The Secret Gospel of Mark in Debate. Is it an Ancient Gospel? By Dr. Tony Burke

2 years ago

In 1958, American historian of religion Morton Smith made an astounding discovery in the Mar Saba monastery in Jerusalem. Copied into the back of a seventeenth-century book was a lost letter attributed to Clement of Alexandria (ca. 150-215 CE) that contained excerpts from a longer version of the Gospel of Mark written by Mark himself and circulating in Alexandria, Egypt. More than fifty years after its discovery, the origins of this Secret Gospel of Mark remain contentious. Some consider it an authentic witness to an early form of Mark, perhaps even predating canonical Mark. Some claim it is a medieval or premodern forgery created by a monastic scribe. And others argue it is a forgery created by Morton Smith himself. All these positions are addressed in the papers contained in this volume. Nine North American scholars, internationally recognized for their contributions to the study of Secret Mark, met at York University in Toronto, Canada, in April 2011 to examine recent developments in scholarship on the gospel and the letter in which it is found. Their results represent a substantial step forward in determining the origins of this mysterious and controversial text. List of Contributors: Scott G. Brown, Tony Burke, Stephen C. Carlson, Bruce Chilton, Craig A. Evans, Paul Foster, Charles W. Hedrick, Peter Jeffery, Allan J. Pantuck, Marvin Meyer Hershel Shanks.

Dr. Tony Burke: blog:

video from Gnostic Wisdom Network, Mar 25, 2015

Burke, Tony - Ancient Gospel or Modern Forgery?: The Secret Gospel of Mark in Debate: Proceedings from the 2011 York University Christian Apocrypha Symposium
Smith, Morton - Clement of Alexandria and a Secret Gospel of Mark
Scott G. Brown: Mark’s Other Gospel. Rethinking Morton Smith’s Controversial Discovery (Studies in Christianity and Judaism)
Conner, Robert - Secret Gospel of Mark: morton smith, clement of alexandria and four decades of academic burlesque
Drower, E.S. - A Study in Nasoraean Gnosis
Jennings Jr., Theodore W.: The Man Jesus Loved
Jennings Jr., Theodore W.: Jacob's Wound. Homoerotic Narrative in the Literature of Ancient Israel
Goodswen, Oliver: Gay Jesus. The suppressed hidden Gospel and Jesus' original followers
Picknett, Lynn and Prince, Clive: The Templar Revelation. Secret Guardians of the True Identity of Christ
Picknett, Lynn and Prince, Clive: The Masks of Christ: Behind the Lies and Cover-ups About the Life of Jesus

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Review of "Burke, Tony - Ancient Gospel or Modern Forgery?" by Robert Conner:

"At least the handwriting "analysis" argument is finally debunked. Three undeniable positives trends emerge from this collection: (1) Carlson's amateur handwriting "analysis" seems to have finally been identified as a travesty and dismissed, (2) it has become obvious that division among scholars over the question of authenticity is based on confessional allegiance, not evidence or probability and (3) voices of sanity (Brown, Pantuck, Shanks, Hedrick) are allowed to make a case based on evidence. Catholics (Jeffery) and evangelicals (Evans, Chilton), the two camps traditionally most upset about Smith's interpretation of his discovery, are back to the usual offense: ad hominem attacks on Smith, speculation about Smith's "motives," and disinformation. (I suspect the opposition to Smith has been included to make the debate "fair and balanced.") Much of the evidence for authenticity has taken place off the "scholarly" grid and only recently made it into print, e.g., Viklund & Paananan, Vigiliae Christianae 67 (2013), 235-247."

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Lynn Picknett, Clive Prince - The Templar Revelation: Secret Guardians of the True Identity of Christ
Lynn Picknett, Clive Prince - The Masks of Christ: Behind the Lies and Cover-ups About the Life of Jesus
Jorunn Jacobsen Buckley - The Mandaeans: Ancient Texts and Modern People
Andrew Philip Smith - John the Baptist and the Last Gnostics: The Secret History of the Mandaeans
G.R.S. Mead - Gnostic John the Baptizer: Selections from the Mandaean John-Book
E.S. Drower - Secret Adam: A Study of Nasoraean Gnosis

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