Satan Lucifer is desperate now! Resorting to claim great victory over God by undressing us in sleep

2 years ago

*** Intelligence news update from the Human Homo-Sapiens Race Survival Resistance (HRSR) headquarters and Republic Rebel Alliance battlefront (November 2022). They started attacking my left brain, as soon as I posted yesterday’s daily sermon, so they did not like my preaching. They love their Satan Lucifer’s “ordained & allowed & trained” pastors’ sermons. I would pray and it would go away, but it came back about 5 times. They attacked with psychic attacks during the public preaching, but God burned them down to ashes, and humiliated Satan Lucifer and his hell’s army again and glorified himself. They were attacking my left second toe and right kidney while I was cooking in the kitchen. I woke up during the night to go to the restroom, and later tried to retie the foot massage machine back over my genital, but it would not tie properly, and it would end up being loose every time, so I knew they were planning to attack, when that happens. Sure enough, in the morning when I woke up, all the dozens of ropes were pulled off, and the massage machine was pushed to the right side, in order to access my genital from the left side. It seems that loosening the ropes on whatever I tie over my genital is the only way that Satan Lucifer and his grand mighty noble penis-sucker vagina-fingerer anus-digger hell’s army can ever have any kind of sense of victory over us, so it is their last desperate stand against the Almighty Holy Righteous Loving Creator God YHWH Jesus by sucking penis and fingering vagina and digging anus, and sending their LGBTPBGD (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transvestite Pedophile Bestiality Gerontophile Dendrophile) astral perverts. This is the level of absolute degradation that Satan Lucifer and his millions of fallen angels and feminist witch world rulers and Satanist elites and hell’s army have lowered their pride to, out of sheer desperation to deceive themselves into thinking that they attained some kind of victory over the Almighty Holy Creator God and his army. It is like the parable of a tribe of natives that could not win against a certain nations’ army and navy and air force, so they went over to a farmer living in the outskirts of that nation and pulled down his pants while he was sleeping, and the tribe of natives conducted a great festival of dancing & singing to celebrate their presumed great victory over the nation. Next, they may try to shave our pet dog’s tail while he is sleeping, in order to claim a so-called great victory over us. If they have degraded so low, Satan Lucifer and his fallen angels and demons and Satanists and earth’s hidden matriarchal rulers and “gay mafia elite” and their world’s militaries are capable of doing anything out of desperation, which include plucking the anal hair of your cat to claim great victory. Such a sleep time drag queen underwear stealing hell’s army will get disintegrated by God and his heavenly army at Armageddon. Just watch. Now is the time to switch sides from the underwear stealing great army of Satan Lucifer to the heavenly army of the Almighty Holy Creator God who created heaven & earth, while you still have time. Soon, you will get thrown into the Lake of Fire with the rest of the “nighttime pants pulling down” Satan Lucifer’s demon army and world elites. Choose well whose side you fight on. Expose all their thousands of years old earth’s hidden matriarchal rulers reptilian hybrid feminist witch pedophile cannibal Satanists and “gay mafia elites” and Satan Lucifer and the “children’s adrenochrome blood-drinking vampire” fallen angel devils LGBTPBGD (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transvestite Pedophile Bestiality Gerontophile Dendrophile) perverted creatures and their bisexual multisexual nephilim & chimera fake aliens, so that they will time travel into your childhood to attack you sexually and harass you sexually throughout your life.

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