My 5 LEAST Favorite Countries…

1 year ago

After traveling to every country in the world, here are my 5 LEAST FAVORITE countries based on my own personal travel experiences.

I was hesitant to make this video because of the potential negative feedback I’ll get - but I’ve always been honest and transparent from my travels, and I feel like this kind of storytelling needs to be told.

And by the way, I DO NOT HATE any of these countries.

Travel is very subjective (based on one’s own personal experience) and there are many variables that can make or break your trip -- such as the weather, your health, your mood, who you meet, what you eat, and the things you do.

So all things considered, here are my 5 least favorite countries in the world (Djibouti, Chad, Guinea, Brunei and Guyana). I’d love to hear from you - have you been to any of these nations? What are your least favorite countries?
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