Need to Know News (4 November 2022) with Joe Olson and Chris Weinert

1 year ago

Don't worry, be happy, says the despicable President of Ukraine, who wants us to know there is no risk of Russia using nukes--even as the US and NATO gear up to deploy them. And what he isn't telling you is that Russia is far better equipped to prevail in a kinetic exchange with the West, the outcome of which will decimate (what most of us think of as) the civilized world. And it's coming faster than you think--even before this Tuesday, because the Biden admin is desperate to find an excuse to call off the midterms. The loss of natural gas to Europe means that the largest. producer of fertilizer, BASF, is shutting down and appears headed for China, which seals the fate of Europe, bringing with it a catastrophic collapse. The Supreme Court has upheld a stay on behalf of Donald Trump from having to share his tax returns with Congress; even as Kari Lake is being savaged by nasties from the other side. She is a pistol and calls 'em as she sees 'em, which scares the SHIT out of the Democrats. Even white suburban women have shifted right, moving 27 points away from the DEMs since August. Which means there is no way they can legitimately win the midterms. Even The Washington Post admits that conservatives love Trump but Democrats are dismayed with Biden. Not good for them! Lawsuits are proceeding that will expose the criminal roles of major players in the COVID scam, including Tony the Rat. And Laura Logan observes that the flood of migrants is part of a master plan to destroy sovereign states and create an amorphous North American Union as part of the New World Order. Rumble and Twitter are becoming bastions of freedom of speech, which cannot happen fast enough. Good for them!

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