Catholicism Examined: What is Our Authority–The Bible or The Church?

2 years ago

Episode 2 in our series examining the historical canon, false religions, the traditions of man, and many more topics, all in search of whether or not our authority comes from The Catholic Church or if it comes from the Holy Scriptures.

00:00 - 03:43 Intro
03:43 - 12:33 What does Rome say regarding scripture and The Church?
12:33 - 25:26 Reading the scripture through the lenses of The Catholic Church
25:26 - 30:15 Pharisaical comparison to The Catholic Church today
30:15 - 40:10 Roman Catholic traditions that contradict the scripture
40:10 - 55:50 Did Roman Catholics discover the Canon of scripture?
55:50 - 57:30 If you are a Catholic and watching this

Canon of Scripture by F.F. Bruce

Canon Revisited: Establishing the Origins and Authority of the New Testament Books by Michael J. Kruger

Exalting Jesus Not Mary (Message by Joe Schimmel)

Episode 1: Are Catholics Christians?

Episode 3: Was Peter the First Pope?

Episode 4: What Role Will the Catholic Church Play in The End Times?

Learn more about Good Fight Ministries:

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