5 Easy Steps To The Keto Diet , Step 2 Get Off Sugar

2 years ago

This is step two of five steps of transitioning into a ketogenic lifestyle. You must get your carbs as low as you possibly can to get into ketosis. Also cut out grains and (not mentioned in the video) seed oils, also commonly known as polyunsaturated vegetable oils.

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Today we are going to chat about step two of five steps to transitioning onto the ketogenic diet.

It is highly advisable to take these steps to transition onto the keto diet.

I am going to explain why you should do this.

So, Amelia what is step number two of Getting on the ketogenic diet?

Well we need to drastically reduce or eliminate all the carbohydrates and processed foods from our diet, but do it slowly.

This is also considered detoxing.

The human body is an amazing machine.

Our body has incredible systems that can repair itself, heal, grow and adapt.

Most people ignore this fact.

When we eat processed foods and sugar, we have created a toxic environment for our bodies.

Many of the foods that we eat are filled with harmful substances that our bodies are not prepared to process.

These chemicals and substances block the body’s ability to heal.

This process creates a cycle of disease, illness, and distress.

We must learn how to prevent this from happening.

One of the best ways to achieve this is to remove all sources of sugar.

The number one culprit to health is sugar, be that in any form.

All carbohydrates break down into sugar, true some slower than others, but they are still all sugar at the end of the day.

The lower we can get our sugar intake the better.

It is best if we eliminate all the sources of sugar from our diet.

We must avoid all forms of sugar, and not just those found in sugar- laden foods.

If we are addicted to sugar, we will have to break this habit.

Many of us use it as a reward or a way to calm ourselves down.

It is no wonder that the average American consumes around 120 pounds of sugar every year.

Most of us consume too much sugar in our diets.

We do it because we like it, or we crave sweets.

There are many ways to control our cravings for sweets.

Grains are also a sugar.

Grains are broken down quickly into sugar, not only that they also contain gluten which damages the gut lining.

Grains are one of the foods that we eat everyday.

We consume wheat, rice, corn and other grains.

Most people believe grains are really a very good food.

However, most people don't realise that grains are one of the main causes of obesity.

One of the reasons why we gain weight is because our intestines can't absorb the nutrients from the grains.

Another cause is due to the fact that the carbohydrates in the grains are converted quickly to sugar and the excess is stored as fat.

If we want to lose weight, it is important to remove these foods from our diet.

Gluten is another major problem.

It is found in many processed foods.

It is also a common ingredient used to make bread.

Gluten is made up of protein molecules, the proteins are glutenins and gliadins.

If we are allergic to gluten, it can cause a wide range of symptoms including diarrhoea and cramps.

Some people think that the gluten-free diet is a solution to their problems.

So step 2 is to remove all sugar, carbohydrates, grains and processed food from our diets, and do it sensibly.

Thanks Amelia that was really informative.

I did not even know about how bad grains were for us.

What is the next step we will learn about?

In step three we will chat about how we know if we are in ketosis and measuring our ketones.

Thank you for watching.

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