Recollections of the Late J. G. Bellett Preface

1 year ago

It may seem strange that after so many years have elapsed since my dear father’s death, I should now print these notes of his life; and I feel that some explanation may naturally be expected.
From time to time I have been reminded that he is still held in loving remembrance by friends, and also, that many who never saw him feel almost as if they had known and loved him from being familiar with his writings, some of which, I believe, are even more read than formerly. Within the last year or two I have met with more than one whose acquaintance with him was very short; “but his loving spirit, and still more, his abiding sense of the presence of his Lord, and his exceeding love to Him,” made an impression which time has not effaced.
To such friends I have thought that this little book might be welcome. It does not profess to be a life of my father. The manuscript from which it is taken was written several years ago for my own comfort, and without any thought whatever of publication; and the recollections are quite fragmentary.
I am glad to be able to add extracts from some of his letters to myself, and also to different members of his family, which have been given to me, as well as some remembered words, so that my father will himself speak through these pages.
At the end will be found a short account written by him of my brother; and as I feel that it tells much about himself as well as of the son he so loved, I think that many friends may like to read it. But it was not written for publication.
To prepare these pages has been almost a sacred work. I am deeply conscious of their defects, and can but entrust them to the kindness and sympathy of those who may read them.
Poor as are my words about my dear father, I trust they may convey some idea of his character, and (to use the words of one of his nieces) “of his steadfast faith, his sweet humility, his child-like simplicity, and above all, the depth and breadth of his love, shewn to all who came under his notice, but which centred in the Lord Jesus Christ, and which shone out so pre-eminently the last few weeks of his life.”
If this little record should lead any one to love more fervently his dear Lord and Master, and to prize more highly His holy Word; or if it may be the means of strengthening any wavering faith, I shall indeed be thankful to Him to Whose blessing I commend it.
L. M. Bellett.
Clifton, Nov., 1894.

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