What is something that disappeared after the pandemic? #covid19 #pandemic

1 year ago

What is something that disappeared after the pandemic?
Reasonably priced used cars.
A couple of locally owned restaurants I enjoyed in my town didn’t survive covid. RIP the one Indian food place within 100 miles.
Places open late!!! I'm so sick of things closing at 8pm. Some of us don't work 9-5.
Housekeeping at hotels
My friend group.
24 hr Walmart
McDonald’s all day breakfast and salads.
My outgoingness. I think the lack of interacting face to face with people has made me a lot more introverted.
Me eating at a restaurant. Pre-pandemic it was easy to get a meal for $10. Now that same meal costs $20 or more with the tip also doubling. The hell if I’m going to waste that amount of money
About 75% of public transportation. So many services cut on the grounds that nobody was using them (because we were in lockdowns) that have not resumed even after most people have been dragged back to their physical workplace.
My good excuse for over-indulging my introversion
Free samples at grocery stores
Souplantation/Sweet Tomatoes
Spatial awareness. I swear when I go to a busy store these days, it's nearly impossible to get around people to look at anything. Or they just stand in the middle of the aisle.
Physical restaurant menus
I honestly don't remember if it was like that before too, but people seem more patience and tolerant before lockdowns.
Dating. I struggle to connect with strangers post pandemic. Everyone just feels “off”
My paycheck
Affordable housing
SNOWDAYS- a free day off no one could f#ck with, and now it’s gone forever. Jobs, schools, everything can now be remote. A tragic whole generation of school kids are going to grow up never knowing the joy of no school on a snow day.
Youtube videos without ads
In my neighborhood it is holiday decorations. I have several neighbors that never put out their Halloween decorations, when I asked two of them they said they were just not into it anymore. Last Christmas was the same.
People caring about Animal Crossing
All the hobbies we picked up during lockdown.
Slow pace of life. Which was nearly nonexistent but when the pandemic hit it allowed people to slow down and just enjoy life and family and friends. I miss that again. It seems like everyone is in a hurry to get back to things the way they were.
A lot of people's trust in the system.
70 lbs off my body.
choices, reasonable prices, and the ability to haggle when purchasing a car.
City Market's Salad Bar.
Hot Dog steamers at convenience stores in Maine.
I work in the restaurant industry and I swear people are 1000% more entitled now than before the pandemic. It feels like everyone forgot how to act in public.
Empty freeways, highways, roads, streets. The lack of traffic was awesome.
Being able to avoid people you really wanted to avoid under the guise of social distancing and / or isolation!
Hopefully going to work even though you don't feel well.
My savings :(
Peoples ability to reason with one another.
My hope for humanity.
My resistance from going on reddit and looking at random bull\*\*\*\*
Bunch of people's grandparents
Stable inflation rate
My sense of joy about the world. At 33, all I feel is an empty, sad, uneasy feeling every morning when I wake up. I moved across the country with my gf to a small mountain town, but even looking at the vastness of nature out here just leaves me sad.
People in my space, Back the flock up, please!
Confidence in societies response to any sort of national emergency.
Therapy. It’s so hard to find a decent therapist that sees clients in person. All therapist within my network are only taking clients via Skype/zoom and that’s if you can even find one with availabilities.
My mental health...
The flocks I give.
Billions of snow crabs.
Any belief I had that a huge portion of the population wasn't dumb.
My confidence
Jahova witness door knockers
My belief that the vast majority of people are good. I don't believe that anymore
The remembrance of how much can be done online instead of having to show up.
Disneyland Annual Pass
affordable housing
Buffets and salad bars at restaurants
Just from the perspective of global news, it *seems* like terrorism is down. Al Quaeda and ISIS were on a long run leading up to 2020. It definitely had died down prior to 2020 but has been virtually nonexistent, since the pandemic, outside of the Levant countries—and even there.

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