Recollections of the Late J. G. Bellett Chapter 6

1 year ago

I cannot tell exactly when it was that our kind friend, Dr. Walter, began to feel my dear father’s illness was becoming serious. In its early stages it took the form of pneumonia; and he was never quite free from cough; but there was more general weakness than any distinct disease.

From the beginning of the summer, Dr. W. was in constant attendance, and full of the kindest consideration. Dr. Law also showed much kindness in his occasional visits.

The weakness at last became too great to allow of his attending the Sunday morning meetings. This was a trial to him; and I remember his once saying that he almost thought he should get some of the young men to carry him, that he might again partake of the Supper of the Lord with his brethren. This, however, was never done.

The last passage on which he gave a short lecture was 2 Corinthians 12.

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