#1 Push-up Mistake Everyone Makes (+ How to Fix it)

1 year ago

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There is a typical push-up mistake that almost everyone makes.

This is not a top 5-10 mistake that you can do in a push-up video with finding every possible mistake can be done in a single push-up.

I made this video to help you fixing a particular mistake that I saw many people making from beginner to the more experienced.

The interesting thing about this mistake that the person making it is striving for the tip top perfect execution.

After getting into the starting position, makes sure that everything is perfect, everything is in line, but right after starting the exercise the mistake shows up.

The elbows move backward, away from above the wrist.

Is this a problem?

Of course we can say, it depends.

It’s not a problem if you have the right preparations and you want to do the exercise more triceps centric.

But if you want to do the regular execution striving for the best and you haven’t prepare you joints it’s certainly a problem, since most of the people who do the push up like this complain about elbow pain.

Not to mention that for many, this small mistake starts a whole domino effect. Let's see how to fix it!

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