
1 year ago




#shorts #习近平 #朝鲜化 #共产主义 #中共 #央企集团

A friend in China sent a message saying that the CCP is planning to build 11 large central enterprise groups. I don't know if this news is true, but I wouldn't be surprised if Xi Jinping did. Because Xi Jinping's next goal is to build a Koreanized communist slave society. And building a large central enterprise group is an important part of this plan.

First, build these central enterprise groups so that Xi can plunder private wealth, weaken and suppress the private economy, and bring important resources and industries under his control. Secondly, the monopoly of the supply of daily necessities by central enterprises means that the government directly controls the survival of the people, so that the people must rely on the state apparatus to survive, so they are unable to resist, nor dare to resist. Third, after completely depriving the people of their private property and making the people lose their ability to survive, providing housing, pensions and medical care to the people in the name of the government can not only ensure that the people will not rebel because they cannot survive, but also guide the people to be grateful to the government Psychologically, worship the leader more.

With so many benefits, it is entirely possible for Xi Jinping to set up a central enterprise group. Love Xi pinks, as long as you give up your legitimate rights and freedoms to be a citizen, you can immediately lead the food and dormitory. Are you excited?

Mo Cun Lao Zhou analyzes Chinese politics
[Chinese Politics] Xi Jinping plans to build 11 central enterprise groups, and the "happy" life of the Chinese people is coming
#shorts #Xi Jinping #Koreanization #Communism #CCP #Central Enterprise Group




#shorts #習近平 #朝鮮化 #共產主義 #中共 #央企集團

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