DRDO Notches ‘Big Success’ with missile interceptor #indianmilitary #missiledefense

1 year ago

India’s DRDO Notches ‘Big Success’; Tests Interceptor To Thwart Pakistan & China’s Beyond 2000 Km Range Missiles. According to the PIB release announcing the test, the AD-1 “is propelled by a two-stage solid motor and equipped with an indigenously-developed advanced control system, navigation and guidance algorithm to precisely guide the vehicle to the target. “The AD-1 is a long-range interceptor missile designed for both low exo-atmospheric and endo-atmospheric interception of long-range ballistic missiles and aircraft. “During the flight test, all the sub-systems performed as per expectations and were validated by the data captured by several range sensors including Radar, Telemetry, and Electro-Optical Tracking stations deployed to capture the flight data,” read the release. In the photo released by the PIB, you can see the aerodynamic surfaces for maneuvering on the missile’s second stage. Aerodynamic surfaces can only be used for maneuvering within the atmosphere. Exo atmospheric maneuvering requires thrusters. The AD-1, with its limited exo-atmospheric capability, would be able to intercept ballistic missiles with a range of around 3,000 kilometers. Higher-flying, longer-range missiles would be handled by the AD-2, which would likely be a pure exoatmospheric interceptor. Together, the AD-1 and AD-2 can shoot down ballistic missiles up to a 5,000-kilometer range.

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