A Much Needed Rest – Being Dad with Phil Lower, November 7, 2022

1 year ago

This is difficult to speak about.

For almost 17 years my mom was in a physical decline. First, she had 2 brain surgeries, then over time dementia set in.

Last week, my wife, girls, and I drove out to Toledo to pay our final respects.

I was determined that it was not going to be a pity party for all the times we couldn’t be there because we lived so far away. Plus, my girls didn’t deserve that burden.

I took my girls to the Toledo Zoo, The Toledo Museum of Art, and we spent much loved time with friends and family.

We got to connect and reconnect with people from our lives long ago.

But, as crazy as it sounds, we played and rested.

Email me at info@dqotd.com

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