Prophetic Dream

1 year ago

Dream was on 11/2/2022
In this dream I was standing in a warehouse looking at three garage doors that were opened and were in the middle of the warehouse separating the warehouse into two areas. I could see people walking in and out of all three garage doors. The people were dressed in regular clothing. I didn't see anything in their hands as they were walking in and out of the three garage doors. As I was seeing this, I heard strange sounds coming from the back of the garage doors that were opened. The sounds were not good sounds, more like growling and wailing sounds I have never heard before. All of a sudden, the floor on the opposite side where I was standing through the garage doors moved from one end to another to reveal people dancing (upscale dancing gliding back and forth) having a party. The people dancing were dressed in ballroom attire, I did not see any color on their clothing. Their facial reactions were stern, but yet pleasant. At this point I did not see the other people that were walking in and out of the garage doors, those people just disappeared, then I woke up and saw it was 1:00 in the morning.

(The Lord said I heard in the spirit “which was the sounds of growling and wailing” of what was coming and then saw the people doing as they wanted in the natural.)

I went back to sleep and had a second dream. I was in another warehouse; this warehouse was much larger. I was looking at a lot of people who were dressed normally with no color on their clothing. The people in this dream, some of them, had cloudy eyes and were walking around confused. These people with cloudy eyes looked more like zombies (not ugly or flesh-eating people as you see in the movie) but walking around confused looking lost and had nothing to do in this dream. I also saw some people that looked normal with no cloudiness in their eyes, they were wearing normal clothes as well. These normal people were praying for other people that looked normal as well. As I was seeing all of this, then all of a sudden, the zombie people (with the cloudy eyes) started running toward the one exit of the warehouse, as if something was chasing them. The exit of the warehouse was behind me, as they passed by me, I saw the normal praying people standing and looking towards what was coming, not being moved. I was trying to see what was ahead but could not see or hear anything approaching from the back of the warehouse. Then I woke up to my alarm.

(The Lord said, He was showing me the zombie people with cloudy eyes, is the spirit of the people who are dead, they refuse to hear His word, so they run scared from all attacks. The normal people who are praying and standing still is His church, His ECCLESIA, they will not be moved by any attack that comes their way.)

Word of the Lord
My people must pray in this time, use My word against all attacks of the enemy. I have given My people power, authority to do My will not of their own. Those people are all alone not with Me, as I cannot go against My word. Follow Me, belong to Me, choose Me and walk in victory in Me and My word says the Lord.

Rey & Dora Tobar

Pray after you have read it and have the Holy Spirit reveal more to you. Please share if the Holy Spirit reveals more to you about the dream.

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