The Law of Time | Mikhail Velichko

1 year ago

...If we talk about the law of time, then this term appeared as a result of the arrival at the understanding that time is not an objective category. Time, the perception of time, is always subjective. There is simply a certain process that we take in the quality of a standard, this periodic process, without even being aware of it. It is precisely due to the fact that we are not aware of the standard process that the illusion of the objectiveness of time arises. But if we look at real life, then there are only processes in life: oscillatory processes, periodic processes. We take one of them in the quality of a standard and then correlate all other processes with the duration of its periods. We don’t ponder on why, when we went to kindergarten, the day was very long, and we don’t ponder over why now, we just threw away the Christmas tree, and we need to buy a new one... simply because our psyche has been connected with other standard processes, and time is perceived differently...

#time #lawoftime #whatistime

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