1 year ago

Revelation 3:19 King James Version
19 As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.


This morning's passage of scripture really got me to thinking about the discipline from God that I've had in my life, and how in many instances, I really deserved it. I was especially thinking about this verse above, as well as verses out of Hebrews chapter 12, where God says that chastening, or discipline is something very necessary for us, because it ultimately produces “the peaceable fruit of righteousness” that God wants in us. The questions from this morning's devotional, had me in a lot of deep thought, because this is an area I struggle with. I struggle, because number one I was brought up with a very distorted view of discipline growing up in the IFB, and I've had moments in my life, where I have genuinely needed God's discipline, and had a hard time with it. In the end though, God shows me very valuable lessons through the correction that he gives me, but also he shows me his mercy, forgiveness, and restoration like nothing else!

That’s why I'd like to share these questions from this morning's devotional with all of you tonight, and I pray that they will challenge, comfort, and motivate you when it comes to this area.

What discipline from God have you deserved?

What I'd like to do right now with all of you guys, is share some things that God has shown me from His Word, through this vlog I'd like to share with all of you tonight, and I pray that what I say will resonate with you. Come join me in this blog, and learn what it means to experience the LOVING discipline of our Heavenly Father! 😊

So, as I conclude this post with all of you tonight, I want to leave you with this final question from this morning's devotional, and I pray that it will encourage and challenge you to let God's discipline work in your lives.

How might you accept God's discipline and cling to His promise of salvation?

I pray that with whatever correction/discipline God is bringing to you right now, that you will humble yourself before Him, confess whatever sins you have committed that have brought this on, and experience the forgiveness that only God offers. Cling not only to the forgiveness and restoration that He also offers, but also to the precious promise that God forgives but He also forgets our sins! Know that whatever correction or discipline you were experiencing, is there for your good, and that God will use it to produce wondrous fruit for Him, if you will only submit your heart to Him.



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