Niket [Mass Effect 2 (51) Lets Play]

2 years ago

Miranda's Loyalty Mission, Shepard helps save Miranda's Sister from mercs sent by her father
Watch the Next Part (52) Miranda's Sister :
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Watch the Last Part (50) Eternity :

Welcome to the second Mass Effect game in the trilogy on our Let's Play Series
Difficulty: Normal (Dedicated to a story telling experience, we fast edit through action like a film)
Mass Effect Game Captured on PS5 - PS4 Title

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Miranda is an experimental project of her fathers, and never wanted to see her sister suffer the same fate, who doesn't even know Miranda exists! Miranda's old friend Niket helped hide her sister from her farther to live an ordinary life on Illium. Miranda has received intel that her father has tracked down her sister, so Shepard comes to help take out the mercs that have come to kidnap her.

00:00 Negotiations
03:07 Eclipse Battle
03:55 Miranda's Backstory
06:25 Enyala's Obstacles
11:25 Traitor
12:39 Niket
15:58 Battle Enyala
16:55 The Prodigal (Continue on 52)

Mass Effect is well acclaimed Space Centric Sci-fi RPG and has recently been remastered for PS4 for 4k HD graphics on the PS4

The galaxy is trapped in an endless cycle of extinction. Every 50,000 years, an ancient machine race invades the galaxy. With ruthless efficiency, the machines wipe out all advanced organic civilization. They leave behind only the scattered ruins of technology, destroying all evidence of their own existence.
Few believe this ancient legend. You, however, know it to be true. The fight to stop this extinction event has become the most important mission in the galaxy.
It is your mission. As Commander Shepard of the SSV Normandy, you will take your elite recon squad across a galaxy in turmoil, in a desperate race to stop the return of an enemy without mercy. To stop this enemy, you must act without remorse, without hesitation, and outside the limits of the law. Your only imperative is to preserve the safety of civilized life in the galaxy - at any cost. You must become the tip of the spear of humanity, for you alone know the full extent of what is at stake if you should fail.

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