Price Millions To Billions! These are the 10 most expensive cat breeds in the world

1 year ago

Who does not know this cute animal? Cats are the most popular pets in the world. There are so many types of cats that we can find, including the following expensive cats. This cat has a fantastic price when compared to cats in general. Now for those of you who are curious, here are the 10 most expensive cats in the world according to the #XScience version:

1. British Shorthair
The British Shorthair cat is a popular cat in Indonesia. This cat has physical characteristics that are stocky and short-haired. #British Shorthair cat prices range from 7 to 14 million.

2. Scottish Fold
Scottish fold cat is a unique cat that has ears folded forward. The price of a Scottish Fol cat ranges from 11 to 21 million Rupiah.

3. Sphynx
The Sphynx cat is a cat that does not have fur. The Sphynx cat is one of the most expensive cats in the world. The price of a sphynx cat ranges from 13 to 27 million Rupiah.

4. Russian Blue
The Russian Blue cat is a cute cat and a beautiful cat. This cat is included in the list of expensive cats in the world. The price of a Russian blue cat ranges from 7 to 43 million Rupiah.

5. Peterbald
The Peterbald cat is a hairless cat like the sphynx. The Peterbald cat has a price of around 43 million rupiah.

6. Persian
The most expensive Persian cat? Eits, it doesn't feel like it for now. But this cat was once in the ranks of the most expensive cat of its time. Persian cat is indeed not an expensive cat today. But this cat was once sold at a price of 3000 US Dollars or the equivalent of 43 million rupiah.

7. Maine Coons
The Maine Coon cat is the largest cat in the world. Maine Coon cats are cats that are not afraid of water. The price of a Maine Coon cat can reach 50 million Rupiah for those who pass the test.

8. Bengal
The Bengal cat is a type of jungle cat that is expensive. This cat has a price ranging from 21 to 72 million Rupiah.

9. Savannah
The Savannah cat is a graceful and exotic hybrid cat. Savannah cats have an expensive price, the price of a Savannah cat can reach 290 million Rupiah.

10. Ashera
Ashera cat is the most expensive cat in the world. Ashera is also known as a rare cat because there are only 5 Ashera kittens each year. The price of the Ashera cat can penetrate the figure of 1.7 billion Rupiah

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