May 6, 2005 🎺 The Lord says... The Pearl is freely given to Those who ask

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The Lord says… The Pearl is freely given to Those who ask

May 6, 2005 – From The Lord, Our God and Savior – The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy, For His Wife, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Question asked by Timothy, for his wife… Lord, why does she feel so unsettled after her visit with Rose, a homeless person?

[Answer from The Lord]
Beloved, to the poor are we indebted, for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven. You have felt the Spirit upon you. You know now what your husband knows, for the Spirit is upon you, and it is called Truth. Beloved, compassion have you shown. This is the way of The Lord and your Christ’s… My way.

Feel not remorse, for theirs is the path they have chosen, which led to Me… No one is given to Me, unless The Father first calls them… Theirs is the path of salvation. Do not grieve for them, for what about them saddens you?… Rejoice, My child, for they have a home and a garden. I have prepared it for them, and soon will gather them up to Myself, so they may be where I am and dwell in the place I’ve prepared from the beginning. Indeed they are poor… In this world, very poor…

Look, and give thanks and praise, for The Lamb of God has placed the pearl in their hand… It is freely given to those who ask.

Beloved, you have much and are grateful. You have nothing and everything. You and she, whom you befriended, are both wealthy beyond words. The wealth you both have is equal, for to both have I given of Myself. See with the eyes of Christ… You have, but only as a woman… See with eyes wide. All you have is but a glimmer, a twinkle, here now and gone tomorrow. I see you only as you are, and will be, as all were meant to be purposed by The Father.

To one must all be lost to be found… To the next, nothing is lost and everything gained… Yet truly blessed are those, who never lost the pearl… But held it close their whole life.

All are born from and have the pearl with them. It is the world and the evil one, who deceives you into thinking you lost it, and that it never existed. Even he who lies and thieves, and is the father of them, may have the pearl, if he turns and accepts Him who holds the pearl in His right hand… It is lost to him, and even his part in life shall be removed from him in the Last Day… Forever separated from God, the second death.

Rejoice and give thanks for what you have, Beloved… And leap for joy for what you have received.

Do what you can for the poor and hungry and widows and orphans, for in your compassion, and helping hands of love, have you touched The Lord and the love of your Father who is in Heaven. Feel not guilt, over what you have and another does not.

All is The Father’s and given to those whom He chooses, and taken from those whom He chooses… Both will call to Him… For it is The Father’s will that all come to repentance and salvation in His Christ.

Sing amen, I say, sing amen… My work is nearly finished in all the earth. And all those whom ask of The Father, in His Begotten’s name, shall have the reward…

And where two or three gather together, in My name, assuredly I say to you, I am there. Amen, I say to you… My peace I give to you, but not as the world gives.

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