Afghanistan: The biggest humiliation this Nation has ever seen.

1 year ago

President Trump Latrob PA
Under my leadership we gave you the largest tax and regulation cuts in American history, by contrast the radical democrat congress passed on of the largest tax hikes in American History.
I rebuilt our military and including our nuclear capability and the creation of Space Force more than 79 years anything like that has happened. They surrendered our strength and turned Afghanistan into the largest humiliation our Country has ever had. leaving $85B of the best Military equipment in the world behind and most importantly leaving American citizens behind. 13 soldier killed and many wounded.
I spoke to the head of the Taliban, the press went crazy and I told Abdul don't kill any of our soldiers. We were going to get out with strength and respect. We were going to keep Bargrahm Air Force Base 1 hour away from China, where they make their nuclear weapons. They left the dogs (K9's). They were afraid of us, they were afraid of our F-16's, now they own our F-16s' we gave them everything. The greatest humiliation this nation has ever seen.

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