How to hide the view of apartment buildings

1 year ago

How to hide apartment buildings? Hiding the view of an apartment complex or three-story house can be achieved with the use of Clumping Bamboo. When hiding an apartment or three story house having a tall straight growing bamboo is important. You also want to have a wide and dense vegetation barrier so using a large bamboo can be quite useful. Starting with a 15 gallon pot of bamboo will give you a quicker start due to the height you will be trying to achieve. Each year your bamboo will grow taller and taller until it reaches its mature height. Starting Your privacy barrier with a 3 gallon would definitely work as well however it might take you a bit longer. Planting your bamboo plants with the proper mixes and irrigation will expedite the growth. Using bamboo to hide apartments in three-story houses also helps hide bright lights and protects you against High winds. #highwinds #brightlights #apartmentlandscape #tall #tallbuilding #tallbuildings #landscape #landscaping #landscapedesign #landscapedesigns #landscapedesignmalaysia #bavkyard #privacy #fast #fastgrowing #fastgrowingplant #fastgrowingtrees #growingfast

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