Oprah Specializes in Electing Nincompoops Like Obama & Fetterman

1 year ago

Since Oprah Only Cares About Power, She'd Gladly Endorse a Hundred Bidens to Keep the Crown

Oprah Winfrey, quite likely the biggest endorsement Barack Obama ever received before his first election. Her opinion was delivered in her touchy-feely, pass-me-the-emotion, and bypass logic, from the gut style. Winfrey regularly emoted to tens of millions of viewers each week. Oprah is all about preaching, although her beliefs are just self-help jargon in the name of God, designed to reap billions. And now, Oprah endorsed clod John Fetterman for PA Senate.

Winfrey said: “I said it was up to the citizens of Pennsylvania. But I would tell y’all this — if I lived in Pennsylvania, I would have already cast my vote for John Fetterman for many reasons. Use your discernment — which seems to be missing in a lot of our country today — use your discernment and choose wisely for the democracy of our country.” Truly a dishonest and utterly irrational comment clothed in pseudo-wisdom, from one of the world’s most popular celebrities.

Oprah doesn’t espouse doctrinal Chrtianity, hallmarked by her New-Age guru Eckhart Tolle. Fearless Winfrey ostentatiously reveals she doesn't give a fig whether her political picks are wise, cognizant, or even capable of human conversation. Evidenced by choosing John “Featherweight” Fetterman, the massive, lumpen bodied stroke victim, with the gait of a wildebeest. Winfrey chose this man she did not know over ‘adopted son’ Dr Oz. Sad when leftism gets involved, the most humble acts of loyalty are scuppered and jettisoned.

Oprah never cared what was best for America when she touted buddy Barack Obama, the cocky & inexperienced permanent adolescent, for president. Many believe Obama wouldn’t have been elected without Winfrey. But her props to Fetterman brings her shame game to a new low, for having absolutely no standards whatsoever. Oprah, who quite likely judges America for our past, is content with sticking it to our future. A true leftist who only feigns to care about truth.

Listening to John Fetterman’s garbled syntax, lulls, clucks & coos, and sheer babbled nonsense, with a look of someone who just exited a coma, we know he’s unfit for office. But even with loquacious and highly successful Dr Oz, a star aided by Oprah, running against the doddering, babbling Fetterman, Winfrey maliciously decides to support a man who literally cannot communicate. Consider this Winfrey’s symbolic middle finger to America, the land which made her a billionaire, which she apparently secretly despises.

But not everyone accepts Oprah’s hollow blather, as Kid Rock Tweeted, "Oprah helped Dr. Oz with his career. I assume because she vetted him and found him to be a wonderful person. Now she is against him. Oprah is a fraud. -Kid Rock."

So what does fabulously wealthy Oprah Winfrey stand for, or care about? Why is she digging the hole deeper she threw America into previously, with untrained and self-obsessed Obama? Winfrey describes herself as a Christian, But as she gained success and fabulous wealth, it became increasingly obvious she sees herself in Messianic terms. It might be very hard to be so successful and wealthy, and modest, having everyone kiss your feet. But that's no reason to create your own religion.

A number of essays examine Oprah’s diverse religion. Al Mohler, astute religious commentator, wrote: The Church of Oprah Winfrey—A New American Religion?

“Oprah is best understood as a highly-talented representative of the religion of positive thinking that shaped American culture for the last two centuries. Here, Oprah continues & extends a line of religious thought replacing the transcendent with the temporal & looks for fulfillment & success as goods of a satisfying life.”
In The Church of Oprah Winfrey and a Theology of Suffering, we read:
“From “Oprah Winfrey and the Glamour of Misery,” sociologist Eva Illouz states she might be a false prophet. Because Ms. Winfrey and her cadre of self-help experts treated suffering as beneficial. She turned the black church’s ethos of self-reliance in the face of suffering into an exaltation of suffering itself.
Dr. Illouz found elements of the black church, like emotionality and focus on justice, “pervade ‘The Oprah Winfrey Show,’ which has taken on the vocation of relieving a multiplicity of forms of suffering through the use of speech infused with the rhetorical style of black preachers.”
And see, The Oprah Church: A Look at Oprah Winfrey’s Religion states:
“Oprah’s philosophy is based on aspects of Eastern mysticism, Hinduism and paganism. It has no authoritative holy book, but makes use of selected passages from the Bible and the books of other religions.
“Salvation” for Oprah’s church is a growing awareness of our inner divinity and “Christ consciousness,” which we gain through meditation, hypnosis, channeling, and other means. Using terms such as being “reborn,” but not in the biblical sense. They say human beings will be reincarnated until they reach oneness with the divine force. There is no resurrection, no heaven or hell.”
Winfrey is a new age goddess in her own cult, not the humble Baptist she once proclaimed. Paul Vitz once observed, "Contemporary psychology is a form of secular humanism based on the rejection of God and the worship of the self.” And anyone who worships themselves is disconnected from reality. See, Oprah Winfrey and Her Self-Help Saviors, which notes her hodgepodge religion and its fifty saviors of various backgrounds.

Just understand that the vast, unhinged Democrat party is likewise unmoored and worshiping themselves as gods on earth. They are lost. And because of this, they are easily led astray and also deeply offended when their ideas are challenged, even while embracing a moveable set of convictions that change moment by moment.

Featherweight Fetterman will lose. More importantly the self-worshiping, hyper successful Oprah’s of America will take this shellacking like a prison shower. Hopefully the Democrat Party will fall and either rebuild into something more traditionally American. Or simply cease to exist. Enjoy voting Tuesday. And drink deep your implaccable enemy’s tears. Shalom.

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