Roman Empire Colon tour - Walking through the ruins

1 year ago

In this series of videos I show you the ruins of the former Roman Colon, known as Turris Libisonis, in North Sardinia, Italy;

There's plenty of thing to see in this archeological site, which is basically the heart of the colon, where there are, this area outside, which is supposed to be a roman thermal bath, and plenty of ruins and remains of different kinds inside the museum;

Unfortunately, despite I saw everything, I wasn't able to report that much, since like I said there are PLENTY of things to take a look at;


1 - I plan to go there again
2 - I showed some masterpiece in this series anyway;

You cannot really miss it!

Ps: I have already posted plenty of this kind of content mainly releated to the Roman Bridge of this colon;

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