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THE THIRD TESTAMENT Chapter 14 – Revelations of Jesus Christ
Christianity, Churches, and Worship
The Development of Christianity
Thus saith the Lord…
1. After My departure in the Second Era, My apostles continued My work, and those who came after My apostles continued their labor. They were the new laborers, the cultivators of that great land prepared by the Lord, fertilized with his blood, his tears, and his Word, cultivated by the work of the first twelve, and also by those who followed them, but as time passed from generation to generation men Mystified or adulterated My Work and My Doctrine.
2. Who told men they could make My image? Who told them to represent Me hanging from the cross? Who told them they could make the image of Mary, the forms of angels, or the face of the Father? Oh men of little faith, who in order to feel My presence, have had to materialize the spiritual.
3. The image of the Father was Jesus, the image of the Master, his disciples. I said in the Second Era: “Who knows the son, knows the Father.” That means that Christ, who spoke in Jesus, was the Father himself. Only the Father could make his own image.
4. After My death as a man, I manifested Myself alive to My apostles so they would recognize that I was life and eternity, and that in material form, or not, I was present among you. Not all men understood this, and for that reason they fell into idolatry and fanaticism. (113, 13 – 17)
5. I said to the woman of Samaria: Whosoever drinks of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst again. Today I say unto you: If humanity had drunk of that water, it would not bear such misery.
6. Humanity did not persevere in My teachings, but preferred to take My name to create religions according to their interpretation and convenience. I abolished traditions and taught the Doctrine of love, and today you come to Me presenting Me with vain rites and ceremonies that do nothing to benefit the spirit. If there is no spirituality in your works, there can be no truth, and what does not have truth cannot come to the Father.
7. When that Samaritan woman felt the light of My eyes penetrate the depths of her heart, she said to Me: “Sir, you Jews say that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship our God.” Then I said to her: “Woman, believe Me, the hour comes when you shall neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem worship the Father as you do now. But the hour comes when the Father shall be worshipped in spirit and truth, for God is a Spirit”. (John 4:19-24)
8. This is My Doctrine for all times. Observe that having the truth in front of your eyes, you have not wished to see it. How can you live it if you do not know it? (151, 2 – 5)
Ceremonies of Worship
9. If you love, you will not need material worship or rituals, because you will carry the light that illuminates your inner temple, before which the waves of all the tempests that would crush at you, will be broken and the darkness of mankind will be destroyed.
10. Do not profane any longer what is Divine, for truly I say to you that the ingratitude that you demonstrate before God is too much, when you perform those external practices which you have inherited from your first brethren, and in which you have become fanaticized. (21, 13 – 14)
11. Behold this humanity confused, because the great religions which call themselves Christians, give more importance to what is ritualistic and external than to My own Doctrine. That word of life that I sealed with deeds of love and blood upon the cross, no longer lives within the heart of men, it is locked and silent in aged books covered with dust. And there you have a Christian humanity who does not comprehend nor has the knowledge nor knows how to imitate Christ.
12. “That is why I have few disciples during this era; those who love their brethren, those who suffer, the ones who alleviate other people’s pain, those who live in virtue and practice it with their examples; those are the Disciples of Christ”.
13. He who knowing My Doctrine hides it or makes it known only with his lips and not with his heart is not My disciple.
14. “I have not come during this period to seek temples made of stone to appear in them; I come seeking spirits, hearts, and not material elegance”. (72, 47 – 50)
15. While the religions remain submerged in their dream and do not change their routine, there will be no awakening of the spirit, nor knowledge of spiritual ideals; and therefore, there cannot be peace between men, nor will charity appear; the light that resolves the great human conflicts cannot shine. (100, 38)
The Clergy
16. Since you have been unable to know true spiritual peace, you are satisfied with yearning about it and attempting to achieve it in numerous ways so that you can feel some degree of tranquility, satisfaction, and comfort. However, you have never been able to achieve true spiritual peace. I say to you that only when the child obeys the will of the Divine Father, will it conquer true spiritual peace.
17. There is a need in the world for those who can explain and interpret My words and teachings well. That is why humanity, even those who call themselves Christians, live in spiritual backwardness, for there is no one who can make them tremble with My true Doctrine, there is no one who can cultivate in their hearts the love with which I came to teach men.
18. Day after day, in meeting places, churches, and temples My name is pronounced and My words repeated, yet none vibrate, none tremble with the light, and it is because men have missed their meaning. The majority believe that the virtue of the Word of Christ comes from its constant automatic repetition, not understanding that it is not necessary to pronounce it, but to study, meditate on, practice, and live it.
19. If men knew how to seek the essence of the Word of Christ, each time they would find it to be new, fresh, alive, and moving. But they know it only superficially, and cannot therefore be sustained by it.
20. Poor humanity. Lost in darkness while the light is so near; crying in anguish when peace is within their grasp. Yet, they cannot see that Divine light because there have been those who pitilessly blindfolded their eyes. I love you truly and come to your aid, rescuing you from the darkness and proving to you that what I said in that Era was for all times, and that you should not consider that Divine word as an ancient doctrine and no longer relevant, because the love that was the essence of all My teachings is eternal, and in it is the secret of your salvation in this Era of confusion, immense bitterness and unbridled passions. (307, 4 – 8)
21. I disapprove of those preaching a blind faith, a faith that lacks knowledge, that is acquired through fear and superstitions.
22. Do not listen to the words of those who attribute to God all the adversity and hardships that humanity is experiencing the plagues, hunger, and epidemics that are occurring on earth, calling them God’s punishment and wrath. Those are the false prophets.
23. Separate yourself from those, because they do not truly know Me, and want to teach mankind about God.
24. You are now suffering the consequences caused by those who have misinterpreted the scriptures from the old and new testaments. Man has not been able to correctly interpret the Divine meaning and essence of those revelations and prophecies. Many individuals speak of the end of the world, of the judgment day, death and hell without knowing any of the truth. (290, 16 – 19)
25. Already you are in the Third Era, and still humanity is spiritually backward. Your ministers, your theologians, and your spiritual pastors do little good, and sometimes reveal nothing of eternal life. To them also, I reveal the Mysteries of My Arcane, and I say to you: Why do they hide them? Why do they fear to waken the drowsy spirit of mankind? (245, 5)
26. My Doctrine teaches you a perfect form of worship, spiritual and pure toward the Father, for the spirit of humanity has arrived, without realizing it, at the threshold of the Lord’s temple, where it will enter to feel My presence, to hear My voice through its conscience, and to see Me in the light that descends upon its minds.
27. The emptiness that men feel within their various religions in this Era is because the spirit hungers and thirsts for spirituality; rites and traditions are not enough for it. It yearns to know My truth. (138, 43 – 44)
Communion and The Mass
28. I have never come before men hidden in Mystery. If I have spoken to you figuratively in order to reveal the Divine to you or to represent the eternal in some material form, it has been so that you would understand Me. But if men stop to worship forms, objects, or symbols instead of seeking the meaning of those teachings, it will be natural for them to remain spiritually unenlightened for centuries and to perceive all things as Mysterious.
29. From the times of Israel’s stay in Egypt, when My blood was represented by that of a lamb, there have been men who only live by traditions and rituals, not understanding that such a sacrifice was an image of the blood which Christ would come to shed in order to help mankind attain spirituality. Others, believing that they are nourishing themselves with My body, eat material bread, not wanting to understand that when I gave My disciples the bread in the Cenacle, it was to have them understand that whoever takes the essence of My word will have taken nourishment from Me.
30. How few are those who truly know how to understand My Divine lessons. Those few are the ones who analyze them with the spirit. You need to realize that I have not brought you My Divine revelation only one time, but that I have been clarifying it with each new lesson. (36, 7 – 9)
31. There is joy in the hearts of these multitudes. They know that a spiritual banquet has been prepared for their spirits where the Divine Master awaits to give them the spiritual food and drink, the bread and the wine of the true life.
32. “The table where Jesus met with his disciples in that time was a symbol of the Kingdom of Heaven. The Father was surrounded by his children. There was also the feast, representing life and love. The Divine voice spoke; its essence was the universal concert, and the peace which reigned there was the peace present in the Kingdom of God”.
33. “In the beginning of this period you have tried to purify yourselves thinking that the Divine Master would bring you a new testament in his words, and such is the case. Today, I allow you to remember the bread and the wine with which I represented My body and My blood, but I have also come to tell you, that in this new time you will only find that nourishment in the Divine essence of My word. If you seek My body and My blood, you must seek it in the Divine things that I have created, because I am all spirit. Eat of this bread and drink of this wine, but also fill My chalice, for I want to drink with you; I thirst for your love”.
34. Take this message to your brothers and be aware of that blood, which allows you to live, is the symbol for eternal life which is true love. It is through you that I am beginning to enlighten humanity with My new revelations. (48, 22 – 25)
35. I bring you peace and a new teaching. If My sacrifice of the Second Era abolished the sacrifice of innocent victims whom you immolated upon the altar of Jehovah, today the sustenance of My Divine Word has made you cease to represent My body and My blood with the bread and wine of this world.
36. “Every spirit who wishes to live will have to be nourished from the Divine Spirit. He, who listens to My Word and feels it within his heart, has truly been nourished; He has not only been fed by My body and drank of My blood, but He also has taken from My Spirit to nourish himself”.
37. Who, after having had a taste of this heavenly nourishment, will again seek Me in bodies and manmade forms?
38. From time to time I have come erasing traditions, rituals and forms, and I leave in your spirit only the Law and the essence of My teachings. (68, 27)
39. People: in that era, John, called also the Baptist, baptized those who believed in his prophecy with water. That act was a symbol of the purification of the original sin. To the multitudes who came to the Jordan River to hear the words of the forerunner, He said: “Here I baptize you with water, but already He is coming who shall baptize you with the fire of the Holy Spirit.”
40. From that Divine fire all the spirits were born. They sprang forth pure and clean, but if on their road they have managed to stain themselves with the sin that disobedience brought with it, the fire of My Spirit will come again to pour itself over them, to destroy your sin, cleanse your stains, and return you to your original purity.
41. If that spiritual baptism, instead of being understood as the purification that men achieve through an act of true repentance before their creator, you convert into a rite, and you are satisfied with the symbolism of an act, then I tell you certainly that your spirit shall achieve nothing.
42. Who acts in this way, lives still in the times of the Baptist, and it is as though He had believed neither in his prophecies, nor in the words that He spoke about spiritual baptism: the Divine fire with which God purifies his children, and immerses them in the immortal light.
43. John called to men who were of adult age, to pour over them those waters that symbolized purification. They came to him when they were conscious of their acts and could already have the firm will to persevere in the path of good, of righteousness, and of justice. See how humanity has preferred to practice the symbolic act of purification by means of water, instead of a true regeneration through repentance and the firm purpose of reform that is born of the love for God. The ceremony implies no effort at all, in contrast, purifying the heart and struggling to remain pure means effort, watchfulness, and even sacrifice, by men. That is why men have preferred to cover their sins with appearances, settling for carrying out ceremonies, acts, and rites that do nothing to improve their moral or spiritual condition if the conscience is not involved.
44. Disciples: That is why I do not wish rites to exist among you, so that you do not, to comply with them, forget that which truly gets to the spirit. (99, 56 – 61)
45. I am the one who sends spirits to incarnate according to the law of evolution. And truly I say to you that it will not be the influences of this world which will make Me deviate from My Divine plans, for My Divine will shall be fulfilled in spite of mans ambition for power.
46. Every human being brings a mission to the earth. His destiny is outlined by the Father, and his spirit anointed by My charity. In vain men perform ceremonies and anoint little children. Verily I say to you, that at no material age will water be the one to purify the spirit of its shortcomings to My Law. And if I send a spirit which is free of all sin, from what blemish do religious ministers cleanses it with baptism?
47. It is time for you to understand that the origin of man is not a sin, but that his birth is the result of the fulfillment of a natural law, a law which not only man fulfills but all creatures which comprise nature. Understand that I have said man, and not his spirit. Man has My power to create beings similar to him, but spirits only emerge from Me.
48. To grow and multiply is a universal law. In the same manner that stars sprouted from other larger stars, so the human seed did multiply on earth. And never have I said that in so doing mankind has sinned or offended the Creator. Why would you be judged as sinners after fulfilling that Divine mandate? Be aware that man can never stain himself by fulfilling My law.
49. What stains man and separates the spirit from the path of evolution are his low passions, immorality, vice, and lust, for all of them go against the law.
50. Study and carefully analyze until you find the truth, and thus you will cease to call sinful the mandates of the Creator of Life. Then you will be able to bless the existence of your children with the example of your good deeds.
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