"Closing Unwanted Portals"

2 years ago

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Hello and welcome to the TDP Videocast! I have been away for a while, but am now back and I hope you will find our upcoming journeys helpful!

Tonight we are talking about the energies flowing around this planet and the resultant warmongering etc. that has been the ever increasing result. What can we do about this?

First we need to understand *what* is going on in this time frame (VERY important)

Second we need to know the difference between the "birth pangs" of a new world, and the deceit of those who are using magic(k) to try and force a FALSE narrative about what we talked about above!

Thirdly we need to know our OWN power and STOP sitting on the sidelines (as NON-action is in fact CONSENT to the manipulators) and ACTIVELY close portals to unwanted power, and OPEN portals to that which is in resonance with US.

This will be important as the times we are in right now are offering destruction and suffering on a scale unheard of in human recorded history--will you just watch and complain, or act in resonance with your true self? Watch, share and download this broadcast.

See you there!
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