Sir Raleigh Boss | Sly Cooper And The Thievius Raccoonus | Part 2 | PS3

2 years ago

â–ºSly Cooper And The Thievius Raccoonus Playlist:

This is going to be my First playthrough / Blind playthrough / Lets play playthrough gameplay of Sly Cooper And The Thievius Raccoonus. In this game we play as a character by the name as Sly, who has assistance from his friends Bentley and Murray. Sly, is a raccoon descendant from a long line of master thieves who steal from other thieves. However, that lineage became crippled when a gang known as the Fiendish Five led by Clockwerk, a cyborg-like owl with a hatred for the Cooper line, killed Sly's father, Conner Cooper, while Sly was eight years old. The gang also got their hands on the Thievius Raccoonus, a book recording the journeys and skills of every Cooper ancestor.

In this episode, we take on Sir Raleigh the boss, he'll be the first of the five we have to fight.

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