Medical Kidnap Idaho

1 year ago

This video was streamed lived by the young mom Marissa as she watched her husband and sister get arrested by Merdian Police in Idaho. Thousands of individuals have heard the story. This young mom pleaded to stay with her child - a sick little boy that she was taking to treatments. This family is close friends with Health Freedom Idaho leadership.
After much public outcry, the local CPS office returned the baby to his family.
There is still outstanding is the charge against this young mother for resisting while they snatched her nursing baby from her arms. We need you to stand by her against this corruption.
This loving mother did what all of us would do by protecting our children!

Here's an open letter to the police regarding their misuse of force against this young mother and her nursing baby.
Several points were made and never answered by the Police: What logical reason do your officers have to tear the child away from his nursing mother who clearly posed zero threat to the health and well-being of the child? She could have stayed with her baby in the ambulance and in the hospital, but you ripped that child away from his primary source of nutrition. This is child endangerment. Please explain your justification—thousands of breastfeeding mothers would like to know.

POINT # 3 - What justification do you have for the Meridian police officer who repeatedly lied to Marissa, on camera, and promised her that she would never be separated from Baby Cyrus, and that she would be able to ride with him in the ambulance to the hospital? Does the Meridian Police Department and Ada County Sheriff's department support lying to citizens in order to kidnap children?

In the final analysis, All Government is Force.
Force must be necessary and measured. Arrests are seizures. Taking a child under the authority of "imminent danger" is another kind of seizure based on the state's subjective interpretation of circumstances.
Separating a child from a parent is traumatic, to say the least, for both sides. Such action requires the most careful scrutiny.
In considering the exercise of such force, it is best to err on the side of liberty and to apply moral agency when the government steps into the family. The same goes for domestic violence calls. Overreaction can cause more harm than the real or perceived concern at hand. Sometimes things are not as they appear at the onset of a complaint.

Will the reasonable and necessary standard hold up here when measured against the state's actions? Was baby Cyrus really in "imminent danger," as the state's actions assert, or was he in the best place he could ever be: in the loving, capable, competent care of his parents?
The state is, in essence, guilty until proven innocent in any seizure. The burden of proof is on the state. They must walk their actions back to the information that spawned this exercise of force and be judged.

- Doug Traubel Candidate for Sheriff

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