Ploughboy Monday by David Pownall

2 years ago

Saturday-Night Theatre Ploughboy Monday
Sat 9th Nov 1985, 20:30 on BBC Radio 4 FM
By David Pownall

Harold leaves home after falling out with his parents. He decides to become a ploughboy, and his single-minded approach brings him success in everything but his personal relationships.
Directed by Alfred Bradley BBC Manchester

Harold: Jason Uttler
Vera: Judith Barker
George: Geoffrey Hinslif
Grunnidge: Geoffrey Banks
Stan: Colin Meredith
Perkins: Gabriel Paul Gawln
Valerie: Lesley Nicol
Haywood/Rice: Malcolm Hebden
Cook: Ruth Holden
Yates: James Toml1nson
Match judge: Randal Herley
Brough/Manley: Paul Webster

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