No Smoking In The Temple Of Democracy! Reading The 2022 Midterm Election Liver From The Ur Of Salem, Oregon - Governor Predictions & Anthropology 101

1 year ago

Political prognostications from Rooster Caffeine and Sauros Rex.

Who will take Oregon? What will become of Oprah's pet Dr. Oz? Is New York turning purple (and can anyone resuscitate it)? How significant is the homosexual night club owner demographic in Florida's election? Can anyone make sense of the Paul Pelosi story? Are we living in Babylon? Were cave paintings made with human blood? Is democracy hyped up tribalism? Human sacrifice? Homelessness? Jail? Slavery?!


We read the signs.

And Sauros reads the first Sumerian word of the day.

Correction: Sauros throws Jerome under the bus for Ur-Kasdim becoming "Ur of the Chaldees." However, Josephus and many others drew the same conclusion. See: ARPHAXAD.

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