AN OUTRAGE! Hochul supporter grabs protestor by the throat 5th Nov

2 years ago

The bastards are on the stage yelling about stopping hateful rhetoric and words by our protest group yet their supporters and a FUCKING ELECTED COUNCILPERSON had the gall to put their hands on one of us!

A man grabs a woman and thinks it's OK? He walks away scott-free....why exactly....?

The councilperson CRYSTAL HUDSON of Brooklyn's 35th district (where 'health' commish Vasan lives) should STEP DOWN for being so unbelievably stupid and weak by putting her hands on Angie.

The dude in the checked shirt will have his day.

This is just a sample of the hypocritical mentality of the deranged, sick and twisted libtards ruining this city and state of New York.

Peekaboo T!sh and HoCunt had to address us from the stage because they feared our roar. They had to adjust their useless speeches. They had to deal with the angst of We the People. We succeeded in fucking up their parade and they don't know what to do about it. Why do their followers think they have any power at all?

They won't be able to walk down the street ever again. They may not be able to walk ever again. Dead people don't walk.

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