Fallen Angels Imprisoned Beneath Euphrates River?!

2 years ago

#euphrates #fallenangel #demons #dragons #titans #paranormal #supernatural #endtimes
What sounds like a dragon or something from Jurrasic Park, viral video footage from about 3 months ago records a crack leading into the earth in some part of the Euphrates River, which according to The Bible currently imprisons demonic creatures that were once angelic beings. According to Revelations, these demonic creatures will be released upon the earth to kill 1/3 of mankind (interesting, as 1/3 of the angels are said to have fallen).

Similarly Greek tradition speaks of The Titans imprisoned beneath the earth. Remember, Hades and The Underworld of pagan traditions much like Judeo Christian traditions speak of Hell or Sheol as a physical place beneath the earth containing demons and the dead. It is even in Irish and Brithonic traditions that the witch was thought to commune with the Devil himself beneath the earth and that the concept of an underworld or supernatural civilizations beneath the earth connected to ancient structures and civilizations is believed by the entirety of the occult and mystical world, from Buddhist and Hindu beliefs in a Hollow or at least Inner or Underground Earth to the beliefs of Occultists and Satanists like Madam Blavatsky and Aleister Crowley, themselves declaring what not only they but also the ancient cultures such as the Egyptians and Indian Vedas believed.

Do we live in Biblically Prophetic Times? Everyday that passes in worldly events seems to support that very idea. Are these the sounds of imprisoned demonic beings from the ancient world? It seems every story from around the world would suggest, absolutely! Including The Bible itself. Even if this video turns out not to be authentic, the drying of up of The Euphrates and the impending NWO mark of the beast system seems close at hand, if not already begun.

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