SFP027 Dan Tubb - American Decline and the Global Handover of Power

2 years ago

Former venture capitalist and popular political commentator Dan Tubb AKA Kingbingo returns to the podcast for a deep dive into the changing nature of the global order. From the rise of China, the decline of the American Empire, to Russia and the war in Ukraine, Dan explains how the global handover of power is manifesting itself on the world stage.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Kingbingo_

Strategists admit West is goading China into war by Nury Vittachi and Phill Hynes:

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* Please note, I'm currently in the process of catching up with all the episodes on YouTube, but it takes time going through and censoring the episodes so that the channel can stay active. For the full catalogue of episodes, and to get all the latest episodes as they drop, follow the "Links to all podcast platforms" to subscribe on other platforms.***

Originally published on: 2022-05-12

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