Chris Smalls Is Living In Jeff Bezos' Head

1 year ago

Chris Smalls joins the program and say that if Jeff Bezos has three thoughts a day, one of them is about the ALU.

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Amazon won't be able to stop that. They won't be able to stop what started. They won't be able to stop the culture that we created with the ALU. We're here forever. And I know Jeff Bezos has one of three thoughts a day. And I know one of them is us. I I mean I would imagine. honestly, because this is and I would say and first off let me just welcome the folks from Amazon here. And if you can like. What's up Preston. And also you know poggers on Twitch you can give us your subscribers, please. Do you ever like take a lot of like different trips to different places and be like oh maybe we're doing it over here. Maybe. That's what you do. Oh, all the time changes. That noise signal ratio. Yeah, watch out for that guys. And I mean I would imagine not only is this something that that Bezos thinks about every day. but you know Howard Schultz has got to be pissed at you. Like there's got to be because I think there is a feeling and I think it's a legitimate one that if this becomes an all the really you know all it takes is a couple more until it becomes a trend. And if this becomes a trend in the context of Amazon. where they have seemingly you know unlimited resources in which at least Financial Resources in which to stop workers from unionizing. I mean you know they're looking to go to Mars to spend some of the extra cash that they have. They've got to be worried that this is like if we could do it in Amazon we can do it anywhere. Oh yeah. Yeah I mean Starbucks is as far as their campaign you know they got over 250-something stores. And the numbers grow every day. I wish that we were able to Trend that fast. But warehouses obviously have thousands of workers right a little bit more strenuous. and a little bit more into it. But it's not stopping. As you mentioned the fire has already been lit. It doesn't matter win or lose with these campaigns The Narrative and the motive are out there already workers are paying attention. Workers are now realizing that it's possible. you know we did The Impossible and now it's possible. And people can see that. So billionaires just have to be worried. You know. and that's what our job as organizers is to make sure that they're uncomfortable at all times. And I don't care whether it's Jeff Bezos or Elon Musk now you know he owns Twitter so you know we can't tweet more because it ain't gonna get seen by nobody but ourselves. And you know we have to be creative. And we got to create our own propaganda as well. And I just think we're doing a great job of doing that. Because if we didn't you know they weren't worried about us. Right and but you know with our Tick Tock videos and our Instagram and Facebook and whatever else that we're utilizing to amplify unions in this country it's definitely changing the tides. It's slow but we're clawing our way back in a trend that is really our pro-union in this country. I believe over 70 percent of Americans now believe that everybody should be in the Union. and I think that's a large part of what has happened with Starbucks and Amazon for sure.

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