May 14, 2005 🎺 The Lord says... People of the Earth, it is Time… Prepare to meet your God

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People of the Earth… Prepare to meet your God

May 14, 2005 – From The Lord, Our God and Savior – The Word of The Lord spoken to Timothy, for all Those who have Ears to hear

Thus says The Lord… My people have turned from Me, they have altogether forsaken The Lord their God!… Foolish children, married to a world awash in vanity and sin. Therefore the time has come, for My name to resound in all the earth, for all who dwell upon the earth to be humbled, to be broken without hand! Indeed, now is the time for all who have ears to hear, to hear and give heed; and for those who have not ears, to forbear and rebel against Me!

It is time for My servants to stand up, to receive My words and also do them; it is time to blow the trumpet and sound the alarm! For the ears of My elect are open, and within My prophets I have placed My voice, once again; I have surely put My words in their mouths. For I am The Lord, and I do not change… Behold, it is time for My Spirit to be poured out, for the hand of The Almighty to stir up the multitudes, and for The Word of God to separate and divide the people! It is time for My watchmen to proclaim the acceptable year of The Lord, and the day of vengeance of The Lord their God!

Therefore hear the word of The Lord, for thus says The Lord… Awaken, O foolish people! Arise from your beds, and prepare to meet your God! My children, cast away these veils which cover your heads; yes, even you, My people who dwell in Israel, hear the word of your Messiah! For I AM HE, He who was and is and is to come, YahuShua-YaHuWaH, God in the flesh, Immanu El; yes, He who is called Christ and Jesus, The Lord Your Righteousness!

For I had come into the world, yet you would not receive Me; behold, I am come again, and still you deny Me. Therefore hear and understand, and gain wisdom… The Father has proclaimed My glory from the beginning; even before the house of Israel was My glory put on open display. For I am in The Father and The Father is in Me, of which My works also testified, the works He sent Me to do, even the pain of the cross… Crucified, then placed in the tomb, raised to life after three days and three nights, fulfilling the sign of Jonah before the eyes of many witnesses.

And now the time has come, behold the day is near, when I shall give you yet another sign, even the sign of The Son of Man!… The heavens shall be divided, and divided again. The glory thereof stretching from the earth to Heaven, intersected even with the horizon, with equal glory, and the clouds shall be rolled back like a scroll!…

Behold the brilliance! Be bowed down, and weep! For The One whom you pierced is about to appear! Let every eye be opened therefore, let all in the earth see, until the fullness of the revelation is made complete! For all in the earth shall be humbled, and the pride of man shall be broken in that day!

For as it is written… The loftiness of man shall be bowed down, and the haughtiness of men shall be brought low, the idols shall be utterly abolished, and The Lord alone shall be exalted in that day! And for fear of The Lord, many shall go into the holes of the rocks, and into the caves of the earth, to hide themselves from the terror of The Lord and the glory of His majesty, when He arises to shake the earth mightily!

And behold, a great remnant shall emerge, who will not go into the holes of the rocks, nor into the caves of the earth, to hide themselves from the terror of The Lord and the glory of His majesty, but will stand fast with hands uplifted, singing praises to The Lord their God!

Yet woe to those who shake their fists toward Heaven; their destruction draws nigh! For as it is written of Me, so I am and shall be: My hand shall find all My enemies, My right hand shall overtake those who hate Me! At My appearing I will make them all like a fiery furnace, I shall swallow them up in My anger, and the fire of My wrath shall consume them! I will destroy them from the earth, and they shall have no descendants; I shall rid mankind of their posterity!

For they intended evil against Me, they devised and plotted many schemes, yet shall be unable to perform them! For My arrows were made ready from the beginning; and when I aim My bow at their faces, they shall flee! Therefore, I shall be exalted in My strength, and My people shall sing Me praises when I put My power on open display!

For The Lord God has a mighty and strong one whose sword proceeds from His mouth, sharp and gleaming; a double-edged sword which pierces to where the soul meets the spirit, cutting through to where the joint meets the bone, even to the marrow… The Holy One who breaks off every dry branch and throws it into the fire!

For the hearts of the ungodly produce only wickedness. Their throats are like open graves, their speech is full of deadly deceit; they are practiced liars, and with their tongues they spew all kinds of threats. And like venomous snakes, they conceal poison behind their lips; for their mouths are full of bitterness, and cursing is always upon their breath. They are quick to do harm, and are not afraid to kill; their ways bring only destruction, misery and death. For the way of peace is foreign to them, and the fear of The Lord they have not known.

Thus according to their wickedness, so shall they be judged. According to their evil deeds, so shall they receive recompense in full… Behold, by The Word of The Holy One of Israel shall they be struck down!… And in the brightness of His coming shall the wicked ones be consumed!

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