Sam Seder Lays Out The Majority Report's Nefarious Leftist Agenda

1 year ago

The Majority Report is not activism, but it is a hub for activists. Many people in the audience are union members or union organizers. Workers who look around their workplace and say, "this is BS" and fight for something better.

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Let's read some IMS. There's a great new leftist publication common Insider. There's nothing like common Insider in the morning says no ginger. I don't know what that means. Gross. Wait what is [Music]. Caribbean not even a funny one solidarity with veg Union Santa Clara doctors Union in San Jose California announced their strike this week after 93 percent of the members voted to strike last week. they have worked through the pandemic without a contract for the past two years if they strike it'll be the largest strike of doctors in recent history the 400 doctors participating. we should look into that for a Wednesday show. a duber the only other majority report listener I ever met in the world was volunteering as a canvasser for Beto in 2018. your audience is mostly people who do stuff. you have unionizes. with love more interviews with folks and all sorts of volunteer positions to get a sense of what to do and what's important. that's a good idea. I mean we you know we've been doing that a lot over the past couple of months with Union organizers. and and and you know these are just like regular folks like you who work at a place that is not unionized. or maybe it is and they start to organize more. and but you know we've talked to a lot of people who just decided one day like this is BS what's going on. and we need to start a union. yeah, one of my friends from high school used to work at Kickstarter and he knew Daniel Dorado who came on our show who was integral to the Kickstarter Union effort. so like they're just you know some of the people we've had are really just you know workers who wanted to like you said to get involved and organize and do it in a difficult place sometimes when it comes to digital organizing or Tech organizing. right yeah, it's easy for us to forget it sometimes but that is true when whenever people make the critique of like you know this is just training people to sit on their asses. like that's a worry. But I know of experience like my buddy Chris both running in the Democratic party and working in the teachers union stuff meets a lot of majority report listeners in Texas. yeah, I I mean certainly that's the goal that's the plan here. I mean I I I would much rather have a smaller audience that is doing stuff that takes what we get you to know we do on this program and in some part what we do on this program inspires educates motivates provide some type of resource or help or you know Aid. like I say we are people who are going to clip this I just saw from IM. but we are tools that should be used by activists. yeah I view it as we're not activists yeah or at least in this context we're not activists. like we're defensive for the activists and the people who are active agents I think. like and I think you can occasionally on margins like media can be a political for you know its own ends. but I think mainly it's like to make sure that like when unions go on the narratives of the bosses are countered and things like that. yes.

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