Attorney Lindy Urso

1 year ago

American Conversations
Public Policy Putting Children at Risk

CT Religious Exemption Lawsuit

The battle is on to restore the religious exemption for vaccination, which was repealed in 2021 after the longest and largest hearing in Connecticut history. Thousands testified against its repeal. The Democratic Party leadership, House speaker Matt Ritter, lead the charge to repeal religious rights. Ironically his father, former House Speaker Thomas Ritter, from 1993 to 1998 lead the charge in the 90s to strengthen religious freedom!! In fact, Connecticut is one of few states that has The Religious Freedom
Restoration Act, and one of a few states to repeal a religious right.

This is a clip of Attorney Lindy Urso giving an update on the case. Urso is confident the team can. He warns it will be through the legislature during the court battle where things can change.

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