
condemns us when we sin, either by commission (that
which we do, but ought not), and omission (that which
we ought do, but do not), this is natural. We run for
cover, or we stand and beat ourselves up for whatever
it was, unless we have deadened ourselves through
callous, repeated sin patterns so we no longer hear our
consciences. Tell me I’m not the only one who either
hides or self-abuses in some way when I know that I
screwed up. So what do we do about it? We seek
forgiveness from God, the injured party, and from
ourselves. We repent, then allow that sin to be as
though it never happened. That is not to say that
consequences cease to exist, but forgiveness is
the path to freedom for you and for the other person, particularly.
Memesplanation Short 28
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Spirituality and Tech
This is a hairy topic. I do not pretend to have answers, but what follows is an excerpt of my thoughts on the matter:
As a protestant, I struggle with what I feel is a fixation on Mary, who yes, was chosen by God to be the mother of Jesus. She grew the God-man in her womb. I believe that Jesus was fully God and fully man, from conception, otherwise he would neither be a sufficient sacrifice nor an effective example for us. My Catholic and Orthodox brothers and sisters would probably want to shake me vigorously because to them, my thinking does not go
far enough. To that I say that mystery is important, and I am comfortable with saying that I do not know enough to conclusively say that either Mary was not somehow the “mother of God” or that she indeed was. I do not think that it is important for salvation to know for sure one way or the other.
Memesplanation Short 30
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Spirituality and Tech
Love is the key. Love makes the world go round. Love holds the universe together.
Love is the root of wisdom, so causing love to spring forth is, in itself, wisdom.
God is love, John Chrysostom. John the Beloved tells us that at least once in his letters.
He is right about this, though, if you destroy love, life ceases to be worth living.
It is the foundation on which all exists, and the mortar which holds all together.
Let that sink in. Love made it all, love sustains all, and that is why when it feels
absent, it is so shocking.
Memesplanation Short 23
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Spirituality and Tech
Hauerwas is a modern Reformed theologian. One must await the fulfillment of promises, that is what Advent is about as a liturgical season. We focus on the promise of Messiah, try to place ourselves in the shoes of the Hebrews who received these prophecies in what we call the Old Testament, only we know that Christmas is a historical fact. This patient waiting season helps us to counter the insane rush and unsustainable “now” that our world tries to tell us is normal and should be expected. Breathe.
#TTT #advent #quotes #memesplanation #stanleyhauerwas #moderntheology #TechFreedom
Memesplanation Short 24
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Spirituality and Tech
These are the words assigned to each of the 4 weeks of Advent. First we walk through the hope of Messiah (primarily through the prophesies in the Old Testament, largely Davidic [in the Psalms] and in Isaiah), then we look at the peace promised, then the joy of promises fulfilled, then the Love that is Jesus. We hope for the fulfillment of all of God’s promises, not just the birth of Jesus. This allows us to have peace, even in the midst of a hectic and confusing life. It also teaches us that we can have joy, no matter what we walk through in this life, as Anna and Simeon did as they waited for the consolation of Israel. We also learn that we can experience God’s love for us, even in the midst of hard times (like right now). Then, we have Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, to round it all out with joy and a solid resolution to the waiting for Jesus’ birth. Amen.
#FFW #memesplanation #adventquotes #Bible #hope #peace #joy #love #faith #TechFreedom
Memesplanation Short 24
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Spirituality and Tech
When was the last time you walked through a lonely wasteland? One where you have nothing with you and nothing pressing to do, so that you can hear your own heart, so that you can hear the voice of the Father? I am certainly not Catholic, but this is the theme for this week, as we go through the last leg of preparation for Christmas on Sunday. Is the outside all gussied up like the whitewashed tombs of the prophets were by the pharisees? Busy just to be busy and to look good? Or busy so that you don’t have to hear the emptiness in our own hearts as they beat in our chests? Slow down. Take time amidst the rush and noise to heed our own souls’ needs. What are you running from? Why is quiet intentionally far away?
#definitionsthursday #advent #bequiet #wasteland #desert #running #stopit #memesplanation #TechFreedom
Memesplanation Shorts: 12.23.22
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Spirituality and Tech
Do you know your own destitution? Hard question, scary question for most, I think. Are our lives so loud that we cannot hear our troubled souls? That we cannot feel our true poverty (whether we may be materially rich or not), or perceive our own imperfections? What need have we of the reality of Advent and Christmas? If we have so cluttered our lives that we are completely out of touch with our need, then how can Advent be meaningful? If there is nothing we have need of, then how can we have space for hope? Slow down. Hear your heart today, feel the needs that you have in your heart and soul. Jesus is the answer to those hurts, those lacks. That is where Advent becomes meaningful.
#freeyourpcfriday #boenhoffer #20thcentry #hardstuff #hope #advent #memesplanation #TechFreedom
Memesplanation Short 31
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Spirituality and Tech
Christ is all in all. Amen. This prayer invites Jesus to be our light, our shield, our covering, to be under, above, beside us, in front of us, behind us, in us, and outside us. Do you need wisdom? Try Jesus. Guidance? Try Jesus. All around protection? Call on Jesus. Let Him be all that and more for you today. He is our Lord, but a the servant Lord that He is, He also helps us, guides us, and protects us from the enemy’s efforts. That is not to say that Jesus will negate the consequences of our choices, but those things which come at us which we did not bring on ourselves, he will at least dull for us.
Memesplanation Short 32
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Spirituality and Tech
Here is a quote about theosis from one of the Cappadocian Fathers, Gregory of Nazianzen, who was brother (literally) to St Basil the Great, and friends with Gregory of Nyssa. But enough on that... Union with God is the only place we can find mercy. Let that sink in.
Because God is Good, the only font of genuine mercy
(all other mercies are tributary and lesser than His), and endless loving bounty, the only place we can find the fullness of these things is in Him. Sure, there are facsimiles here, but no human can be perfectly merciful toward oneself or any other, without first receiving it from God.
What is this theosis I speak of?
Theosis is full union with God, where we have become so like Him that He cannot help but take us into Himself fully, that is what heaven is about, not standing around with harps and singing hallelujah for eternity (boring!), but becoming one with God. We can experience this in part here in this life, but it takes dedication and a will to empty oneself. I will find other quotes about this in the future, as I think this is something woefully lacking in the Western Church.
Memesplanation Short 33
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Spirituality and Tech
Ignatius of Antioch brings down the house with this one.
Simple. Punchy. To the point. Are we really Christians, or
is it just convenient to be called “Christian” in our context? Would you refuse to spit on a picture of Jesus? Would you curse Him if someone twisted your arm? This is hard.
It is easy to armchair quarterback here, and believe that
each of us who profess the Name of Jesus would actually stand up for Him should worse come to worse, but would we actually stand up or would we cower, afraid of being called a name, or some such thing? I feel like that is the majority of the American church right now, because most of us do not really know the Lord. Once we know Him, once we have experienced His love for us, it becomes much harder to deny Him when put to it. However, Peter denied Him 3 times the night before Calvary, after he had literally been with Jesus almost every second for the previous 3 years.
Memesplanation Short 34
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Spirituality and Tech
How attuned to this world are you? How aware of heaven are you? These, according to St. Isaac, are mutually exclusive. This comports well with how Jesus and Paul explained things as well, I am reminded of The Parable of the Sower, and how easily the ones who are too wrapped up in or full of the lust of the eyes and the pride of life fall away, kind of like Andrew Tate. Yes, I went there. He defected to Islam recently, because he was too full of himself to need the Lord at all. Too full of his Lambos and Bugattis, too full of the young people he was scamming to notice that he was slipping away from the Lord until Islam, with its very male-centric way of life was irresistible for him. Paul also talked about this in 1 Corinthians, when he encouraged them to stay single so that they could be more concerned with the Kingdom than the needs of their spouses or families.
Memesplanation Short 35
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Spirituality and Tech
What is your relationship with stuff? Do you own much?
How concerned are you with the condition of your investments?
It is allot of responsibility, isn’t it? I’m not saying that I want you to give it all away... Jesus did that a few times, and I am not Jesus, believe it or not. What this says to me is that simplicity is better than complexity. We need not chase after things and stuff, and indeed if we are too consumed with the rat race, as we talked about yesterday, we lose sight of the Kingdom for having tried to build our little kingdom here on earth. There is nothing wrong with possessions, as long as your identity is in Christ above all else. Hold things loosely. Cling to the Lord, not to that which we see here on earth.
Memesplanation Short 36
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Spirituality and Tech
Passion is destructive, according to Macarius. He was a desert father, one of the most influential of those. Rebuke should be in love and peace, not anger. That truly is a challenge, and one that I am not in a place to say that I’ve surmounted it, as my kids will tell you. I get impatient, I yell, sometimes too much. It is embarrassing, to be honest. I know it doesn’t do any good, and the boys rarely respond appropriately, so why do I let myself get so worked up? I guess I have some rough edges that need smoothing out.
Marriage and parenting are great for that. How do we overcome that, but still be effective people? That is THE question, isn’t it?
Memesplanation Short 38
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Spirituality and Tech
Pray without ceasing. Cry out. Lament. Praise. Never let the lines of communication between You and heaven go silent. Pound on the doors Of heaven. Do not get tired of asking, seeking, and knocking. For when you ask, you receive (perhaps not immediately), when you seek, you will find; when you knock, doors will open.
Keep asking, seeking, and knocking.
St Anthony has an interesting take here, that the constant pleas will force the Father’s benevolence to come to your rescue. Perhaps he was thinking of the parable of the unjust judge, rather than the passage I sited just now...
Memesplanation Short 39
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Spirituality and Tech
This is the heart of devotion. Meditation on the Lord even as we breathe.
There is a method called a breath prayer. One such prayer goes with the cadence of your breath, and as you breathe in, you say “Abba” then as you exhale say “I belong" and "to you” as you inhale again.
So, as you breathe, your mind and heart are centered on God, and you will begin to feel greater peace than you did at first. I used to have a motto: midius de, or “center down”. This was a was to remind myself that I needed to re-focus on the Lord.
Memesplanation Short 40
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Spirituality and Tech
How is God leading you? What things grab your attention and won’t let go?
What problems do you see that just captivate you until they’re solved?
These are probably indications to you what God designed you for, so pursue those things and stay in your lane, so to speak. If God moves you into a different area, go, but either way, focus on Him and His heart, not only for you, but for the world around you.
Memesplanation Short 41
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Spirituality and Tech
St. Augustine would know. That dude got around before he got saved.
Let’s break this down... To fall in love with God is the greatest romance...
God cannot be exhausted by a human, neither the depths nor heights nor
width can be fully explored, so being in the position of a lover seeking to
know as much as they can of their beloved, for a lifetime and then some,
makes all the sense in the world to me.
To seek Him is the greatest adventure... Why would seeking God be the
greatest adventure? He is the biggest, most powerful thing one could
possibly seek, He can hide anywhere and nowhere at the same time,
And you’re very likely to be surprised when and where you really find Him.
Finding God is the greatest achievement... Because seeking Him is the
greatest adventure, it follows that finding Him would have to be a massive
Memesplanation Short 42
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Spirituality and Tech
If we pray without ceasing, then we know that God is the one behind our successes, not ourselves. We know that we prayed all through the trial we faced, so we know that it was not our strength, nor our wisdom which brought us out the other side. It makes us humble.
Unceasing prayer seems like a nearly impossible goal, doesn’t it?
It certainly feels that way, but if we choose something like a breath prayer as a starting place, I think you’ll find it far easier to have a running conversation with your Father than you think. What you might otherwise tweet or post absentmindedly to social media, share with the Lord instead. Anxieties, frustrations, joys, and everything in between. When we are always talking to God, including listening to Him, humility is the natural result, just as Doretheos says here.
Memesplanation Short 37
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Spirituality and Tech
St. Clement has a valid point, methinks. If God were like a candy machine, where you put in a certain thing, make your selection, then get what you want right away, then there would be no relationship, No reason to pursue God or godliness, no Reason to change your heart or to grow, other Than to get whatever you want from the cosmic Candy machine.
Memesplanation Short 49
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Spirituality and Tech
St. John Chrysostom has a valid point, methinks.
God is wherever you are, and indeed, where you are not.
It is your choice to respond and how you respond to His
Presence. Will you draw near to Him, or ignore Him?
What will it be today, Christian?
What will it be today, unbeliever?
How will you respond to Him and His merciful
Presence? He is here to heal, to forgive, to love,
Not to beat or punish or condemn you, even if your
Conscience does that anyway.
Memesplanation Short 43
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Spirituality and Tech
Rough word today, from St. Maximus the Confessor. Maximus was a Byzantine monk from the 6th and 7th centuries. I expected that he was a desert father with the very ascetic flavor to this quote, but I was wrong, at any rate, back to the quote: humility cuts out the spiritual passions (pride and associated sins), and suffering cuts out the bodily passions. Why are these important? According to the ascetic tradition, it is a great benefit to humans to not indulge the desires of the body, as they believe that indulgence is in itself sinful, as in many cases, the body is held to be evil and must be disciplined to allow one to grow more spiritually. Humility does serve as an antidote of sorts to pride and its attendant sins of self-centeredness, sloth, lust, greed, and the like, which are also kept in check through asceticism. How can we apply this in our lives? If we want to truly be counter-cultural, choosing to go low and to adopt some ascetic disciplines, such as fasting, would go a long way toward that end.
Memesplanation Short 44
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Spirituality and Tech
Abba Epiphanes speaking directly to our situation. Too few Christians actually know the Word. When we do not know the Word, how can we know the Living Word? This lack of biblical literacy has proven Abba Epiphanes’ point, here. It has led to the direct decay of our nation and world. If we say that we want a revival, it has to start at home, in our prayer closets, then overflow into the streets, not start outside and work its way in. Start reading and memorizing scripture. That is the toolset with which the Holy Spirit works to transform us, without that, we stay more or less stagnant and lukewarm, able to be taken in by every wind of teaching that blows, because we do not have the Word in us in any real way.
Memesplanation Short 45
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Spirituality and Tech
Prayer is simple. Don’t over complicate it.
St. Ambrose was a Russian heyschastic
monk in the 19th century. What does that
mean? He focused on very simple, mystical things, such as the Jesus prayer, “Lord Jesus
Christ, Son of God, Have mercy on me, a sinner”.
These simple words, when repeated as these
monks do, can produce some profound religious
experiences in adherents. It focuses you on the
core of the christian message, that Jesus is the
Son of God, and that you are in need of mercy.
But I digress, he tells us here that prayer should
be simple, as God knows what we need and
when we need it.
Memesplanation Short 46
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Spirituality and Tech
Never give up. It is ok to be tempted to despair, but never give in, and never give up. It is easy to despair when we look around and see little that isn’t dark or horribly tainted, when it is hard to see how it can ever get better. But St John Chrysostom tells us that if we are truly brave, we will never surrender to despair.
How can we never despair?
Cling to the Lord. Trust Him more than you trust what you are experiencing right now. Raise your gaze to Him, and lock your eyes on His. That will allow you to never despair. That will make you brave, even in the face of persecution. That will allow you to lock arms with your brothers and sisters and create the future that you want to see.
Memesplanation Short 47
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Spirituality and Tech
I think we are there. St Anthony nailed this one. What is sanity? What the Word says, or what
the culture says? Whether it be the masks, or the killshots, or some other technique of control
we’ve not fully seen yet, we have seen our friends and family turn on us for not toeing the line on these nonsensical “protections” against what is a variant of the common cold. For that matter, those of us who stand for traditional marriage and family structures, who “cling to their guns and their bibles”, who are “deplorables”, that is why we get attacked, we are
salt and light in the midst of a dark, flavorless world that tries to force conformity on us. Stand strong in love and truth. Don’t beat people over the head, just be the beloved child you are, and walk in our Father’s ways.
Memesplanation Short 48
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Spirituality and Tech
Today, from St. Gregory the Theologian (of Nazianzus, in Modern Turkey)
God requires 3 things from all Christians:
Right Faith in the heart:
believe that Jesus is who He claimed to be,
believe the Truth of who you are as a beloved
child of God
Truth on the tongue:
not only don’t be a liar, but seek to spread
the Truth of Jesus as you go wherever you go,
love others through your words by telling them
the Truth
Temperance in the body:
Discipline your body so that you can finish
running the race well, as Paul instructed,
give it what it needs, but do not over-indulge
in food or drink, sleep or any other good thing.
Master your body so that its desires do not lead
you away from the faith through a series of sins
that you become so accustomed to that you begin
to identify with it... This is a hard one, here in the
West, where we have had access to so much in
the last 80 years or so.
Memesplanation Short 50
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Spirituality and Tech
St. Porphyrios was a modern Orthodox monk,
who lived during the 20th century, in Greece.
He was known for being extremely discerning.
Whenever a negative thought comes along, simply
redirect your focus. Choose to press into the Lord
and His Love, and His love will drive away those
thoughts, whether of harm, anger, lust, or any other
dark thing. Those things cannot exist in the presence
of Jesus’ accepted love for you. Rest in Him.
Breathe in His love, it is the atmosphere you were designed for.
This will make your life much more peaceful.
Memesplanation Short 51
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Spirituality and Tech
The prayer of St Francis of Assisi... I used to sing an
arrangement of this prayer in choir when I was in college.
This is about asking God to make us more loving, less
self-centered, and more Christ-like. Simple. Can’t say too
much about it, as it nicely encapsulates the core of what it
means to become sanctified or to grow closer to theosis.
We are called to be smaller, and to exalt others over
ourselves, not be the center of our own universes.
That does not mean that we are nothing, that we
do not matter and should be trampled upon.
However, it does mean that we think of others
more often than we do ourselves.
Memesplanation Short 53
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Spirituality and Tech
Humility is the key. Ever wondered how to avoid
Sin? St. Anthony has an answer for us, today.
Humility is how we avoid these things. If you are
humble, you will not seek to glorify yourself. When
you are humble, you are not the center of your
own world. When you are humble, gluttony, sloth,
and lust fall by the wayside more easily. Those 7
deadly sins are all based in pride and self-centeredness.
The antidote is humility. What is humility again?
Humility is embodied love for others. How do we show this?
Putting others first. This does not mean that we seek to
become doormats or anything like that, but that we
choose to serve God by serving His image-bearers. Become more interested in others and in the Lord than you are in yourself.
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I have some deep Lutheran roots. Here is a combo
breaker from the Renaissance, from the pen of
Martin Luther, the “Great Reformer”. Yes, he has
his issues. That is not the point today. Prayer is life
for us, as Christians. After all, it is just a conversation
with God that never ends. That is not to say that there
won’t be silent moments, just like any human relationship.
Much is communicated even in those moments, but
prayer = breathing for your spiritual life, just as the Bible
is spiritual food, and the Spirit is the Living Water we need in order to keep pressing on toward the goal.
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Back to Patristics, with St Gregory the Great.
What do you fear? If your only fear is not losing
God’s friendship, then you have a ways to go to
perfection. That is deep, but perhaps also based
on a misunderstanding from this great early theologian.
Can we lose God’s friendship? Not if we walk in HIs
ways and seek His face. However, such a thing can
be achieved if we walk away from Him in meaningful
ways. I believe that that is the foundation of double
predestination. God knows who will choose Him,
but gives each one the freedom to choose, even
once we do make an initial choice to call Him Lord.
I don’t have the time to unpack this here, but I think
that perfection is knowing that God’s love is
all-encompassing for those who have accepted and
yielded to it.
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Humility. Yes, I’m harping on it. If Jesus humbled and emptied himself on our behalf, then why won’t we follow suite?
Why do we cling to our pride? Hear this as coming, not from me, but from a respected mentor or pastor. Release yourself from the burden of your pride today. Ask the Lord to help you see yourself accurately, to esteem yourself as He esteems you, rather than forcing YOUR way. Making sure that you get YOURS, and seeing that as the lion’s share of whatever is in question. I could go on, but we will be talking about this most of the week, so I’ll go easy today.
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Here is another definition of humility, and it plays into
that kenotic (self-emptying) thought from yesterday.
Humility is the ability to not defend yourself when you
are able to do so. Not firing off that devastating quip to
put the rude person in their place, whether that looks
like blessing them or simply walking away, and allowing
God to work on them, rather than creating a scene and
causing more ill will and bad blood to exist between you
and the other person. This goes into what meekness is,
strength, under control and service to love, rather than
strength just existing and crushing whomever it wants to.
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Chrysostom with more truth about humility.
If we really think about it, love is humble.
Love is the keystone to all things positive in
the Spirit. If that is true, then that would put
humility right where Chrysostom puts it in
this quote. One cannot be meek without humility,
one cannot be gentle without humility, it is difficult
to be kind without being humble, etc. One cannot
be wise without humility, that is called being a
know it all or a smart ass.
As Paul said, Knowledge puffs up, but wisdom builds up.
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Another from Chrysostom today, go low.
Focus on the greatness of God, not on
how epic you think you are. Know what
you can do, but neither identify with it,
nor make much of it. That is pride. Consider
yourself useless means just that. Let go
of self-reference, let others grow and glow.
Encourage and support them, rather than
stealing their thunder. Allow God to promote you.
Allow others to notice your good work without
you trumpeting it from the rooftops.
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John Climacus was also known as John Scholasticus,
he was a Syriac monk from the 6th and 7th centuries,
just to give a little context for the quote. Yes, we are
continuing to talk about humility. Humility allows us
to do amazing things and not be about those
accomplishments. Humility allows us to kneel
appropriately and stand when necessary in our daily
fight with the Enemy. It allows us to come into the Kingdom, as we cannot come unto the Lord to be saved other than as children, who are humble. These are a few benefits to humility, and there are many others.
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One last day on humility, though I could harp on this for longer. Macarius of Optina taught Ambrose of Optina, both of whom were Russian monks in the 19th century. The enemy is sneaky, ain’t he? He tries to trap us in pride, in some other insidious sin pattern, those are his “fine nets”. If we are consistently humble, Macarius says that we can escape them. Why is that? Humility allows us to see more clearly and to see ways around those fine traps and tricks from the enemy, so that we can walk uprightly.
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A little out from left field, but here is a quote from Ben Franklin, who was clearly steeped in the Bible. What is Folly? To consider oneself wise (but not be). As I said when I was talking about humility last week, humility is a key to wisdom. One form of a fool is to be “high on your own fumes”, so much so that you cannot hear any criticism or direction from anyone. That is the heart of this quote. So first, you get cocky, hold yourself a certain way, then give voice to it, then you turn around and ignore or actively avoid any counsel that might contradict your own feelings or thoughts. This sounds like what both the hard Left and the hard Right do, all the time. They put themselves forward as the saviors of the nation, if not world, then shout down the other side when they say something that doesn’t agree with their convictions.
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One might think that I am remiss in ignoring Valentine’s Day today, but I don’t think so. There, Happy Valentine’s Day. We talked about being simple on Sunday and how it naturally tends toward folly, but can be short circuited into wisdom if the simple person finds a good teacher or mentor. One can learn prudence, then grow into wisdom and knowledge, or one can stay simple and become a fool, never understanding why bad things keep happening in their lives. Which would you rather? Having understanding and humility to make better decisions based on patterns you recognize? Or would you rather just stumble through life, from situation to situation, like an animal who lacks even common sense?
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Folly can be fun, in fact, it often is more fun in the moment than the wise or prudent way. However, the difference between wisdom and folly is that wisdom will direct you to longer term prosperity, not simply short term fun or enjoyment. Folly says, “Well, it’s fun, now. It feels good, man, forget about tomorrow, just live in the moment, man, and seize the day.” Wisdom says, “it may feel good now, but it will wreck you tomorrow and set you up for pain in the future. Don’t do it.” What is the wise choice for you today?
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I don’t need to say much, as this meme pretty much says it all. Which will you be today? A proud fool, or a humble & wise person? Will you choose to be teachable today? Will you listen or talk more? Will you rage uncontrollably or be even-keeled? Where will you base your confidence, on yourself and what you can do, or on God and what He can do for and through you? The first option is more immediately fun and enticing, but leads to ruin, sooner or later. The second will, if you consistently posture yourself humbly, make a longer term success story out of your life. So, what’s it gonna be?
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This is how the world is. The bigger the fool, the higher the pedestal. The braggart who does accomplish things, blows hard about them, and gets attention for doing so. See: Donald J. Trump. Some of the things he has done have been foolish, others not so much, but he jumps up and down, screaming about how wonderful he is, either way. That is folly. That gets a place of honor here on earth, but the wealthy person who does not brag gets very little attention, so he sits in the low place. Who are you? Are you the blowhard or the humble one who gets no special treatment? This verse is descriptive, not prescriptive. It is not telling us to puff out our chests and brag about our accomplishments or talents, but it does tell us how things tend to work, here on earth.
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The Teacher tells us that after he tried it all and found it all empty, he learned that wisdom is better than folly. Wisdom will ultimately destroy folly, as light drives out darkness. Folly is the absence or corruption or negation of wisdom, just as darkness is in a similar relationship to light. Do you prefer to be known, or unknown? Hidden (in a clandestine way), or out in the open (but safe)? Would you rather be in the dark, bumping into things, or in a well lit place where you can see all of the obstacles or pitfalls in your way? I don’t know about you, but I am in a place in my life where I am tired of bumping into things. I need more light, more wisdom, and less pride.
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St. Augustine laying out the difference between wisdom and knowledge, or at least A difference between wisdom and knowledge. You can have knowledge until you are about to burst, without wisdom. That is simply hoarded information, though. I have to split hairs with the great bishop from Hippo in North Africa. I don’t necessarily agree with his comment about understanding. That’s how I’m defining “apprehend”, here. Anyone who studies any given thing enough can “apprehend” them, at least on some level, without wisdom or reference to God. I think I understand what he is getting at otherwise, though. He wants to reserve wisdom for spiritual things, while knowledge gets relegated to material things. That is a little too clean, as one needs wisdom in an earthly realm in order to live well here and now. Wisdom allows us to see patterns, whether in the natural or the supernatural.
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This quote is from Chabad, which is a Jewish organization. Interesting take, here. Wisdom is the power to see the truth as it is. This is a very different angle. If we try to shove what we see and experience into some mold we have, it is unlikely to fit, therefore makes things foolish. Things get distorted, and we make bad decisions based on our mold for the situation. If we are wise, we allow things to be as they are, then set up our strategy to get through whatever it is based on that, rather than our preconceptions.
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To build on yesterday’s idea, if we truly see things as they are, we will experience more sorrow, because that does not allow for rose-tinted glasses or cognitive dissonance. When we see things accurately, we will gain more good knowledge, and will go through more grief. Not exactly a ringing endorsement, is it? Not a good sales ploy, “Become wise, your life will be more sad” doesn’t exactly sound good, does it? However, if we are wise, we can build our lives, in accordance with Heaven, in such a way that we personally experience less sorrow and grief because of messes we made.
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According to Dr. Stanley, earthly wisdom is basically common sense. It is what comes naturally for us as humans, it makes sense in the twisted logic of this life. You can do well with common sense and a bit of experiece, but if you want even better results, you need Godly wisdom, which can only come through purposeful connection and alignment with Heaven. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Wisdom, he will give you the wisdom you need, if you ask, then follow through on the insights you receive. Don’t ask for wisdom, then ignore it when you get it. The Holy Spirit will get offended, look at Proverbs 8. Don’t be that person.
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If wisdom is the first, most important thing, then why do we treat it like a red-headed stepchild? We run the other way because the journey to attain it seems daunting, and even the end in and of itself doesn’t seem particularly appealing, right? We like to think that we know what is going on, that we have it together, and the never ending quest for wisdom seems like a slap in the face. Well, it is. Humility isn’t fun or sexy, so to speak, so we turn to the easy way, to the dark side, like I talked about on superbowl Sunday. Pride is quick, pride is sexy, pride can seem fun in the moment, but pride is the dark side. Pride is the antithesis of wisdom.
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The lame excuse for a definition in the current Webster’s dictionary is pitiful, even utilizing what is more or less a tautology. In a sense, it is a right definition, but come on, that is pitiful. Compare it to the older definition, that feels much more full. It refers to justice, propriety, discernment, and discretion; things which are purposely and sorely lacking in today’s world. Things which are actively campaigned against by the powers that be. Wow. Not that the 19th century was a perfect time, by any stretch, but at least words meant something back then. Wisdom, worth it, or not? What do you guys think?
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No one else knows what is going on in your head. Don’t expect them to know what is going on in there, unless you tell them. Even actions do not interpret themselves. It all needs explanation, perhaps there is something you missed in your analysis that they’ll pick up on, if you let them into your thought process. Relax. Let someone in. I’m reminded of that classic from The Beatles, “Hey, Jude”. You cannot function as an island. That is unsustainable. You need to let someone in, before you explode.
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This is a reference to Proverbs 8, hear the Lord saying this today. “Seek me early, and you will find me.” He is the Author of all knowledge and wisdom, so when we seek Him, we seek wisdom. Choose to prioritize seeking His face, then doing what He says to do. Stop trying to run your own life. I’m talking to myself here, too. Seek Him. Seek wisdom. Make that your #1 thing.
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This is why I started the series on Wisdom with definitions, so that we could know what I was talking about, as close to unequivocally as possible. Socrates is typically a bit outside of my wheelhouse here, but we need to know what we are talking about when we speak, particularly in the present day, when the powers that be seem intent on changing all the definitions so that they can say one thing and mean the opposite, but we miss it.
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This is an alternate concept of wisdom, one that has no reference to the Creator. It will have its shortcomings, but in principle, this works. Knowledge has to do with the head, wisdom is heart-based. True wisdom finds its source, though, in God, rather than your feelings. This kind of wisdom could fit with chokma, but stops short of that, because in most uses, chokma is this, plus connection with God. Without the latter, it is merely lessons learned from experience, which are powerful things, but miss the fullness. To echo yesterday’s thought, seek Him, ask for wisdom, and He will give it freely.
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Be humble, don’t go rogue. Seek out wise people, elders, and ask for advice, then follow it. Allow yourself to be taught. Treasure the experiences shared by your elders. Does that mean do things exactly as they did? No. The point of asking them is so that when you run into a similar situation, you don’t HAVE to repeat their mistakes. At the end of all of that, you will have some wisdom. Don’t think that you can just skate by, if you want things to be different from previous attempts. Find a successful teacher.
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Memesplanation Short 79
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As we march forth on this March fourth, keep this in mind and choose humility. Do you want knowledge, understanding, and wisdom? Are you tired of living out the definition of insanity? Maybe it is time to stop, reevaluate your attitudes and actions, and submit to a mentor or two. Make sure that they are godly and were successful in areas where you want to grow. That will set you up for the best outcome.
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If you know theology you know St. Thomas Aquinas. He is the “Angelic Doctor”, one of the best known academic theologians in the Western Tradition. He still saw this as the case, particularly in light of passages such as Philippians 2:12-13, 2 Peter 1:3-4, Psalm 82:6, and others. What does it mean that Jesus wants us to share in his divinity? After all, he did not consider his divinity a thing to be grasped or clung to, he emptied himself, so that we could be one with Him. That is good news, y’all. That is the nature of salvation, at least in the Eastern half of the Church.
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St. Irenaeus of Lyons on the nature of salvation. In Orthodoxy, Original Sin is not a thing, though they do admit to nature being slanted toward evil. Jesus came to make us one with Him. God knows that we are separate from Him by nature, but He wants to be with us, for we bear His image in His world. Love makes it so that He does not force the issue, but that we would have the choice to live into that which we were designed for from the beginning: communion with Him and one another. That is Heaven, union with God and peace among humans on earth.
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To rephrase himself, here is another quote from St Irenaeus. Jesus is the Word, the Son of God and the Son of man: he became like us, so that we might become like Him through communion with Him. That is how we become sons of God in Him. This is theosis, the end goal for the Christian walk in Eastern Orthodox belief. One of the things that I love about Orthodoxy is that they have allowed mystery to be a real part of their spirituality, rather than having cut & dried answers for every little thing under the sun, as we Western Christians believe that we must, for the most part.
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This Psalm seems to be talking about the Heavenly council, the word used in Hebrew is elohim, and God is talking to the rulers in his council, whom we know as elders and perhaps some angels, or perhaps his seven spirits. Yes, the seven spirits of God. But Jesus, in quoting it, seems to imply that, in the vein of Psalm 8, God may have been talking to us, after all. In Him, we become sons of God, and can look forward to living in perfect communion with Him, the Holy Spirit and the Father. That is the essence, if you’ll pardon the pun, of theosis.
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I have talked a bit about St. Gregory in the past, but as we begin this journey into looking at theosis, about which he had much to say, it is important to ground who he was. He was a hesychastic monk and priest in Greece during the 14th century, well educated, well spoken, ascetic, and deeply spiritual. From this font sprang volumes of theology, among which was this quote. Our response to God’s grace, in his opinion, should lead to ascetic purity and mental prayer, such as the Jesus prayer, which we talked about around a month ago. This purity and devotion, not lessons on theology, will lead to revelation about union with God. Because we are slow, and descendants of the”enlightenment”, we will go through this month of introduction to the idea, it is up to you what you do with it. Will you choose to press in in ways that Gregory Palamas would encourage you to do, or will it stay as simple information for you?
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How does theosis work, Gregory? We come into communion with God through prayer, purity, and praise. It is simple, but not easy. What are these godlike virtues? St Gregory would tell you that they are natural similitudes with God, and they begin with the end of our impassioned throughts, which he says are contrary to nature. As we pursue these “godlike virtues”, or things which are in keeping with our true natures, they become “divine passions” and move us into position to receive the grace of being able to unite with God through prayer and praise.
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St. Athanasius talking of the divine exchange that was enabled at the cross. Jesus became incarnate that we might be reunited with God in the way that Adam and Eve were in the garden. That is what the rescue operation was about. That is why Jesus came, showed us what communion with the Father looked like, then gave himself to unlock this for us. This is salvation. We will talk about this over the next few weeks.
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Here’s a thought from Gregory’s dear friend, Basil. If we have been given the Holy Spirit as the seal of our inheritance as Children of God, then what is is that children are in relation to their parents? We tend to be just like them, don’t we? As kids, we think that our parents are the greatest human beings on earth (unless they do something to destroy that belief, thus little Johnny and little Billy and the classic “my dad could beat your dad up” thing), and we want to be just like them. If we are the Children of God, then we have the potential to be just like our Dad. That is what this is about.
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Another thought from a great Church Father... Ordered to become God... That is heavy. What does that mean? Is this ordered in relation to commanded, or ordered in relation to put in place? If God became man in Jesus (which we all believe as Christians), then perhaps he came to restore the order that had been broken through pride and ignorance when man chose to bypass relationship for deity in its own right in the Garden. That was the nature of the temptation for Eve and Adam. Pride over relationship with God. God created us to be one with Him, that we would be able to enter into the great eternal community that is God. That is what salvation offers us, according to the Orthodox Traditions.
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This is very similar to the thought of St. Athanasius from Monday. He was another Church Father, and the only Syrian Father to be considered a Doctor of the Church by both the West and the East. Why would God choose to empty Godself of all glory and break the created order by entering it fully through incarnation, if not to effect something massive? Turning humanity into persons able to fully commune with Him, then through that, restoring creation to His original intent. That was why Jesus came, not to simply make it possible to go sing and play a harp for eternity, rather than burning in Hell or being annihilated for eternity.
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Most translations have this as “a little lower than the angels so as not to cause scandal in the West, but this is a better translation, as the Hebrew term in this passage is elohim. Elohim is one of the names of God. “For who is man...” The truth is that in the big picture, we are actually above the angels, we have the right to command them as well as to judge them, because that is the place we were given in creation. The angels cannot commune with God, they are more “other than” Him than we are, as we get the privilege to receive grace. They do not, and they marvel at it. If that does not speak to how God values us, then I don’t know what does, that God would come, show us how to be, then sacrifice Himself to put us right with Him, so that our nature can be restored, along with all things. It gives me the shivers, you guys.
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Here, we see Jesus taking on the meanest of tasks, washing the foul, filthy feet of his disciples, who had been walking around in sandals through the dusty streets of Jerusalem and the Judean countryside. Peter tries to deny Jesus the task, but then Jesus told him that if he did not allow Jesus to wash his feet, then Peter would have no part in Him. This is a symbol of the kenosis we spent so much time on last week. If the Lord wants to wash your feet today, let Him. This is has been a public service announcement from Spirituality & Tech.
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This passage seems to clear up yesterday’s question marks, quite nicely, doesn’t it? Here, Jesus quotes Psalm 82:6 indirectly, and it is another “Elohim” situation, to almost throw it in the Pharisees’ faces. Looking at Western commentaries seems to refute that Jesus was literally calling humans “gods” here as a defense for the Jews calling him a blasphemer for stating that he is the Son of God, and thus equal to Him, in short order after healing and forgiving the paralytic who was lowered through the roof of the home where he was teaching that day. I leave this up to you and your discernment. Should we take this literally, or more metaphorically? How do we make that decision and cherry pick which verses to take literally and which ones are metaphorical? How do we do this without the active help of the Holy Spirit working alongside and inside us? You tell me.
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To echo Psalm 8, here is the writer to the Hebrews. This establishes more of the traditional understanding of Psalm 8:5, which places us lower than the angels, which also throws a wrench of sorts into this series, doesn’t it? This is a direct quote from the Septuagint version of Psalm 8, and whenever we translate something, we have to interpret it, don’t we? Indeed, whenever we hear or see something in our own language, we must interpret it in order to understand it. Context must help in this, as text without context is a pretext for a misunderstanding. I’d love to come up with some pithy remark, but I think that ambiguity and mystery are important, so why don’t you wrestle with this condundrum and let me know what you come up with.
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If we are God’s children, then we are heirs. If the Cross and the empty tomb enable us to be joined with Christ, then all that is His is ours. However, as I mentioned over the last couple of days, there is a catch: the catch is that we must daily pick up our cross and follow Him. If we do that, then His glory, his divinity will be ours. Does this mean that we should seek suffering? No, Jesus didn’t do that. He pled with the Father to “Take this cup from me” in the Garden. Face suffering when it comes, but do not seek it out, as it will come on its own, most likely. Face persecution which is steadily growing, even in the West (which was never really as safe as we thought it was, as it was merely culturally “Christian”... Again, I could talk about that for a good while, but not today). When suffering comes, accept it, empty yourself as Jesus did, seek to serve more than to be served (I echo St. Francis of Assisi here, who echoed the Bible), and you will find yourself on the path toward Communion with God.
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Jesus poured Himself out like a drink offering. He emptied Himself of the glory and power He had to become, as we discussed yesterday, a servant to all, even to the point of washing feet and becoming sin for us. All the way to dying, separate from the eternal common-unity that is God. Godself was broken on the cross in some mysterious way, and as I said in my song “Worthy”, Jesus showed us how to truly be human. He raised us up through His self-negating sacrifice. He did the unthinkable, the unfathomable, that we might have the option to join in the communion that is God.
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Through Jesus’ power, we have full access to all that we need in order to become like God, to attain communion with Him. We simply have to choose to walk that path, through trusting Him. It is yours. Appropriate it through faith, which looks like humbly submitting yourself to His Way, rather than trying to do your own thing for God. Baptizing your ambition and drive without being transformed by the Holy Spirit working in your life through community and the Word leads to horrible things in the end. I could say much about this, but now is not the time.
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John 17, Jesus’ prayer for us. How can we be One as God is One? How can we have God’s glory? That sort of unity, that sort of love has not been seen in the Church as a whole since the end of the First Century, at least. Since then, we have tended to grow more and more concerned with doctrinal minutiae, and justifying our own factions’ existence. Holy Spirit, I ask that you would bring unity in the Body of Christ. Help us to love one another as You, Jesus, and the Father love one another. Help us to focus on what really matters, and depend on you for the rest, that we would stop sniping at each other across the lines of tradition and stream.
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Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead, praying to the Father in a loud voice. Earlier in the passage, Jesus assures Martha that they will see glorification here on earth. That certainly sounds like theosis. If we are in Christ, then we have access to that promise, as I understand it. We have talked about how we get to that place over the last 4 weeks, do you think that this passage suggests this reality? if we are in Christ, then His Father is our Father. Our Father is able to do far more than we could ever ask, through and for us. When we are one with Him, our desires will be in line with His, and He will grant whatever we ask.
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Here we see Jesus call Peter and Andrew to “Follow Me”, this process would utterly transform these fishermen into two of the best known figures in Christianity, and by extension, the world. They were both martyred in different ways in different places, but they never would have had the cojones to speak the Name of Jesus if they had chosen to stay on the boat, with what they knew. Little did they know that their lives would change so radically based on the choice to follow Jesus. Little did they know that they would learn to Love so completely...
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Back to Paul today, here, he tells us that Jesus has started the work in us to become like Him, and He will complete it. He tells us that the Holy Spirit is working to make us COMPLETELY HOLY and flawless. This sounds like Wesleyan perfection, but also lends itself to the current discussion, doesn’t it? Does this sound like “a sinner, saved by grace”? Orthodoxy does not deny the struggle of Flesh versus Spirit, but the focus is on what is to come, should we choose to take the path of self-denial that is kenosis, which is the heart of the Christian walk. That is how we can be completely holy and flawless before God. Learning to love one another as He loves us.
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God’s perfect love removes fear. Fear of punishment, fear of man, fear of lack, fear of failure, fear of rejection. It also paved the way for us to join in with the existence of the trinity, that of perfect love and community. Jesus has raised us up to have that which He stepped out of when he became incarnate, through His love for us. God wanted all of His image-bearers to be able to be united in Him, so He sent Jesus to show us how and to make it possible for us. That is the nature of the Love of God, it gives godself without thought of godself. Let that blow your mind today.
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Does “in Christ” mean that we are one with Him in some way? This is why I chose to do this as a followup to the Theosis discussion we had before Holy Week. Yes, in some way that we do not fully understand, we are both one with Him and becoming and growing into that unity. What the precise end of that is, even the Orthodox have not come to firm conclusions. It is a mystery as beautiful as the Cross itself. The Cross is the key to this door, the compass rose for this map, the Rosetta Stone for this lost language. We could spend eternity unpacking exactly what happened on the cross, and we still would not exhaust it fully. That, I feel, is the same with this mystery. We are One with Him, now, but are growing into greater dimensions of unity through walking with Him.
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This is the question we will be seeking to answer over the next several weeks. If we are, as Paul says, “In Christ”, what does that mean? Does that have physical connotations of some sort? Does that mean that our individual souls are caught up in Him? Does that mean that our sin is hidden? Does that mean that we are One with Him in some way? Does that mean that we have new life “in Him”? That we are masterworks “in Him? This and more. Stick around to learn how we are “In Christ” and what it means, over the next several weeks.
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Jesus’ last day in the grave, no matter how you slice it. Whether He died on Wednesday or Friday, this is when the body of the Lord was most cold. In Jude, we learn that Jesus did indeed descend to Hell to bring forth the captives, break death, and proclaim the Gospel of the Kingdom in the heart of the Enemy’s stronghold, embarrassing him just as he had embarrassed (or tried to embarrass Jesus). Today, we meditate on the pauses of life, when we are most unsure of what is coming next. Those moments, much like the one we now find ourselves in, when we have to catch our breath and cling to faith, just as the disciples did. Fear is natural in times of transition, but we can breathe easier because we know that in the end, we win. There are dark moments when it would be easy to give in to fear rather than rising up and standing or even kneeling in faith, believing that God is good, whether it LOOKS like it or not in the moment, in the natural.
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Now we come to “Good” Friday, which, if you have followed my argument so far, was actually the midpoint of the 3 days in the grave. Traditionally, this is when we remember Jesus’ sacrifice for us on the cross. If we were thinking historically and contextually, we would see that the crucifixion likely happened on Wednesday afternoon, not Friday afternoon. This does not negate or detract what He did for us, but it does help the story to make more sense, because I cannot think of a culture where Friday afternoon- early Sunday morning equals 3 days. That is not how the Jews reckon time. For Jewish reckoning, days start at sundown, and end at the next sundown. By that reckoning, He died at the end of Friday, was in the grave all day on the Sabbath, and was raised around sunrise on Sunday. That makes it just a hair over 1 day, not 3. The writers of the Gospel accounts were Jews, except for Luke. Think about it. If Jesus died around 3 PM on Friday (about 3 hours before the Sabbath was to begin), they would not have that as a day. You make up your mind. Let me know what makes sense to you in the comments.
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In reality, this likely happened on Tuesday or Wednesday, not Thursday. I honor the tradition, as it makes sense to split things up a bit, but even with the way that these events are presented in the Gospels, it seems more bang, bang, bang than there being a couple of days where nothing remarkable happened. So, if the Last Supper happened on Tuesday night, then the arrest was that night, the trial was that night and into Wednesday, and the crucifixion was on Wednesday, He was dead and buried by the beginning of the High Sabbath of Passover (which lasted 3 days, from sundown on Wednesday to sundown on Saturday. Normal Sabbath is sundown Friday – sundown Saturday. This, being the highest of the Feasts, has an extra long time of rest for the people. This gives us 3 days in the grave, Thursday-Saturday. He was probably raised in the middle of the night on Saturday (as we understand it).
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Here we are on the Day of Preparation, which would be after the Fig Tree on Tuesday, and Jesus sends the Peter and John to find accommodations for them to each the Passover Meal. This story opens with Jesus speaking prophetically about what they will find in the city. As I wrote this, it hit me that perhaps the term should be that He manifested what he desired, then they found it just as He had said. Remember, he had just taught them about faith earlier in the day, and who knows what he taught on in the Temple that day. So I’m going to say that Jesus manifested the Upper Room to that it would be exactly as He desired for them. Prove me wrong.
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The cleansing of the temple. In most accounts, this happened just after the fig tree incident, a day or two after Palm Sunday. That is why I chose to put this on the Monday of Holy Week. Over the course of the week, I will show that the traditional accounts are incorrect in terms of when what happened. Why did Jesus clear the money changers and merchants out of the Temple courts? Why was he so upset by this situation? He knew that these individuals and systems, while originally intended to make life easier for the faithful, ultimately created a very oppressive situation. These bankers and merchants extorted the poor who came to worship and sacrifice. How is a church bookstore or coffee shop any different from these men who interfered with the people’s desire to be with God as best they could. The Temple was meant to point to the reality that after Jesus died, was raised, and ascended into heaven, we would each be our own place to meet with God, our own place where God can commune with us. It became a horrible situation, run by money-grubbing, power-hungry men (not all of the ones on the Sanhedrin matched this description, but most did). Jesus could not brook that continuing, so at the Spirit’s urging, he fashioned a whip out of cords and kicked all of that marketplace nonsense to the curb. What elements in your temple might need cleansing today? God is not against us providing for ourselves, as long as that provision does not preclude us from being with Him. If it becomes the center of who we are, and starts to control our lives, then God will probably desire to cleanse our respective temples.
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As Jesus and the 12 were returning to Jerusalem after Palm Sunday, Jesus saw a fig tree in leaf, but it was barren, so he cursed it because he was hungry. The next day, when they came back to the City, the tree was withered from the root. The disciples, particularly Peter, were stunned at that development, so Jesus used it as a teaching moment for them, on the nature of faith. What faith did it take for Jesus to end the life of that tree? This translation says that it was instant, most say that it happened by the next day. Either way, though, the tree withered in very short order after Jesus cursed it, and he taught them about the nature of faith and what it can do when wielded properly. Much ink has been spilled on this topic, and I will not add much more to it. Where is your faith? What is faith, as you understand it? Let me know in the comments.
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In Christ, we have newness of life. We have been reborn IN HIM. What does that mean? On one level, we have been birthed into His death and resurrection, therefore we have a new Lord, and no longer need to be dominated by the patterns of pride which manifest in attitudes and behaviors which ultimately destroy us, both physically and spiritually. We can walk in freedom. That is the new life that 1 Corinthians 15:22 talks about, here. Life under new Lordship where we are no longer constrained to live according to pride.
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“I am the sprouting vine and you’re my branches. As you live in union with me as your source, fruitfulness will stream from within you—but when you live separated from me you are powerless. If a person is separated from me, he is discarded; such branches are gathered up and thrown into the fire to be burned. But if you live in life-union with me and if my words live powerfully within you—then you can ask whatever you desire and it will be done.
Abide in Him. You will grow when you live in union with Him. You will cease growing when you step away and disconnect from Him. What does it mean to live in union with Him? It means that we surrender our ways and adopt His. We go small. We cease to assert our own desires and choose to live with open hands of blessing toward others, and correcting what needs correction in ourselves and others as we grow.
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Who am I in Christ? I am holy, alive, complete, chosen, called, justified, glorified, redeemed, forgiven, and so much more. If I cited passages to back all of these up, I’d be here for almost an hour. We each need an identity overhaul so that our beliefs about ourselves match what The Lord tells us in the New Testament. As long as there is even a “yeah, but” in you when I tell you that the Bible says that if you are in Christ, you are HOLY, you still have work to do. That is not a pride thing to believe what God says about you, still repent and work to walk in a more kenotic state so that you stay on track with God’s words over and about you.
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Who are you in Christ? A masterwork created In CHRIST, so that you can do the good things that God designed for you to do before you were born. That is a huge statement, isn’t it? Let’s break it down:
1) God plans ahead from the before the beginning of time
2) God pursues you and makes a way for you to be in Christ.
3) God remakes us when we are in Christ
4) We choose to submit to Him
5) We get remade and have these good works, whatever they may be, revealed to us.
Wow. That may be too much for a memesplanation, but that is where I will leave you for now.
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Let joy be your continual feast.Make your life a prayer.And in the midst of everything be always giving thanks, for this is God’s perfect plan for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-8
Because we are in Christ, we can feast on joy continually. We can make our lives into prayer, because we can give thanks for all things, always. It is so easy to get sucked down into garbage thinking and attitudes because the natural is starting to look like an extension of hell, more and more each day. Focus on the fact that you are breathing, your heart is beating, and you are, if you are able to watch this, more than likely richer than about 90% of the human race right now. Sure it all looks iffy right now, but don’t focus on that. Focus on what you can do something about and what God gives you in each moment.
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In the human body there are many parts and organs, each with a unique function.And so it is in the body of Christ. For though we are many, we’ve all been mingled into one body in Christ. This means that we are all vitally joined to one another, with each contributing to the others.
Romans 12:4-6
In Christ, we are one body. He is our head, but we are His body. We embody (or should embody) Him, His reign, His life, on earth. We each have select functions in the Body, and need to remember that every pain point or point of joy which affects one part of the body affects the rest of us as well. Just as when your feet hurt or you are hungry, your brain struggles to function at its peak performance. The same principle holds true for those of us who are in the Body of Christ.
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I am always thankful to my God as I remember you in my prayersbecause I’m hearing reports about your faith in the Lord Jesus and how much love you have for all his holy followers.I pray for you that the faith we sharemay effectively deepen your understanding of every good thing that belongs to you in Christ.
Philemon 1:4-6
This series is about unpacking some of these good things which belong to us In Christ. Stay in a place of thanksgiving and worship, always. Keep your eyes locked on the Good, on the things God is giving you now which benefit you now, and down the road. Be grateful that God is giving you more time here to become more like Jesus. As Paul says elsewhere, “To live in the body is Christ, to die is gain”.
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Ephesians 1:7-10
Since we are now joined to Christ, we have been given the treasures of redemption by his blood—the total cancellationof our sins—all because of the cascading richesof his grace.Thissuperabundantgrace is already powerfully working in us,releasing all forms of wisdom and practical understanding.And through the revelation of the Anointed One, he unveiled his secret desires to us—the hidden mystery of his long-range plan, which he was delighted to implement from the very beginning of time.And because of God’s unfailing purpose, this detailed plan will reign supreme through every period of time until the fulfillment of all the ages finally reaches its climax—when God makes all things newin all of heaven and earth through Jesus Christ.
If the grace we have in Jesus is superabundant, and we have the full treasures of our redemption by His blood, and by faith we are In Him, then what does it mean to be In Christ, here? Let’s meditate and pray about that today, and let me know in the comments what you come up with.
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Ephesians 1:11-14 (TPT)
Through our union with Christ we too have been claimed by God as his own inheritance. Before we were even born, he gave us our destiny; that we would fulfill the plan of God who always accomplishes every purpose and plan in his heart. God’s purpose was that we Jews, who were the first to long for the messianic hope, would be the first to believe in the Anointed One and bring great praise and glory to God! And because of him, when you who are not Jews heard the revelation of truth, you believed in the wonderful news of salvation. Now we have been stamped with the seal of the promised Holy Spirit. He is given to us like an engagement ring, as the first installment of what’s coming! He is our hope-promise of a future inheritance which seals us until we have all of redemption’s promises and experience complete freedom—all for the supreme glory and honor of God!
We are Jesus’ inheritance! Let that sink in today. We are united with Him, and we are why He chose to come and give Himself up. The presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives is the proof that we are being made one with Him, that is our engagement ring, perfect union with Christ is the wedding at the end. That is why heaven has been preparing a feast in our honor at least since the ascension of Jesus. We get to grow into greater and greater union with Him, even here on earth, if we choose to do so.
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Ephesians 2: 7-10
Throughout the coming ages we will be the visible display of the infinite riches of his grace and kindness, which was showered upon us in Jesus Christ. For by grace you have been saved by faith. Nothing you did could ever earn this salvation, for it was the love gift from God that brought us to Christ! So no one will ever be able to boast, for salvation is never a reward for good works or human striving. We have become his poetry, a re-created people that will fulfill the destiny he has given each of us, for we are joined to Jesus, the Anointed One. Even before we were born, God planned in advance our destiny and the good works we would do to fulfill it!
We get showered in God’s infinite riches through all eternity because we are in Christ. We, because we are in Christ, get to fulfill the destiny that God set for us from before there was time. We get to join in and partner with Jesus and the Father to bring about the Kingdom of God here on earth. We get to walk out all the good works that Papa set up for us, because we are in Jesus. Let that truth sink in, today. What impact does this have on you? Let me know in the comments.
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Galatians 3:26-8
You have all become true children of God by faith in Jesus Christ! Faith immersed you into Christ, and now you are covered and clothed with his life. And we no longer see each other in our former state—Jew or non-Jew, rich or poor, male or female—because we’re all one through our union with Jesus Christ.
In Christ, the old hatreds and divisions are meaningless. We are one In Him. That is why we can operate (in our best moments) as a single unit who hurts when one member hurts, rejoices when one member succeeds in life, and the like. How often do we do that, even within individual congregations, though, much less across national and regional boundaries? This was part of what made the Ekklesia so powerfully counter-cultural early on.
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Romans 8:1-3
So now the case is closed. There remains no accusing voice of condemnation against those who are joined in life-union with Jesus, the Anointed One. For the “law” of the Spirit of life flowing through the anointing of Jesus has liberated us from the “law” of sin and death. For God achieved what the law was unable to accomplish, because the law was limited by the weakness of human nature.
In Christ, we no longer stand condemned by our sin. Condemnation only finds its mark in those who have not been forgiven and clothed in Christ. I can see, from verses like this, where the academic theologians of 1000 years ago could get the idea that God needed to somehow trick Himself, but that is not the whole story. We become clothed in Christ, then we have the opportunity to become like then become united with Him. That is the core of what it is to be in Christ. What do you guys think about this?
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Galatians 2:20
My old identity has been co-crucified with Christ and no longer lives. And now the essence of this new life is no longer mine, for the Anointed One lives his life through me—we live in union as one! My new life is empowered by the faith of the Son of God who loves me so much that he gave himself for me, dispensing his life into mine!
SO GOOD! Whatever you were before you submitted to the Lord, you are no longer defined by. Whether that be something as relatively innocuous as smoking, or something as destructive as choosing to mutilate your body to match a lie you believed about yourself. None of that matters, in Christ. That old identity, that old person with its foibles and bondage to sin through pride is dead. You are new, in Christ. That is the gospel, and why Paul could say in Monday’s passage that in Christ, there is now no longer Jew + Gentile, Slave + free, Male + Female, but we are all united and reconciled in Him.
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Memesplanation Short: Ephesians 1:3-4
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Every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realm has already been lavished upon us as a love gift from our wonderful heavenly Father, the Father of our Lord Jesus—all because he sees us wrapped into Christ. This is why we celebrate himwith all our hearts!
And in love he chose us before he laid the foundation of the universe! Because of his great love, he ordained us, so that we would be seen as holy in his eyes with an unstained innocence.
Epehesians 1:3-4
Today, we open our series on Ephesians. It will be very high level, with only 3 passages per chapter per week. Today’s snapshot comes from the first few verses of the letter, and they set the tone for the whole thing, if you ask me. We are in Christ and receive every spiritual blessing because of that reality. We were chosen and our wonderful Father sees us as set apart for Him in Christ. We are holy. How does that strike you?
Memesplanation Short: Ephesians 1:18-20
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I pray that the light of God will illuminate the eyes of your imagination, flooding you with light, until you experience the full revelation of the hope of his calling—that is, the wealth of God’s glorious inheritances that he finds in us, his holy ones!
I pray that you will continually experience the immeasurable greatness of God’s power made available to you through faith. Then your lives will be an advertisement of this immense power as it works through you! This is the mighty power that was released when God raised Christ from the dead and exalted him to the place of highest honor and supreme authority in the heavenly realm!
Ephesians 1:18-20
May the eyes of your imagination be illuminated today until you really grasp the magnitude of the calling that you have received in Christ... Paul’s prayer for the Ephesians, and for us. May the eyes of your heart be opened today to the height, the breadth, the depth of God’s love for you. That the faith of Christ and the faith you have been graced with in Christ would unlock the riches and power of God in your life today. We are in Christ as He is in that highest place in the universe. Live that way, but also learn to live in love and live loved. Amen.
Memesplanation Short: Ephesians 1:22-23
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Eph 1:22-3
And he alone is the leader and source of everything needed in the church. God has put everything beneath the authority of Jesus Christ and has given him the highest rank above all others. And now we, his church, are his body on the earth and that which fills him who is being filled by it!
If we are His body, and He is in the place of highest honor and authority, then we also share in that power and honor, via delegation and under His authority. Yes, we who are in Christ already have the power we need, we already have the love that we need to change the world. We, through Him, have already overcome the world as well as the prince of the power of the air. He sits on the throne, He does not stand, or pace about, wringing His hands. He is in repose because His work is done, the war has been won, and by complete submission to and love for the Father, He won that place at the Father’s right hand. Not that it wasn’t His from before creation was even a thing, but He earned the right to stay in that place through faithfully executing the Father’s plan to renew all creation and bring us all back unto Him.
Memesplanation Short: Ephesians 2:1-3
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Eph 2:1-3
And his fullness fills you, even though you were once like corpses, dead in your sins and offenses. It wasn’t that long ago that you lived in the religion, customs, and values of this world, obeying the dark ruler of the earthly realm who fills the atmosphere with his authority, and works diligently in the hearts of those who are disobedient to the truth of God. The corruption that was in us from birth was expressed through the deeds and desires of our self-life. We lived by whatever natural cravings and thoughts our minds dictated, living as rebellious children subject to God’s wrath like everyone else.
Thank you, Jesus. We are no longer under the powers of this age, the Rulers of this world. Jesus brought us out from that, and part of our identity in Him is that we are tied to him, rather than to those things. We can obey. We are called to obey Him, now. We belong to Him, now. Sin has no power that we do not grant it, any longer. Focus on Him.
Memesplanation Short: Ephesians 2:13
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Eph 2:12-3
So don’t forget that you were not born as Jews and were uncircumcised (circumcision itself is just a work of man’s hands); you had none of the Jewish covenants and laws; you were foreigners to Israel’s incredible heritage; you were without the covenants and prophetic promises of the Messiah, the promised hope, and without God.
Yet look at you now! Everything is new! Although you were once distant and far away from God, now you have been brought delightfully close to him through the sacred blood of Jesus—you have actually been united to Christ!
You are new. God has created a new thing in you. Circumcision of the foreskin is nothing, the Holy Spirit circumcises our hearts every day. That is why our consciences stir more often, as believers, because the Holy Spirit is breathing and creating holiness and a desire for holiness in us every day. You are united with Christ Jesus. That is who you are.
Memesplanation Short: Ephesians 2:19-20
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Eph 2:19-20
So, you are not foreigners or guests, but rather you are the children of the city of the holy ones, with all the rights as family members of the household of God. You are rising like the perfectly fitted stones of the temple; and your lives have been built up together upon the foundation laid by the apostles and prophets, and best of all, you are connected to the Head Cornerstone of the building, the Anointed One, Jesus Christ himself!
You are a child of the household of God. Not a red-headed step child, mind you, but a beloved child. You are a fitted stone, like the great stones in the foundation of the Temple, but spiritual. You are connected to one another, but built up upon the Apostles and Prophets, and most importantly, connected to Jesus, the Cornerstone of the great building of the Kingdom. So many metaphors here... Let’s focus on the beloved child image. How does it make you feel to know that you are His beloved child?
Memesplanation Short – Ephesians 3:9-12
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My passion is to enlighten every person to this divine mystery. It was hidden for ages past until now, and kept a secret in the heart of God, the Creator of all. The purpose of this was to unveil before every throne and rank of angelic orders in the heavenly realm God’s full and diverse wisdom revealed through the church. This perfectly wise plan was destined from eternal ages and fulfilled completely in our Lord Jesus Christ, so that now we have boldness through him, and free access as kings before the Father because of our complete confidence in Christ’s faithfulness.
We have full access to the Father through our union with Jesus. That is the fulfillment of the Father’s plan, fulfilled in Jesus. Because we are in Christ, we can approach the Father with boldness, as in His eyes, we are Jesus. That is a weird thing, because the Father still sees and knows each of us individually, yet because of the faith we were given, both in and of/from Christ, that is somehow the reality.
Memesplanation Short – Ephesians 3:20-21
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Never doubt God’s mighty power to work in you and accomplish all this. He will achieve infinitely more than your greatest request, your most unbelievable dream, and exceed your wildest imagination! He will outdo them all, for his miraculous power constantly energizes you.
Now we offer up to God all the glorious praise that rises from every church in every generation through Jesus Christ—and all that will yet be manifest through time and eternity. Amen!
Because we are in Christ, we get to fully experience the fullness of the Love of God. That is what the power, here is working out in us, and why, as we become more fully one with Him, and our desires begin to shift toward being in alignment with His, then we will begin to receive super-abundantly more than we could ever ask or even dare to imagine. That is the key: emptying ourselves and asking to be filled and overfilled with Him.
Memesplanation Short – Ephesians 4:1-2
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As a prisoner of the Lord, I plead with you to walk holy, in a way that is suitable to your high rank, given to you in your divine calling. With tender humility and quiet patience, always demonstrate gentleness and generous love toward one another, especially toward those who may try your patience. Be faithful to guard the sweet harmony of the Holy Spirit among you in the bonds of peace, being one body and one spirit, as you were all called into the same glorious hope of divine destiny.
We are one body, and have one spirit, the Holy Spirit. That is who we are. Why do we not see this in most gatherings of believers? Why have we allowed incorrect emphases to dominate our minds and hearts and destroy that reality? We have a shared divine calling and a high rank, thus we need to live and operate differently than we have in the past. Wake up. You have slumbered, lulled to sleep by fluffy, happy motivational speeches disguised as sermons, many of us for years.
Memesplanation Short – Ephesians 4:13
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And he has appointed some with grace to be apostles, and some with grace to be prophets, and some with grace to be evangelists, and some with grace to be pastors, and some with grace to be teachers. And their calling is to nurture and prepare all the holy believers to do their own works of ministry, and as they do this they will enlarge and build up the body of Christ. These grace ministries will function until we all attain oneness into the faith, until we all experience the fullness of what it means to know the Son of God, and finally we become one into a perfect man with the full dimensions of spiritual maturity and fully developed into the abundance of Christ.
The 5-fold ministry: apostle, prophet, evangelist, teacher, pastor. It is not who you are, but these are things that many of us have been called to participate in and do. These offices are still very vital and active (not just the last 3). We are to experience the fullness of knowing Jesus, oneness in the faith of Christ, and fully spiritually mature people. I do not see that in many corners of the Body of Christ, I do not claim to have attained to this, yet, either. However, I want to get there, so cutting myself off from some of these offices, which are all meant to help me in that maturing process, does not make sense.
Memesplanation Short – Ephesians 4:18
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So with the wisdom given to me from the Lord I say: You should not live like the unbelievers around you who walk in their empty delusions. Their corrupted logic has been clouded because their hearts are so far from God—their blinded understanding and deep-seated moral darkness keeps them from the true knowledge of God. Because of spiritual apathy, they surrender their lives to lewdness, impurity, and sexual obsession.
We act differently from the world around us. That is how we are holy. We do not walk in spiritual apathy because we know the Truth, and He has set us free. We have purer logic than the world, as it has been adjusted by being in Christ. Our consciences are actually functional to help us be different. That is who we are, we are a holy people. We are each holy as individuals as well.
Memesplanation Short – Ephesians 5:1-2
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Ephesians 5:1-2
Be imitators of God in everything you do, for then you will represent your Father as his beloved sons and daughters. And continue to walk surrendered to the extravagant love of Christ, for he surrendered his life as a sacrifice for us. His great love for us was pleasing to God, like an aroma of adoration—a sweet healing fragrance.
Like any child, we should aspire to be like our Papa. As we spend more time with Him, and learn of and from Him, forsaking the ways we used to live should get easier. This makes it easier to represent Him and be a good ambassador here on earth, as that is what you are, in Christ: an ambassador of the Kingdom of God.
Memesplanation Short – Ephesians 5:6-8
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Ephesians 5:6-8
Don’t be fooled by those who speak their empty words and deceptive teachings telling you otherwise. This is what brings God’s anger upon the rebellious! Don’t listen to them or live like them at all. Once your life was full of sin’s darkness, but now you have the very light of our Lord shining through you because of your union with him. Your mission is to live as children flooded with his revelation-light!
This refers back to the previous section about ones who live according to the world: sexually immoral, greedy, impure, and idolatrous. Don’t listen to one who lives like this, no matter how impressive their words may sound. Live in Light, not darkness. You are unified with Christ and have His light in you.
Memesplanation Short – Ephesians 5:21-26
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Ephesians 5:21-26
And out of your reverence for Christ be supportive of each other in love. For wives, this means being devoted to your husbands like you are tenderly devoted to our Lord, for the husband provides leadership for the wife, just as Christ provides leadership for his church, as the Savior and Reviver of the body. In the same way the church is devoted to Christ, let the wives be devoted to their husbands in everything.
And to the husbands, you are to demonstrate love for your wives with the same tender devotion that Christ demonstrated to us, his bride. For he died for us, sacrificing himself to make us holy and pure, cleansing us through the showering of the pure water of the Word of God.
Men, we are servant-leaders. Women, you are to be devoted to your men as the Church is devoted to Jesus. Men, we are to sacrifice ourselves for our wives and families as Jesus did for us. These are lofty pinnacles which we are told to aim for. Notice the words servant and sacrifice, men. This is not a ticket to be able to simply make demands of our wives, we need to be re-formed in Christ, so that we are not complete jerks. Women, respond in love to your men, even if he does not treat you properly. That doesn’t mean that you need to be a doormat, however, you are called to love the one you are married to, not to be some sort of butterfly flitting from man to man, either.
Memesplanation Short - Ephesians 6:5-8
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Ephesians 6:5-8
Those who are employed should listen to their employers and obey their instructions with great respect and honor. Serve them with humility in your hearts as though you were working for the Master.
Always do what is right and not only when others are watching, so that you may please Christ as his servants by doing his will. Serve your employers wholeheartedly and with love, as though you were serving Christ and not men. Be assured that anything you do that is beautiful and excellent will be repaid by our Lord, whether you are an employee or an employer.
We are to honor our employers, treat them how we would want to be treated, would you want to receive shoddy work? How does that honor the Lord? Serve your boss well, even if your job is redundant. It is that simple, seek to do your job to the best of your ability, no matter if your boss is undeserving or not. We are quality workpeople in Christ.
Memesplanation Short - Ephesians 6:10-13
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Ephesians 6:10-13
Now my beloved ones, I have saved these most important truths for last: Be supernaturally infused with strength through your life-union with the Lord Jesus. Stand victorious with the force of his explosive power flowing in and through you.
Put on God’s complete set of armor provided for us, so that you will be protected as you fight against the evil strategies of the accuser! Your hand-to-hand combat is not with human beings, but with the highest principalities and authorities operating in rebellion under the heavenly realms. For they are a powerful class of demon-gods and evil spirits that hold this dark world in bondage. Because of this, you must wear all the armor that God provides so you’re protected as you confront the slanderer, for you are destined for all things and will rise victorious.
Be aware that you are in a battle. The enemy is coming at you, no matter what. You are unified with Christ, and that is why the enemy has a giant “Kick Me” sign on your back. Remember that fellow humans are not your target, the elemental powers and demonic strongholds are. Protect yourself with the armor of God so it is harder for them to get to you.
Memesplanation Short - Ephesians 6:14-20
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Ephesians 6:14-20
Put on truth as a belt to strengthen you to stand in triumph. Put on holiness as the protective armor that covers your heart. Stand on your feet alert, then you’ll always be ready to share the blessings of peace.
In every battle, take faith as your wrap-around shield, for it is able to extinguish the blazing arrows coming at you from the evil one! Embrace the power of salvation’s full deliverance, like a helmet to protect your thoughts from lies. And take the mighty razor-sharp Spirit-sword of the spoken word of God.
Pray passionately in the Spirit, as you constantly intercede with every form of prayer at all times. Pray the blessings of God upon all his believers. And pray also that God’s revelation would be released through me every time I preach the wonderful mystery of the hope-filled gospel. Yes, pray that I may preach the wonderful news of God’s kingdom with bold freedom at every opportunity. Even though I am chained as a prisoner, I am his ambassador.
So, if we are unified with Christ, then what do we have to protect ourselves in this spiritual warfare? The armor of God. Truth, holiness, peace, faith, salvation, and the spoken Word of God. We also need to pray constantly in the Spirit. That is how we use the armor effectively; how we use truth, appropriate holiness, share peace in the Lord, live in faith, walk in full deliverance, and discern which parts of the Word of God ought to be spoken in a given situation. We fight (figuratively) on our knees. God has already done the fighting for us, we need to stand in His victory through prayer, and support one another in love.
Memesplanation Short - Romans 8:1-3
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Romans 8:1-3
So now the case is closed. There remains no accusing voice of condemnation against those who are joined in life-union with Jesus, the Anointed One. For the “law” of the Spirit of life flowing through the anointing of Jesus has liberated us from the “law” of sin and death. For God achieved what the law was unable to accomplish, because the law was limited by the weakness of human nature.
Yet God sent us his Son in human form to identify with human weakness. Clothed with humanity, God’s Son gave his body to be the sin-offering so that God could once and for all condemn the guilt and power of sin.
Romans Road... Some of you may have just shuddered at that reference, but that’s the name of our new series. It will span from now until after Christmas, with a break for Advent, as we walk through all of Romans. I chose to start with chapter 8 because I love it. We cannot be condemned by anyone, if we are in Christ. Take that to the bank today. Do not allow the enemy to accuse you of anything, silence him by reminding him that it is all under the Blood of Jesus. You are free from guilt and sin, now.
Memesplanation Short - Romans 8:4-6
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Romans 8:4-6
So now every righteous requirement of the law can be fulfilled through the Anointed One living his life in us. And we are free to live, not according to our flesh, but by the dynamic power of the Holy Spirit!
Those who are motivated by the flesh only pursue what benefits themselves. But those who live by the impulses of the Holy Spirit are motivated to pursue spiritual realities. For the sense and reason of the flesh is death, but the mind-set controlled by the Spirit finds life and peace.
You are free from domination by sin. Yesterday, we learned that there is 0 condemnation for any who are in Christ. He lives in us and through us. This grants us access to the Holy Spirit, who guides us into all truth. Are you motivated to pursue spiritual realities? Are you still caught up only in what you think will benefit you here and now? If you want life and peace, seek the ways of the Holy Spirit, not the ways of the world and the flesh. Be careful to not make that distinction too sharply between flesh and spirit... We are mostly talking about moral and ethical living out of response to the love of God, vs living for yourself.
Memesplanation Shorts - Romans 8:7-9
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Romans 8:7-9
In fact, the mind-set focused on the flesh fights God’s plan and refuses to submit to his direction, because it cannot! For no matter how hard they try, God finds no pleasure with those who are controlled by the flesh. But when the Spirit of Christ empowers your life, you are not dominated by the flesh but by the Spirit. And if you are not joined to the Spirit of the Anointed One, you are not of him.
As I said the other day, the mind-set bent toward the Spirit is about living oriented towards love and others, along with growing closer to God. The other option is more or less, “Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die.” Do whatever feels good, man... That does not end well, most of the time. Let the Spirit guide and move you, you may not understand it in the moment, but looking back, it will make more sense. You will have better relationships by the end of it, and that matters more than most things do.
Memesplanation Short - Romans 8:10-11
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Romans 8:10-11
Now Christ lives his life in you! And even though your body may be dead because of the effects of sin, his life-giving Spirit imparts life to you because you are fully accepted by God. Yes, God raised Jesus to life! And since God’s Spirit of Resurrection lives in you, he will also raise your dying body to life by the same Spirit that breathes life into you!
In Christ, you are no longer dead to and in sin. Your body is revitalized by the Holy Spirit in you, because you are in Christ. That makes you fully accepted by God. Let that sink in. You are fully accepted by God. This acceptance brings healing, even to your natural body. It can begin to undo the consequences of your old sin patterns and family baggage and wounds. Let it.
Memesplanation Short - Romans 8:12-13
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Romans 8:12-13
So then, beloved ones, the flesh has no claims on us at all, and we have no further obligation to live in obedience to it. For when you live controlled by the flesh, you are about to die. But if the life of the Spirit puts to death the corrupt ways of the flesh, we then taste his abundant life.
Because we are in Christ, that old nature which is purely focused on what feels good in the moment, no longer has to control us. You no longer have to follow its dictates, and it is a dictator. Abundant life is yours when you choose to go where the way of the Spirit leads you. When you develop a relationship with the person of the Holy Spirit, He will help, guide, and protect you, if you listen to Him. That is Wisdom, y’all.
Memesplanation Shorts - Romans 8:14-16
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Romans 8:14-16
The mature children of God are those who are moved by the impulses of the Holy Spirit. And you did not receive the “spirit of religious duty,” leading you back into the fear of never being good enough. But you have received the “Spirit of full acceptance,” enfolding you into the family of God. And you will never feel orphaned, for as he rises up within us, our spirits join him in saying the words of tender affection, “Beloved Father!” For the Holy Spirit makes God’s fatherhood real to us as he whispers into our innermost being, “You are God’s beloved child!”
If you are fully accepted by God, as we talked about on Monday, then you are His beloved child, in Christ. If you want to progress in getting closer to our Father, then you must empty yourself of your drive and desires and allow the Holy Spirit to guide you fully. That is far easier said than done. Let’s get on the path, or take another step on the path toward maturity today. Let’s hear the Spirit confirm in us that we are indeed beloved children of God.
Memesplanation Romans 8:17
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Romans 8:17
And since we are his true children, we qualify to share all his treasures, for indeed, we are heirs of God himself. And since we are joined to Christ, we also inherit all that he is and all that he has. We will experience being co-glorified with him provided that we accept his sufferings as our own.
I know too well how broken fathers can be. That makes it hard to believe that the Father would actually fully accept us, but He does, in Christ. There is a condition on receiving all His treasures, though. We have to die to ourselves and allow Jesus to remake and rule us. Those are the sufferings we must accept.
Memesplanation Romans 8:18-21
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Romans 8:18-21
I am convinced that any suffering we endure is less than nothing compared to the magnitude of glory that is about to be unveiled within us. The entire universe is standing on tiptoe, yearning to see the unveiling of God’s glorious sons and daughters! For against its will the universe itself has had to endure the empty futility resulting from the consequences of human sin. But now, with eager expectation, all creation longs for freedom from its slavery to decay and to experience with us the wonderful freedom coming to God’s children.
Do you want to see the glorious revelation of the fully mature children of God? Is there a part of you that wants to see what this really means on a personal level? Let’s see what this glory is, what will happen to and in those of us who take this journey and go through this process of refinement through suffering as Jesus did. Not an easy thing, but also not a call to seek physical suffering, either.
Memesplanation Romans 8:22-23
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Romans 8:22-23
To this day we are aware of the universal agony and groaning of creation, as if it were in the contractions of labor for childbirth. And it’s not just creation. We who have already experienced the firstfruits of the Spirit also inwardly groan as we passionately long to experience our full status as God’s sons and daughters—including our physical bodies being transformed.
Quite the vivid image if you are a parent or have ever witnessed a birth in person. The crazy part is that this is still true. The universe has been in labor to deliver the children of God for 2,000 years. Physical transformation to match the interior and spiritual side of things which we are already beginning to sense and experience. What does that mean? How might we be transformed?
Memesplanation Romans 8:24-25
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Romans 8:24-25
For this is the hope of our salvation.
But hope means that we must trust and wait for what is still unseen. For why would we need to hope for something we already have? So because our hope is set on what is yet to be seen, we patiently keep on waiting for its fulfillment.
Hope. What is our hope? Our hope is to realize being the full glory of being mature children of God. We get a taste of it now, but if we do not do our part and die to ourselves, then we will never achieve our hope. Hope can fuel us and spur us on to overcome fear and do our part. That is not to say that “God helps those who help themselves” either. God enables us to trust Him, He strengthens our willingness to die to ourselves and obey Him. We simply have to do as directed, and we will see our hope fulfilled.
Memesplanation Romans 8:26-27
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Romans 8:26-27
And in a similar way, the Holy Spirit takes hold of us in our human frailty to empower us in our weakness. For example, at times we don’t even know how to pray, or know the best things to ask for. But the Holy Spirit rises up within us to super-intercede on our behalf, pleading to God with emotional sighs too deep for words.
God, the searcher of the heart, knows fully our longings, yet he also understands the desires of the Spirit, because the Holy Spirit passionately pleads before God for us, his holy ones, in perfect harmony with God’s plan and our destiny.
The Holy Spirit will pray through us when we lack the words or understanding to pray for ourselves, this is part of what Pentecostals and charismatics call a prayer language, or praying in tongues. God knows what each of us desire, and also what God desires for us and has planned for us, so we can trust Him to pray on our behalf in those moments when words fail us. He is The Intercessor. He constantly brings our requests before the Father and harmonizes them with the will of God.
Memesplanation Romans 8:28-29
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Romans 8:28-29
So we are convinced that every detail of our lives is continually woven together for good, for we are his lovers who have been called to fulfill his designed purpose. For he knew all about us before we were born and he destined us from the beginning to share the likeness of his Son. This means the Son is the oldest among a vast family of brothers and sisters who will become just like him.
For this reason, we can trust and be convinced that EVERYTHING in our lives will work together for our good. This seems like something of an allusion to Jeremiah 29:11 to me... Remember, though, it hinges on our being conformed into the likeness of Jesus through faith and obedience to the will of God, rather than trying to force our own way. When we give our way up, God will give us His way, His desires, and His plan for us, and fulfill it all in His way. That is what this whole chapter has been about so far.
Memesplanation Romans 8:30
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Romans 8:30
Having determined our destiny ahead of time, he called us to himself and transferred his perfect righteousness to everyone he called. And those who possess his perfect righteousness he co-glorified with his Son!
Since He is working all things out for the best, and knew that we would choose to be with Him, then He called us whom He knew would accept the call and imputed righteousness to us. We get to be glorified with Jesus, changed into Him, provided we choose to live empty of ourselves rather than full of ourselves.
Memesplanation Romans 8:31-32
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Romans 8:31-32
So, what does all this mean? If God has determined to stand with us, tell me, who then could ever stand against us? For God has proved his love by giving us his greatest treasure, the gift of his Son. And since God freely offered him up as the sacrifice for us all, he certainly won’t withhold from us anything else he has to give.
Since we are being reformed into Jesus, God does not abandon His son, so will not abandon us. If God never loses a fight, then how can we? If God loved us so much that He did not keep Jesus back from us, then why would He withhold anything else we need in order to be more fully a part of Him, if that is the goal of salvation in the first place? Paul says that He will not. I believe it, so if we are in need of something, then all we need do is ask. He will provide it freely.
Memesplanation Romans 8:33-34
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Romans 8:33-34
Who then would dare to accuse those whom God has chosen in love to be his? God himself is the judge who has issued his final verdict over them—“Not guilty!”
Who then is left to condemn us? Certainly not Jesus, the Anointed One! For he gave his life for us, and even more than that, he has conquered death and is now risen, exalted, and enthroned by God at his right hand. So how could he possibly condemn us since he is continually praying for our triumph?
Who, then accuses us? Does God? Does Jesus? No. There is an enemy, whom we must be daily prepared to do battle with. This passage does not name him, though. Jesus is constantly pulling for us, interceding for us along with the Holy Spirit before the Father. All of heaven is for you. Grab that today.
Memesplanation Short: Romans 1:3-4
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Romans 1:3-4
For the gospel is all about God’s Son. As a man he descended from David’s royal lineage, but as the mighty Son of God he was raised from the dead and miraculously set apart with a display of triumphant power supplied by the Spirit of Holiness. And now Jesus is our Lord and our Messiah.
Who is this Jesus, anyway? He is writing to a group of Jesus followers, but wants to be sure that they don’t get it confused. The gospel is all about Him. This is almost Paul saying, you can trust me, I know Jesus, too. This is the foundation of why I am writing to you, that being our shared faith. Jesus is man and God. He is our savior, and the one who has reshaped our very lives. He is our anointed Lord. I do not know most of you, but it feels apt to say something like that to you, now.
Memesplanation Short: Romans 1:5-6
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Romans 1:5-6
Through him grace cascaded into us, empowering us with the gift of apostleship, so that we can win people from every nation into the obedience that comes from faith, to bring honor to his name. And you are among the chosen ones who are called to belong to Jesus, the Anointed One.
Jesus is the source of all of this grace and life-changing reality. He has sent out some, like me, that some from every nation might be won into faithful obedience to God. You have already made the commitment to Jesus, and I recognize that. I have heard many good things about you and your lives, your faithfulness to the Lord in the face of persecution, and your love for the rest of the Body of Christ. Find your all in Him, today.
Memesplanation Short: Romans 1:1-2
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Romans 1:1-2
Paul, a loving and loyal servant of the Anointed One, Jesus. He called me to be his apostle and set me apart with a mission to reveal God’s wonderful gospel. I write to all his beloved chosen ones in Rome, for you are also called as holy ones. May his joyous grace and total well-being, flowing from our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, rest upon you.
My commission is to preach the good news. Yet it is not entirely new, but the fulfillment of the hope promised to us through his prophets in the sacred Scriptures.
Today, we start Romans fresh, in chapter 1, and walk through, a 1-4 verses at a time, except for chapter 8, which we just finished. I couldn’t help myself. I love that chapter. This is Paul’s introduction to the ekklesia at Rome, which he did not plant, and had never visited before. This is who Paul sees himself to be, a loving and loyal servant of Jesus. He is an apostle, but that comes after relationship. Then he greets them in grace and full shalom in Jesus. Get your relationship with Him first, just as Paul did. Don’t get mixed up, as so many do.
Memesplanation Short: Romans 8:37
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Romans 8:37
Yet even in the midst of all these things, we triumph over them all, for God has made us to be more than conquerors, and his demonstrated love is our glorious victory over everything!
No matter what, though, we are more than conquerors, because we are in Christ. He won these battles already, for us. We simply have to appropriate His strength and His victory on our behalf. We cannot bow to circumstances or situations that we see here and now in the natural. Hold fast to the Truth, not what circumstances would suggest to you about yourself. You are not a failure. You do not suck at life. You are more than a conqueror, but you may need to redirect your energy, rather than walking out the definition of insanity.
Memesplanation Short: Romans 8:38-39
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Romans 8:38-39
So now I live with the confidence that there is nothing in the universe with the power to separate us from God’s love. I’m convinced that his love will triumph over death, life’s troubles, fallen angels, or dark rulers in the heavens. There is nothing in our present or future circumstances that can weaken his love. There is no power above us or beneath us—no power that could ever be found in the universe that can distance us from God’s passionate love, which is lavished upon us through our Lord Jesus, the Anointed One!
Here, Paul restates his case from vs 35, only adding that there is no power in the heavens or on earth, no shame from your past, no fear of things to come, or hardship in the present (no matter who or what is really behind those circumstances), and no power anywhere in the created realms which could divide us from the love of God (and God is love). Jesus’ work on the cross and empty grave made that a concrete reality. If you are having a hellish week or a horrible life, cling to this truth. You can have peace and solace in this truth, no matter what happens to or around you.
Memesplanation Short: Romans 8:35-36
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Romans 8:35-36
Who could ever divorce us from the endless love of God’s Anointed One? Absolutely no one! For nothing in the universe has the power to diminish his love toward us. Troubles, pressures, and problems are unable to come between us and heaven’s love. What about persecutions, deprivations, dangers, and death threats? No, for they are all impotent to hinder omnipotent love, even though it is written:
All day long we face death threats for your sake, God.
We are considered to be nothing more
than sheep to be slaughtered!
Whoooooo boy! The first verse is so triumphant, isn’t it? Then Paul sites from the Psalms, as he is wont to do, often. This quote is from the LXX version of Psalm 44:22. No matter what happens, NOTHING external can separate you from God’s love. That is what you need to keep in mind, today. You are the only one, your beliefs are the only things that can separate you from God’s love which is yours, in Christ Jesus. No amount of external pressure, trials, persecution, starvation, destitution, or anything else outside of you can keep you from receiving that love. Even if we may be the target of death threats on the daily, that is nothing in comparison with the Father’s love. Rest in that today.
Memesplanation Shorts - FOSS Fun Wednesday 17
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